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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16293659

Umm bros? Can LHC really send information to the past?

Anonymous No. 16293660

No it can't.

Anonymous No. 16293663

I'm not even going to bother reading that but I assume it's based on a misunderstanding of delayed choice quantum eraser or other quantum spookiness.

Anonymous No. 16293664

It's not. But I recommend you read it, not because it's correct (it isn't) but because it's a really nice premise for a sci-fi novel. In fact, I'd be surprised if something similar hasn't already been published.

Anonymous No. 16293666

not him but it probably has been explored in works of fiction
the market is so saturated though
also >>>/lit/ is a great place to discuss fiction (sci-fi)

Anonymous No. 16293686

>/sci/ is a slow board, with many threads only getting a few replies for days.
>Yet within 6 minutes 4 posters have appeared in this thread to deny it
Really suspicious, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16293687

>LHC is a collider and giant sensor
If I'm supposed to take this as sci-fi, it needs to be more creatively written so I can momentarily suspend disbelief. "Giant sensor" is unimaginative and bland.

Anonymous No. 16293693

i didn't deny anything fag
i pointed out how the market for sci-fi is already at capacity in response to other anon
you know why lurkers show up to these threads so quickly? they're interesting and inflamitory
potential fun to be had
cope moar and lurk moar
we ain't bots or shills, well, I'm not at least
the entire site has been flooded with 'em lately, so maybe you're on to something, but I'm not part of that something
and you didn't even read my post
but you still accused me of being sus
fuck you!

Anonymous No. 16293707

Can you point out how it is incorrect then?

Anonymous No. 16293716

Sure, that's not how space or time work.

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Anonymous No. 16293722

John Woo directed a forgettable Ben Affleck movie based on this.

Anonymous No. 16293734

anything can. time travel is trivial.

Anonymous No. 16293778

I use a bot that auto destroys retarded threads like this.

Anonymous No. 16293835

Suspicious indeed.
Within 21 seconds someone responded to deny.
If OP wasn't samefagging I'm a little bit disturbed that a response came in that fast on this board.

Anonymous No. 16293879

tl;dr dont trust anything or anyone claiming retrograde time travel. not possible without negative energy, higher dimensional transversal or maybe some (completely fictitious) temporal uncertainties on the quantum level that do not exist and never will

Anonymous No. 16293882

Given what I've seen in this thread I'm starting to think the merchants are hiding time travel from the goy.

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Anonymous No. 16293889

The thing that's way more important than the ridiculous conspiracy bullshit: how was he able to post on 4chan with a VPN?

Anonymous No. 16293894

By using a 4chan pass

Anonymous No. 16293896

the jew is exposed

Anonymous No. 16293899

idk what i expected from 4chan but ofc you believe in the schizoid retard conspiracy of jewish world control and extreme lobbying. go believe in flat earth next or something. at least it doesn't violate ALL of known science, just MOST of it.

Anonymous No. 16293902

ok schlomo
the goy know what you built the lhc as a time machine
time for damage control

Anonymous No. 16293903

What purpose does a VPN even serve here? Most will hand out your data to the feds, and it's especially easy for them when you pay for a 4chan pass, where all the payment methods can be used to deanonymize you.

Anonymous No. 16293954

>not possible without negative energy
negative energy is just potential energy

Anonymous No. 16294260

Hypercymatic temporary signal bounce render
There's that future gigaproject minituarised in one way

Anonymous No. 16294263


Anonymous No. 16294266

Hmm what about negative hrtz frequencies?

Anonymous No. 16294268

its wrong because the author is a polcel

Anonymous No. 16294310

>LHC is such a powerful collider and exotic sensor that even your mom can't comprehend his magnificent implication when I stick it in her.

Anonymous No. 16294329

Define frequency, and how you think it can be negative.

Anonymous No. 16294344

>I hate 4chan
>everyone on 4chan is so stupid
>except me of course, I'm a super special unique snowflake genius
why are you here if you hate 4chan and hate everyone who uses the site?

Anonymous No. 16294352

Can you send Dr. Pepper into the past? I need to know.

Anonymous No. 16294360

Doesn't make sense, it would be like having an open 4chan post where anyone through all of time can just add in characters but not remove them, it would be indecipherable unless it was deleted and archived within the first couple of edits.

Anonymous No. 16294365

NTA, but frequency is repetitions per second and if the repetition is measured by way of cycles into the past instead of the future, it would be a negative rate instead of positive.

Anonymous No. 16294367

Dr. Pepper is already in the past, so that time travel mission must have been successful.

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Anonymous No. 16294388

>retarded niggerbaby doesn't understand that there isn't anything outside the present moment

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Anonymous No. 16294397

Anonymous No. 16294398

Kind of like how you clearly can't comprehend what you would feel like now if you didn't have breakfast today?

Anonymous No. 16294400

Whether or not you had breakfast is irrelevant, the past state no longer exists

Anonymous No. 16294402

Which means that past state is definitely outside the present moment which you clearly can't comprehend since you are the type of person who doesn't understand what you might feel like if you hadn't been able to eat today.

Anonymous No. 16294406

>Which means that past state is definitely outside the present moment
Which is irrelevant, as it is no longer that state, thus no new information can be extracted from it, ergo it doesn't exist

Anonymous No. 16294408

>Which is irrelevant,
Wrong it is totally relevant to being outside of the present.

>as it is no longer that state
Which makes it even further removed from the present moment.

>thus no new information can be extracted from it, ergo it doesn't exist
Which means it well outside of the parameters of the present moment, exactly the opposite of your original claim.

Anonymous No. 16294414

Are You acronyming not the asshole? Why?
And You're not going to gallivant that idea You just defined rather than invented and then praise satan, are You?

Anonymous No. 16294418

NTA is the acronym for Not That Anon because I am not the anon that was directly asked the question just someone else who knew the answer, but genuinely has no idea what else you are trying to ask.

Anonymous No. 16294421

I wish you didn't answer for him, whenever anyone brings up frequency you can ask this question and get insane schizo responses.
Sure, you could model a mathematical negative frequency, but it is meaningless in the real world, which is why my question was interesting.

Anonymous No. 16294424

Okay! Goodluck!

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Anonymous No. 16294456

It is only separate conceptually, retard, the past and future are extrapolations, not physical occurences

Anonymous No. 16294459

>It is only separate conceptually, retard
So the past and future do exist to the exact same degree as the present, you were just speaking "conceptually" when you said they didn't?

Anonymous No. 16294478


Anonymous No. 16294479

So then the past and future are outside of present moment and you were full of shit when you said there isn't anything outside the present moment?

Anonymous No. 16294483


Anonymous No. 16294487

So you just like saying retarded shit that is logically unsound so people will correct you and you can simply tell them no given you can't actually justify the retarded shit you say in an effort to garner attention?

Anonymous No. 16294494

Try passing the mirror test before delving into topics outside your expertise.

Anonymous No. 16294495

Try making a logically sound argument instead of inventing strawmen so you can apply non sequitur ad hominem attacks instead of using reasoning and a healthy vocabulary to justify your original claim.

Anonymous No. 16294497

I'm sorry the concept of something not existing is difficult for your little smoothbrain, but if you can't figure out something as simple and self-explanatory as that then there is no point in entertaining your retarded ass

Anonymous No. 16294498

If there is negative frequency, can there be Accelerated frequency and is that how the chronovisors function?

Anonymous No. 16294504

What I don't understand because you can't explain it because it is logically unsound is how something can "not exist" without specifically being outside of existence, it has to be one or the other, by definition.

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Anonymous No. 16294506

>I don't understand how my reflection doesn't exist when I haven't moved in front of the mirror yet it doesn't make any sense!!!

Anonymous No. 16294512

That little metaphor might makes sense if there was only 1 mirror and that mirror was the only thing that could reflect and if we were actually talking about reflections instead of light itself.

Anonymous No. 16294529

Meth's a helluva drug

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Anonymous No. 16294537

>lose argument
>start spewing retardation
Sad, many such cases

Anonymous No. 16294539

I didn't lose anything, you are the retard who came up with a silly argument that assumes 1 mirror is the only thing that reflects your image and only when you are directly in front of it when every drop of moisture at every angle of incident has your reflection embedded in it.

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Anonymous No. 16294549

>I didn't lose anything, you are the retard who came up with a silly argument that assumes 1 mirror is the only thing that reflects your image and only when you are directly in front of it when every drop of moisture at every angle of incident has your reflection embedded in it.

Anonymous No. 16294554

Glad you agree, it was so true you had to make sure it was said twice. I accept your concession and you can quote this too all you want if you want to signal you have accepted it as truth too.

Anonymous No. 16294560

Take your meds and go to school, schizo

Anonymous No. 16294563

What school did you go to where you were taught retarded shit like reflections stop existing the moment you aren't directly in front of the 1 mirror capable of reflecting?

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Anonymous No. 16294569

The LHC creates a black hole, which can be used to compress information, which can then be sent back in time.

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Anonymous No. 16294580

Total ESL retard, at least make an attempt to construct an argument in line of the discussion instead of inventing random unrelated schizophrenic scenarios

Anonymous No. 16294590

Totally sensible arguments like reflections don't exist if you aren't looking right at them?

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Anonymous No. 16294594

Nobody said that ESL-kun, learn to read, please.

Anonymous No. 16294595

>67 replies
>Still no detailed refutation to the demonstration in the pic, just a bunch of vague coping
Oh, which means it is indeed correct, otherwise why can't you basedentists refute it?

Anonymous No. 16294603

There is nothing to refute, it's just retarded /x/-tier schizophrenia written by some tard who didn't pass 5th grade physics

Anonymous No. 16294610

Based Natalia poster

Anonymous No. 16294623

>it's wrong because... it's just IS OKAY?!?

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Anonymous No. 16294830

It's wrong because it's schizophrenic jargon without a shred of evidence or correspondence to known physical phenomena, now take your shitposting ass back to r*ddit and don't come back, faggot

Anonymous No. 16295177

time is merely a measure of the motion of objects in relationship to one anther. If all motion were stopped, and there were no more energetic exchanges, there would no longer be the measure you refer to as time.
There is no "past" to return to. There are only accounts and evidence of past actions ingrained in material objects.
The 'Future' is what we make it, but truly there is only the moment and motion. Space and time are not things unto themselves, but measures of distances and difference in relationship to objective matter.

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ayy pepe.jpg

Anonymous No. 16296115

It is possible, but not with 100% reliability.

Anonymous No. 16296999

wrong, >>16294506 said that

Anonymous No. 16297000


Anonymous No. 16298110


Anonymous No. 16298364

No that's just potential energy, pretty sure they mean anti energy (think antimatter)