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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16293548

Is shit like finite basis representation/DVR/singular value decomposition somehow obscure knowledge on this board? None of this shit is particularly hard, but the moment someone uses the q-word all the subhumans come out of the woodwork and fling shit.

Anonymous No. 16294440

lmao if you just had said quantum mechanics you would have at least gotten bot and schizo responses

Anonymous No. 16294593

>None of this shit is particularly hard

Then tell where i can learn about it

Anonymous No. 16294777

Of course most people on this board don't know about it, half of the threads belong on >>>/x/ and the other half on >>>/pol/


Anonymous No. 16295116

It's just a shame because one of the biggest setbacks of quantum stuff from what I have experienced first hand boils down to "how not to have to compute a 10^N dimensional integral", so a lot of actual progress in the past decades that I am aware of is basically really clever data compression. But every time I try to discuss shit like this on this board the /x/ schizos drown out any sensible discourse. It's been like this for years and it's infuriating. I can't even remember if it ever was any different.

Anonymous No. 16295150

show me a 20 minute yt video or sub-100 page document that describes how

Anonymous No. 16295350


WORL No. 16295371

What the fuck do you mean fagpot united, in English please. Was this directed at me?