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Anonymous No. 16293370

in 1st year at some local CC
>tried humanities, hated them
>tried law, hated it
>tried to dabble in the arts, hated them
>tried to dabble in the medical path, proficient at bio/chem but don’t want to work in clinic
>hate finance/the thought of taxes
>don’t care for business/consulting

Only logical step seems to be engineering; Have an A in Calc I and I’m on my way to having one in Physics I, (heard calc II will end my life) but the stuff I’m good at in physics is everything but statics. Rotational mechanics, kinematics, work/energy I’m fine. Intuition-based free body diagrams? Dogshit.

>mechanical engineering isn’t for me because i hate statics
>havent taken physics II so dont know if id like electrical, need to apply to a degree by december
>chemE is totally fucked in entry level sector

Not passionate about anything. I’m good at math, but that’s about it. Seriously considering pivoting towards compsci/software eng because that’s where the moneys at.


Anonymous No. 16293374

Computer engineering

Anonymous No. 16293381

>Not passionate about anything
Why even live than? Seriously. I'm not telling you to anhero, the opposite. You need to find a reason to live. You won't ever be happy chasing bullshit you don't really want. It could be the difference between wasting your life in a decent paying job to nowhere and living a full robust enjoyable life many envy. Choose wisely and don't invest your time and life force into things you aren't passionate about.

Anonymous No. 16293385

My mom said the same — to do something I like. I don’t seem to have a burning passion for anything though, at this point I’m in it for the money because I’ve been exposed to most things. The closest thing I have to a passion is physics/math, hence the engineering thought.

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Anonymous No. 16293834

no career advice allowed.