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🧵 Penrose dabbed on Dirac in '72 (maxbased)

Anonymous No. 16294129

>Most people think of Dirac as a brilliant algebraist, but he himself claimed that his motivations and way of thinking were much more geometrical than algebraic.

>Farmelo’s article contains an amusing account of how Roger Penrose tried to get Dirac to explain how projective geometry had influenced his work in quantum mechanics. Dirac gave a talk about this at Boston University in 1972, but, after giving a presentation about projective geometry, stopped before explaining the relation to quantum mechanics.

>Penrose, the moderator, asked Dirac about the relation to quantum mechanics, and in answer “Dirac gave his trademark shake of the head, and declined to speak.”

Anonymous No. 16294166

>I frequently used ideas of projective geometry in my research work in later life, but did not refer to them in my published work because I was doubtful whether the average physicist would know enough about them to appreciate them
Seems more like he just thought most people were too dumb for his insights.

Anonymous No. 16294167

>When I came to publish the results I suppressed the projective geometry as the results could be expressed more concisely in analytic form.

Anonymous No. 16294170

He held nothing back. Sometimes you just gotta get it off your chest, but damn,

Anonymous No. 16294236


Anonymous No. 16294242

Spinors just became pop-sci. Thanks Eric.

Anonymous No. 16294248

ok? explain what you mean by that.

Anonymous No. 16294358

ok now watch Penrose toss Brian Greene's shit.

Anonymous No. 16295033

I found it all the be reasonable. Sounded like an interesting conversation