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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16293987

do you look like a scientist?

Anonymous No. 16293988


Anonymous No. 16293994


Anonymous No. 16293995

Rent free

Anonymous No. 16294017

Anonymous No. 16294023

She's proud of herself for becoming a scientist and wants to share her excitement with the next generation. What's wrong with that? She's not hating anyone or making a negative comment about any group of people.

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Anonymous No. 16294027

>Hey everyone look at me!! I'm projecting my own anger at OP pic on nonexistent boogeymen!!!

Anonymous No. 16294036

I am not angry at OP, but I do not get why he posted that picture while asking that question

Anonymous No. 16294042

>I am not angry at OP
yes you are, you asked the question "What's wrong with that?" in >>16294023 which shows you were interpreting OP post in some sort of negative manner.
and now you're telling blatant lies about it because you're ashamed of your own behavior and lack of self control.

Anonymous No. 16294065

Do you really have no reading comprehension? This is the last time I will you give any attention because you are unhinged. OP asked a troll bait regarding the appearance and looks of scientists and showed a picture of black woman with a punk hairdo, implying as if that's not what scientists look like or should look like. My question was calling out this troll bait and asking why it matters what scientists look like. There is nothing wrong with scientists looking like black punk women if they want to.

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Anonymous No. 16294070

you interpreted OP that way because of your paranoid narcissistic racist savior complex.
you also presume negroes to be too stupid to fight their own battles.
the chinese term "baizuo" means "white savior"

Anonymous No. 16294076

I mean, education does not equate to intelligence. Education is based on memorization. Its set up for literally anyone with will power and dedication can succeed. So almost anyone can get a phd, literally

Anonymous No. 16294078

I don't necessarily mind the fact she's a scientist, the thing that sucks for me is that not only is she a woman, she is also black.
Just the result of hating women and minorities I suppose.

Anonymous No. 16294087

> black woman
> scientist
Negroes have low IQs. They say that the average IQ for blacks in the US is 85 (which is, by itself, very low compared to the white average IQ of 100) but I think it's even lower. Look at Sub-Saharan Africa. The average IQ there is like 65. Since IQ at adulthood is about 80+% genetic I would expect African-Americans and Sub-Saharan Africans to have a similar IQ.

"Woman scientist" is also a joke. Women are over-represented in very soft science fields that are basically 100% memorization and require very low IQ like medicine, speech therapy e.t.c. In actual hard science fields like engineering, math, physics e.t.c there are little to no women.

Anonymous No. 16294130

we wuz science an' shit.

this is why real science isn't getting done. also that gigaboo is just a lab tech.

Anonymous No. 16294144

This is what the south did. They uplifted blacks by providing them guaranteed employment. To her credit Dr. Twum as a first generation immigrant didn't even need any of that.

Anonymous No. 16294195

American negroes have enough white DNA in them to increase their average IQs well above the Sub-Saharan African average, however Dr. Twum is not American, she is from a well connected political family in Ghana.

Anonymous No. 16294238

Imagine being wheeled into surgery and pic rel was standing in the OR with a bone saw in her hand. You would go through with the surgery?
People will only take you as seriously as your appearance.

Anonymous No. 16294314

I don't. But, my wife's kids do.

Anonymous No. 16294419

She's a salesman now for some no name company. PhD students are not scientists

Anonymous No. 16294432


In general this is correct. If you're going into biomed you'll be doing research with a Big Pharma linked subsidiary and not with some bum fuck state school that wants you to write a PhD dissertation on transgender validation, climate change, or why vaccines are perfect. It works out because the people getting the degrees are receiving the (disingenuous) validation they want to think themselves as "nerdy" or "genius" while liberals get to push the "we have 100 PhDs who agree with what we have to say!" line.
I'm not a climate change denier or vaccine skeptic, but to literally allow partisan PhD degree mills for money just shows how shady and stupid American degrees are in this day and age.
>the only exceptions are perhaps PhDs studying at Cal Tech, MIT, or any other godtier uni in the US

Anonymous No. 16294452

Twum is taking a break from revolutionizing the science world.

Anonymous No. 16294717

Yes, that's the face of modern scoeince indeed.

Anonymous No. 16294735

That isn't what a scientist looks like considering 99% of all inventions were created by white men. She would be living in a cave if white men didn't exist.

Anonymous No. 16295173

Who has a higher IQ, Twum or NDT?

Anonymous No. 16295353

Full respect to NDT but Twum is the GODDESS of science, he is but a priest before her.

Anonymous No. 16295359

Neil Degrasse Tyson is unironically smarter than 99% of posters on this board

Anonymous No. 16295361

Whose right?

Anonymous No. 16295463

Neither post contradicts the other

Anonymous No. 16295520

>I hate /sci/
>everyone on /sci/ id dumb
why are you here?
why do you bother wasting your precious time with us?

Anonymous No. 16295555

That's not a scientist, she's just a lab tech. Ya'll the dick washers of science

Anonymous No. 16295602

>because of your paranoid narcissistic racist savior complex.
What's wrong with that?

Anonymous No. 16295764

Nothing, I was just venting some steam.

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humpo 60.png

Anonymous No. 16295791

blacks eat whites

Anonymous No. 16296543

What if they had kids together

Anonymous No. 16297124

I can't take the fact that she repeats it twice. It's like a post for some war crime. Gets me every time.

This is what they are doing to our people.
Show the world.
Especially the people in power.

This is what they are doing to our people.

Anonymous No. 16297126

He's more educated about Catholicism and religion in general too, I think he's actually read Augustine's City of God.