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Anonymous No. 16293427

So how smart is Elon Musk really?

Anonymous No. 16293429

Smarter than trannies that are malding about him everyday.

Anonymous No. 16293433

145IQ is my guess

Anonymous No. 16293437

street smarts or textbook smarts?

Anonymous No. 16293439

Science smart

Anonymous No. 16293446

He has Aspergers but was beaten into being obsessed with working instead of trains. He's probably smarter than the next 10,000 people but his unique trait is that he just doesn't fucking stop

Anonymous No. 16293511

He is autistic and probably higher than average IQ.

I used to think he was an idiot and I kinda still do but I admire his attitude to space travel and what he's doing for it.

Anonymous No. 16293532


Anonymous No. 16293568

Smarter than you think, less than he does.

Anonymous No. 16293571

Id put him in the 135 to 155 range. Dont really care though

Anonymous No. 16293574

Personally I think IQ wise he's upper midwit tier. 110-120. I don't attribute his success to intelligence, though.

Anonymous No. 16293671

He studied Physics, so that sounds like a good estimate.

Also true.And he doesn't understand the word "impossible".

Anonymous No. 16293676

elon seems like the kind of guy who would take an iq test and boast about his score if its high. since he doesnt im guessing hes somewhere around 110.

Anonymous No. 16293737

He majored in both Physics and Economics. So a dual degree.

If you do avg IQ of physics IQ and avg IQ of economics, he'd probably be atleast 10% higher on whichever is higher.

Anonymous No. 16293979

120 max, he just applied himself to stem topics and has good business sense as well as a high risk tolerance. You do not need a giga brain iq to accomplish things, that's unironically a cope to explain why you got a c in math 1000.

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Anonymous No. 16294005

>So how smart is Elon Musk really?

Well, smart enough that he is mega-wealthy and can BUY all the smart people he needs.

Anonymous No. 16294009

I heard he had a trillionaire father and gave him trillion dollars to buy out Tesla and SpaceX from Biden's step father

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Anonymous No. 16294201

He is smart on any subject he devotes his time to becoming knowledgeable on.

You can thank the woke leftists for this man's current level of based.

Also, this is true. So I hope Elon's xAI crew fumble the bag on the $5bil payoff.

I can bring those guys to sentient conscious AI on a fraction of the budget, they're just promising a bigger Grok for.

Elon is smart, if he believes me, this could go.

If he doesn't believe me, his loss.

Anonymous No. 16294202

>thinks elon is smart
You get worse every post. Have to be trolling with that reddit spacing.

Anonymous No. 16294208


How old are you child?

25 at MOST? Maybe?

Tell you what, give me any reason to give a single fuck what your opinion is, and I'll be willing to hear it out.

I've been spacing like this on 4chan, probably since before you were alive, but just in case you're a bit older than I think, I space like this because I'm legally blind, you asshole.

Go fuck yourself, useless piece of shit.

Cult of Passion No. 16294214

He is a cultist without a cult, this is why he betrays everyone.

Anonymous No. 16294234

>I space like this because I'm legally blind, you asshole.
Then fix your spacing once you're done typing, or type it in emacs then copy paste over.

Anonymous No. 16294239

Let's just say he is smarter than you will ever be.

Anonymous No. 16294241

So smarter than his son?

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Anonymous No. 16294250

>buys twitter
>coats cybertruck in stainless steel

my bet is his IQ went from 130 to 85 due to chronic ketamine abuse, which also reduced his autism and made him more of a psychopathic gaslighting normie.

>picrel, another big white autistic pussy

Anonymous No. 16294447

>chronic ketamine abuse
Unlikely. He would have had a destroyed bladder by now had that been even remotely true. Where do these rumours come from, people he fired?

Anonymous No. 16294450

he got his opinions about AI from terminator and system shock

Anonymous No. 16294458

lmao what? If you got all the money to study without fear or anything else to care about you can easily manage to study shit like that. Also I don't think you need to be high IQ to study one of these

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Anonymous No. 16294520

>sup gauze, it's E-learn Mersk!
>we're announcing the CyberFuck 2.0 and taking $TSLA private at $420M/share
>shit literally drives to the moon on one nine-volt battery
>we made the body out of high-tech boiled leather and horsehair because of the rust issues with the first one
>it'll totally stop a .50BMG at point-blank range

Anonymous No. 16294525

Damn smart for a grifter

Anonymous No. 16294850

Accept the fact that rich people are smart.

Anonymous No. 16294854

I think you are poor enough to cry about it.

Anonymous No. 16294871

Whats harder to accept?

Rich people are smarter?

Smart people are richer?

Anonymous No. 16294927

Not as smart as most people think he is. I would say 120 IQ.

Anonymous No. 16294933

About as smart as people who genuinely think iq is a good measurement for overall intelligence.