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🧵 What branch or aspect of maths makes you go gaga?

Anonymous No. 16293876

Anonymous No. 16293880

axioms. I can't see the numbers therefore numbers not real

Anonymous No. 16293904

I meant "gaga" as in it enthralls you.

Anonymous No. 16293932

Algebraic geometry
Algebraic topology
Differential geometry
Differential topology
Functional analysis
Operator algebra
Representation theory

Anonymous No. 16293936

Measure theory is melting my brain and making me feel retarded, but in a good way

Anonymous No. 16293940

Calculus, mainly just because there's so many different levels and specializations in the field. You can do standard differential and integral calculus in basic physics, but you can also combine it with so many more complex things. Maxwell's equations, Fourier transforms, Navier-Stokes, Laplace transforms, the Schrödinger equation, etc.

Any math which doesn't have applications in physics is communist propaganda.

Anonymous No. 16293947

Number theory

Anonymous No. 16293956

>Any math which doesn't have applications in physics is communist propaganda
Is that why commies were so good at cryptography/espionage historically?

Anonymous No. 16293958

I'm a math novice by all accounts but logic (specifically sets and symbolc notation) is really appealing to me for some reason. I would like to eventually be competent in calculus and differential equations

Anonymous No. 16293959

I'm talking about epsilon-delta shit. I'm an applied-math supremacist. Pure math is gay and retarded.

Anonymous No. 16294000

Group theory makes me go [math]g^{-1}a^{-1}ga[/math]

Anonymous No. 16294006

>Any math which doesn't have applications in physics is communist propaganda.
Physics cels got btfod by abstract algebra and never recovered

Anonymous No. 16294007

>I'm talking about epsilon-delta shit. I'm an applied-math supremacist. Pure math is gay and retarded.
Now now chud, we all know yoh were filtered hard by first semester analysis and linear algebra

Anonymous No. 16294020

I'm quite decent at analysis and competent coder. Abstract Algebra on the hand make me wanna kms. I never be a pure mathematician at this point.

Anonymous No. 16294163

Real analysis is also used for applied math. The only difference between 'pure' and 'applied' math is that one is immediately useful for some application

Anonymous No. 16294287


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Anonymous No. 16294345

geometry. have you constructed a square with the area of a given circle yet? before you repeat the same answer that everybody else repeats, constructing a square with the area of a given circle and constructing a square with the same area of a circle are two different things.

Anonymous No. 16294353

optimal control
dynamic programming
calc of variations
stochastic calculus
partial differential eq's
delay differential eq's