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🗑️ 🧵 Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed death rates in England

Anonymous No. 16293241

Anonymous No. 16293243

Does this correct for age?

Anonymous No. 16293251

>Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed
in 2024... let it go, anon, let it go

Anonymous No. 16293260

>nothing to see here goyim! move along

Anonymous No. 16293269

Right on cue. As soon as President Mandate drops out of the US race for president, all around the world data starts to leak out about the damage caused by President Warp Speed's vaccines.
Sorry but there's about to be several hundred million dollars spent on demonizing the Warp Speed vaccine. You will be here a week from now with new programming, screaming about how you were tricked into getting the injections and that issues around the vaccine's approval by President Warp Speed are the most important issues in the history of humanity.

Anonymous No. 16293279

I will let it go when they do a single double blind study on the vaccine
we both know this will never happen

Anonymous No. 16293309

>President Warp Speed
Bro, this is from the UK. And this data isn't new, it's released periodically. OP is just a faggot, there's nothing wrong with the vaccine and Operation Warp Speed was a great success that Biden tried taking credit for.

Anonymous No. 16293379

And the leak in Germany? Globalists use tools across the globe to get their way. That's part of what makes them Globalists. Data from anywhere, including the UK, will be amplified instead of buried, in service of the Globalist agenda.
You might not have noticed but Biden is no longer running for president. His mistakes can now be dumped on him since he's no longer the primary block against President Warp Speed getting power again. Old white men were the face of the pandemic response and will be who receive all the blame as part of the effort to keep President Warp Speed out of office.

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he didn't ma....jpg

Anonymous No. 16294247

Anonymous No. 16294589


Two of the german big critics died of cancer.

But can it still be endemic covid, given all the data showing correlations with vaccine uptake in the vaccinated?

Anonymous No. 16294596


Apparently Steve Kirsch was vaccinated in before mid 2021 with moderna, just like Robert Malone.

They both said it on the Weinstein podcast. So given all data, this is more likely to be another vax injury.

Anonymous No. 16294606

Why do you want to molest the data, you degenerate piece of shit?

Anonymous No. 16294609

Oooo young data, so erotic.

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Anonymous No. 16294615


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Anonymous No. 16295661

mfw dead vaxxxies

Anonymous No. 16295667

The pandemic isn't over until Pfizer pays refunds.

Anonymous No. 16295671

is this a bot thread to slide real threads?

Anonymous No. 16296864


Anonymous No. 16297060

Oh so now that it turned out to be a big ol' nothing happened virus we need to let it go but when it started you literally wanted to put us in concentration camps for not obeing your retarded orders and freedom restriction.
Fuck you.

Anonymous No. 16297196

520 pages of /pol/ was always right.

Anonymous No. 16297461

Are you a bot to slide real threads?

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Anonymous No. 16298023

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nature says covid....jpg

Anonymous No. 16299351

Anonymous No. 16299357

His cancer was cured retard

Anonymous No. 16300880

no it wasn't

Anonymous No. 16301471

Ask me how I know you're the retard here.

Anonymous No. 16301480

I also have brain damage and don't understand why people who take Alzheimer's medication have higher rates of Alzheimer's than those who don't.

Anonymous No. 16302710

you seem upset, why does this thread rustle your jimmies so badly?

Anonymous No. 16303349

>noooo stop talking about the novid scamdemic and eugenics programs
I'll let it go when people hang.

Anonymous No. 16305005

vaxxies experience cognitive dissonance when they see data that doesn't resonate with their beliefs with respect to vaccines and supposed covid epidemic

Anonymous No. 16305009

The relative odds of dying between vaxxed and unvaxxed participants should decrease rather than increase if the differential in mortality is caused by age.

Anonymous No. 16306558

>over 600% increased risk of death for the vax'd
thank you based science for holocausting the NPCs

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Anonymous No. 16307979

Only and insignificantly small fraction of the people who were targeted for elimination by the vax have died so far. Sterilizing them is good for subsequent generations of humanity, but in the here and now it does nothing for me. We need TVD and we need it yesterday

Anonymous No. 16308183

>People who were scared and in poor health took the vax
>People who didn't give a shit about this stupid flu shot because they don't wanna miss arm day didn't take the vax

Anonymous No. 16308438

Also agoraphobics that have zero virus risk b/c never outside are unvaxxed.

Anonymous No. 16308444

Imagine having gotten the experimental gene therapy.

Anonymous No. 16308499


Anonymous No. 16309411

Imagine taking an untested experimental injection for any reason at all

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16309479


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Anonymous No. 16309485


Anonymous No. 16310331

Wait till they tune all the 5G towers to the death frequency.....

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Anonymous No. 16311571

Anonymous No. 16312527

there is never going to be forgiveness. It showed that 2/3 of the population has to be genocided, not in a humane way but as brutal, public and grotesque as possible, so the cultural artifacts of the collectivists and opportunists gruesome deaths remain for centuries.

Anonymous No. 16312548

I worked a brief gig manning a hotline for a big vaxx company where doctors could report side effects of the vaccine they found. We received almost none, but one doctor reported a patient of his lost sight in one eye without any explanation, and he blames the vaccine for it. Any takers on the biological mechanism that would cause that?

Anonymous No. 16312563

Sure, I'll trust a graph from some anon who can't spell.

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Anonymous No. 16312565


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Anonymous No. 16313770


Anonymous No. 16314410

yes exactly. OPs chart is bullshit, its just saying that old people (more likely vaxxed) die more frequently than young people (less likely vaxxed)

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Anonymous No. 16314681

Anonymous No. 16315201

South korean study is conclusive:

Anonymous No. 16315209

>a booster vaccination was associated with an increased risk of some AI-CTDs including alopecia areata, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
t. Mother Fucking Nature Dot Com

Anonymous No. 16315475

Is this in absolute numbers? Most people are vaccinated, most people falling off ladders are vaccinated. The vaccine causes ladders!

Anonymous No. 16316355

>I need to resort to using fallacious arguments
its like admitting that you're wrong

🗑️ sage No. 16316401

>doesn't have anything to counter-argue
Glad we cleared that up. Next bait thread please!

Anonymous No. 16317468

The materialists actually thought mass gene therapy experimentation was a good idea.

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Anonymous No. 16318328


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Anonymous No. 16319619

>take the vax like a goodgoy sissy
>get cuckd by pureblood chads

Anonymous No. 16320692

you think 34% is low, but Africa was under 10%

Anonymous No. 16320910

Why are moderna's numbers generally better than pfizer's?

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Anonymous No. 16322527

its funny how the people who treat nature as an infallible bible suddenly stop thinking nature is an accurate source of Information when nature reports that the vax causes AIDS like symptoms

Anonymous No. 16322561

This. I don't care.

Anonymous No. 16324177

sure you do, you wouldn't have been emotionally triggered enough to go to the effort to try and make a disdainful response to the thread if you truly didn't care. if you were indifferent you'd have just scrolled past and engaged with content that you did care about.
just be honest, this thread upsets you because you got vax'd and now you regret your poorly conceived decision. you'll never get smarter unless you're willing to admit your mistakes and learn from them.

Anonymous No. 16324277

Medication isn't a vaccine. The former is used to treat an existing condition, the latter is to prevent a condition from happening.
>I also have brain damage
The only relevant part of your post.

Anonymous No. 16326190

Vaxxies will never learn, thats why its good that they're sterilized

Anonymous No. 16327753

tricking undesirables into injecting themselves with poison is even more efficient than rounding them up and holocausting them

Anonymous No. 16329320

OK, sorry

Anonymous No. 16329491

I like this quote because whenever anyone uses it, it can simultaneously be used for or against their argument!

Anonymous No. 16329567

no refunds

Anonymous No. 16329578

the /pol theory is that without a high white population they mostly would just starve so death vaxxing them was not a priority.

Anonymous No. 16329653

i'm sure this thread is filled with actual scientists and not tourists from /pol/

Anonymous No. 16329699

um chuddy you know that terminally online /pol/tards are akshuallyt MUCH smarter than libtarded scientists!!!

Anonymous No. 16329737

Because older people are more likely to die, in a well-known and predictable way (of course statistically, not individually.) If they were also more or less likely to be vaccinated, this would show up in that chart under the wrong label ("vaccinated" instead of simply "older")

Anonymous No. 16331218

>high white population
whites are less than 8% of the population on the planet.

Anonymous No. 16332151


UK fucked a lot with this data.

You were considered “unvaccinated” for weeks after your first shot.

This data does not show what you believe it does, lmao

Anonymous No. 16333672

go to >>>/pol/ if you're on 4chan to discuss politics, this is the science board

Anonymous No. 16335055


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turbo vax cancer.png

Anonymous No. 16336433

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16336436

NPC Wervo detected.

Where NPCs and pretend to talk to each other but aim to create a small crunching sound in living minds.

Anonymous No. 16337292

me 2nd from left

Anonymous No. 16338589

based fauci holocausting the npcs