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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16293933

Is "climate science" really science? They don't do any double blind studies and they possess no predictive power

Anonymous No. 16293935

It's a science in the same way that "computer science" is

Anonymous No. 16293938

How on earth would you do a double blind study on something like the climate (which is by definition many year-long averages in global scale weather in a region).

Double blind RCT kind of studies are great for things like medicine or exercise science where you're trying to isolate a particular causal factor in a multifactorial process. It's basically impossible with something like climate.

Anonymous No. 16293939

>They don't do any double blind studies
I can't tell if these threads are made by bots or nolifers, but you guys are funny

Anonymous No. 16293941

What part of settled do you not understand?
You don't get to question it anymore.

bodhi No. 16293945

>How on earth would you do a double blind study
You cant dipshit, that is the point

Anonymous No. 16293950

Ah, so your point is that you think "science == double blind study" even when that's a completey retarded standard that doesn't even make sense? Do you ask civil engineers to do double blind studies on structural failures for bridges too?

Anonymous No. 16293953

Yes. Astronomy isn't a real science either sweety

Anonymous No. 16293972

Climate is all about the arriving glacial period.
Temperature increase-> heat gradient between equator-north pole fades -> Gulfstream diminishes (measurable) -> area supporting snowfall grows -> snow reflects sunlight -> cooling accelerates -> glaciers form

Save your money.
>muh CO2
o, unfortunately. A lot of atmospheric CO2 will get diluted in the water around the glaciers and get photosynthsized by algea, eventually turning to oil again.
The Anthropocene is OVER!

Anonymous No. 16294270

climate deniers eat tomatoes

Anonymous No. 16294278

about a team of researchers studying dinoflagellate cyst fossils:
>By analyzing the fossils in different layers of the sediments, the team reconstructed the “paleoclimate” of southern Italy between about 200 B.C.E. and C.E. 600, with a resolution of roughly three years.

The reconstructions show that cooler periods—which had average temperatures as much as three degrees Celsius lower than the highs of preceding centuries for decades at a time—coincided with Roman reports of major pandemics

climate change killed the roman empire

Anonymous No. 16294313

Why are you posting a twitter screenshot from someone roleplaying the matrix?

Anonymous No. 16294315

why does this thread upset you so badly?

Anonymous No. 16294626

Don't bother, the Anon you replied two has two working brain cells at best. While one is highly occupied trying to falsely comprehend information, the other is touching his sensitive parts

Anonymous No. 16294632

>The architect
>Guy from The Matrix
>Being a pseud
Why is X (formerly Twitter) so cringe? Can science explain this phenomenon?

Anonymous No. 16295278

I don't care about this thread. I just want to know why you're using a screenshot from someone pretending to be a character from a cringy movie.

Anonymous No. 16295660

this thread clearly upsets you, why are you trying to deny that? your emotional distress is made readily apparent by the language you choose to use

Anonymous No. 16295664

I think you're projecting, and I'm not that anon. Very defensive, repeating the same "insult."

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Anonymous No. 16295757

>possess no predictive power
hmm, it's been predicted for decades that average global temperatures would rise.
Are you trolling, or are you ignorant?

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Anonymous No. 16295758

>hmm, it's been predicted for decades that average global temperatures would rise.
seriously, OP, are you trolling, or are you ignorant?

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Anonymous No. 16295761

or are you getting paid by somebody to disinform others, OP?
Which one is it?

bodhi No. 16295890

>replied two
pottery, stfu retard

Anonymous No. 16296364


How dare you question our experts?!?! They said they know everything and they posted it on x and facebook, so it must be real! You're racist if you don't agree

Anonymous No. 16296369

it's actually much worse than "climate". All cultures are very clear about what happened back then, but most people are too stupid to pay attention and believe the reality. This is why history is so messed up and makes no sense if you look at the mainstream version objectively.

Anonymous No. 16296406

>How on earth would you do a double blind study on something like the climate
You cant, hence climate science is not science.

Anonymous No. 16296412

The standard is the scientific method. No one said it was easy or doable every time, if you cant do an experiment because hard, then it isnt science. Theres no bending of the rules when it gets hard

Anonymous No. 16296431

>standard is the scientific method
What is the "scientific method"? Don't use something that's debunked like falsifactionism or whatever

Anonymous No. 16297219

systemic error in measurement. If each of these were really the hottest we would see secondary and tertiary indicators. You would see rainfall records also being broken, you don't. You would see increased natural disasters, you don't. You would see increase global vegetation, you don't. Just a lot of people screaming that it will happen. Soon_tm

Anonymous No. 16297228

Holy shit, just shoot up some satellites that block 1% of the light coming to earth and be done with it. Fucking retards. It won't be more than $10 trillion which will be way less than <10% of earths gpd by the time it's actually done. This is a literal non-problem.

Anonymous No. 16297244

>Is "fluid dynamics" really science?
>Is "complex systems" really science?
>Is "computational physics" really science?
>Is "chemistry" really science?
If yes, then "climate science" is really a science

Anonymous No. 16297687

I am that anon and you're definitely projecting. Did you want to answer the question?

Anonymous No. 16297691


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Anonymous No. 16298479

Anonymous No. 16298515

>cherry picking a single date
>even waiting to cherry pick the coldest day of the summer you can't crack the top ten records for that date
>meanwhile June 2024 was the hottest June on record for the globe and for most individual countries

Anonymous No. 16299906

global warming is fake, sorry if that upsets you

Anonymous No. 16300339


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Anonymous No. 16301079

Anonymous No. 16301207

How do you justify that metric?

Anonymous No. 16301309

Bull fucking shit. They were still teaching peak oil and the next ice age when I was in college. Literally articles about how we had two years in a row of the coldest temperatures ever in my state.

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Anonymous No. 16301376

its easy to predict whats going to happen to temperatures when you can just adjust the temperature record to fit your predictions

Anonymous No. 16302287

>How on earth would you do a double blind study on something like the climate

You can do it, but not on Earth. If you think CO2 is a greenhouse gas, why not look at the effects of atmospheric CO2 on other planets? Mars conveniently has an atmosphere which is nearly 100% CO2, that takes other variables out of the equation. If CO2 were really a powerful greenhouse gas then Mars should have an enormous greenhouse effect give than Mars has over 3000% more CO2 per unit surface area than Earth does.
Mars' observed average surface temperature is exactly as predicted by the planetary equilibrium temperature equation which calculates what the average surface temperature of a planet would be if it had no atmosphere whatsoever, this proves that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.

Anonymous No. 16303793


Anonymous No. 16303816

Mars has 2% of the atmosphere total that earth does