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Anonymous No. 16293199

Let me start by presenting this concept, chirality (pic related)

>Chirality /kaJˈrælJtiː/ is a property of asymmetry important in several branches of science. The word chirality is derived from the Greek χείρ (kheir), "hand", a familiar chiral object.

>An object or a system is chiral if it is distinguishable from its mirror image; that is, it cannot be superposed (not to be confused with superimposed) onto it. Conversely, a mirror image of an achiral object, such as a sphere, cannot be distinguished from the object. A chiral object and its mirror image are called enantiomorphs (Greek, "opposite forms") or, when referring to molecules, enantiomers. A non-chiral object is called achiral (sometimes also amphichiral) and can be superposed on its mirror image.

I just have a hunch it's related to my following question:

Question: What are some proven or possible effects of having your head aligned, or tilted in a certain direction.

For instance when you are in bed, and you turn to your side, or lay down (stomach down), you might have the left side of your head facing the pillow, and the right side of your head facing the sky/upwards.

When you use the other side of your head, your right side of the head faces downwards, and your left side upwards.

When I assume one of these positions, can I be aligning my head with some sort of field or force that can have some effects on my brain, my psyche, my reality?

I have personal experience that leads me to believe that the effects actually exist, but I don't know how to call them or what they are.

And by effects I mean, my reality can change, when I switch sides.

Initially I thought it was actually dependent on direction, east vs west, but I now believe it's the sides of the head facing up or down.

Anonymous No. 16293229

>When I assume one of these positions, can I be aligning my head with some sort of field or force that can have some effects on my brain, my psyche, my reality?
If there's, somehow, an EM field present that is strong enough to affect your brain activity, I'd say yes, it'd matter how your head is oriented.