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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294437

an scientific experiment has been performed

Anonymous No. 16294443

because of meme quotas
in some companies such as google and bbc they found that women get paid more for the same job and hours
yet somehow men on average still make more

Anonymous No. 16294445

Understandable. Females are more likeable than males, and you want likeable people in your team, it's not hard to understand.

Anonymous No. 16294449

No it's because women have boobies and vaginas and you you're all testies, no shaft, and BO

Anonymous No. 16294470

>Females are more likeable than males
No they aren't, it's bias

Anonymous No. 16294475

>No they aren't, it's bias
that very answer proves my point.

Anonymous No. 16294492

Nope will still live under a patriarchy where women are second class citizens and any example of men having it harder is actually due to flawed assumptions or methods or if it does exist is actually a good thing.

Anonymous No. 16294559

Anyone who has had to make grant applications and write DEI statements knows just how much better it would be to be a woman.

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Anonymous No. 16295625

Anonymous No. 16295670

No, lady, it just proves that you are a narcissist who only likes people who automatically agree with you since you clearly mistake agreeability for likeability.

Anonymous No. 16295691

this was an observational study, not an experiment.

Anonymous No. 16295755


But, if I owned a business and wanted to assemble a harmonious and hard working team, I'd most certainly begin with women, have no doubt.
Oh wait, I actually did, several times. And it always worked out better with women than with men. How interesting.

Anonymous No. 16295759

Sure it did, your businesses were so successful and harmonious that you had to abandon them to make other businesses instead.

Anonymous No. 16295767

you would have to start businesses with women and men an equal number of times to come to any valid conclusion.

Anonymous No. 16295771

Ok, so name some fortune 500 companies founded and primarily run by women.

Anonymous No. 16295824

lol lmao kid, sims doesn't count

Anonymous No. 16295958

so, how hard do you have to commit to the whole tranny act? can you just say "call me sandy," and continue to dress and act like a man?

Anonymous No. 16295965

This has been known for a while. Decades ago feminists argued women should anonymize their names to get hired more frequently. Studies were done to see if this helped. The opposite occurred and women were hired less frequently. Feminists, like the good scientists they are, reversed their hypothesis and said women should show their names and that when male names were seen the patriarchy was working as intended.

Anonymous No. 16295970

You are absolutely a woman lmfao.

Anonymous No. 16296194

Now do the same but for healthcare jobs. Watch how you get double as a dude.

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Anonymous No. 16296333

kek remember pic-related? Google discriminated against MEN and it was the WOMEN who complained. Female victim complex is insane.

Anonymous No. 16296920

did the men ever sue to get fair pay for themselves or did they cuck out?

Anonymous No. 16298440

Its Google, of course the men are cucks

Anonymous No. 16299406

most of google is jeets

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16299439

>This has been known for a while. Decades ago feminists argued women should anonymize their names to get hired more frequently. Studies were done to see if this helped. The opposite occurred and women were hired less frequently. Feminists, like the good scientists they are, reversed their hypothesis and said women should show their names and that when male names were seen the patriarchy was working as intended

Anonymous No. 16299447

it makes sense for restaurants and places like that, people want female servers. For cunt services (CS) it also makes sense

Anonymous No. 16299569


Anonymous No. 16299586

>people want female servers
I don't, women are disgusting filthy creatures, they're also vindictive and can't control their emotions.

Anonymous No. 16299592

Unironically there is some truth to it.
Having a woman in the team also subconsciously forces your team to become social, well-kept and clean as well.

Every single male dominated engineering team I've worked with were in companies that couldnt seek out talent. Even if the company had great success and workers were competent, the lack of interaction, the poor communication skills and the uneasy feeling you get working with dweebs does weight on your work. In big techs however there was always at least 20% females and it literally did make the atmosphere better. Women are scarce in this field so people put on their best behavior without realising it.

Anonymous No. 16299597

Only a woman would have this perspective.

Anonymous No. 16299604

You only need one woman per l;arge group to get the positive effects, adding more women just negates the benefits

Anonymous No. 16299919

Fuck Reddit. Do you realize their version of shit posting is just turning to gyp your feelings? Years of repost after repost, and now they have a whole scam stock

Anonymous No. 16301085

Reddit is owned by Advance Publications which is in turn owned by the Newhouse brothers, sons of Si Newhouse who was the American version of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine's father. the Newhouse brothers even hired Ghislaine Maxwell to be head of moderation at Reddit, a position she held until she was arrested for underaged sex trafficking

Anonymous No. 16302238

Ghislaine Maxwell is still the all time reigning champion of Reddit upvotes

Anonymous No. 16302261

Sharing my anecdote here; I work in a tech field. I entered the field through a boot camp in 2020. The people who got jobs first in our camp were mostly women. One girl got a job three weeks after the camp ended. Even another dude in our camp noticed and said out loud, "yeah, they're all women! (who got jobs first)".

I eventually got a job of my own. A few women left my team for other companies. I asked one of them, "what was your interview rate?" and they told me they got interviewed from most of their applications. Then that woman and another who left our company got laid off from their new company but found new jobs pretty quickly. I asked another one of those women how often they were interviewed. Again, most of the applications granted interviews and they were even contacted by recruiters on linkedin almost every day.

Meanwhile, I have maybe a 3% interview rate from my applications and no recruiter has ever contacted me.

Anonymous No. 16302267

A mindset like this comes from the thinking of man = default.

Anonymous No. 16302741

>it's not bias when it benefits us, it is just because we are more likeable
When this kali yuga ends, you're all going permanently back into Pandora's box.

Anonymous No. 16302750

kys nigger

Anonymous No. 16303798

kek, no response, you fucking nailed that faggot

Anonymous No. 16303845

>because of meme quotas
Weird way to say systemic discrimination.

Anonymous No. 16304211

Kys niggress

Anonymous No. 16304327

Not mentioned: the male name was Patelreshnya and the female name was Anna

Anonymous No. 16304334

Sorry we're talking about real devs

Anonymous No. 16304840

>in some companies such as google and bbc
Didn't you see that report on the fortune 500 companies? something like 90% of everyone they hired was a woman or a shitskin in the last few years. The system is now literally rigged against men and white men specifically

Anonymous No. 16304844

Blatant lie

Anonymous No. 16305516

>The system is now literally rigged against men and white men specifically
And that rigged system was implemented by financial industry jews

Anonymous No. 16305540

Circumcising culture.

Anonymous No. 16306123

>So I did an experiment
Yeah the post is the experiment

Anonymous No. 16306185

what i got out of this.

the women need 6 times as much as a chance then men to get the same job. give or take the gender balance already hired at the company.

Anonymous No. 16306190

and they dont like the men because the men were/are in charge. but one of the reasons they dont like the men is because theyre blaming power for their own demise.

Anonymous No. 16306623

Stfu pajeet go eat shit if you're gods truly cared they would have saved you from the British fags and muzzies

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Anonymous No. 16308018

reminder that women make up the overwhelming majority of affirmative action hiring, women are over 50% of the population, negroes and latinoxes are less than 1/3 combined

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Anonymous No. 16308065

>Understandable. Females are more likeable than males
Exactly. And in the past, when men were almost always hired, it was simply because men were more likable. They are also stronger and smarter than women, basically superior in every way. It wasn't bias, just logic.
Now that leftist söyboys have become common, they have altered the situation because they are all stupid, weak, and unlikable.

Anonymous No. 16308082

Sọylent men have behaviors on par with mentally ill women. It's why they're so unlikeable, even by women.

Anonymous No. 16309324

>lets give people who can't do math the right to vote

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Anonymous No. 16310294

It's sad how /sci/ is so fucking stupid they actually reply to bait instead of just ignoring it and posting facts that show otherwise. Are you all browns?

Anonymous No. 16310308

Clearly, this demonstrates that gravity is a tool of whiteness and the patriarchy.

Anonymous No. 16310309

So is it going to take a full-on collapse to reverse this, or is there a point where men collectively get fed up and reclaim their natural birthright?

Anonymous No. 16310311


>A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Goodson

Anonymous No. 16310352

Why can't I find this post on reddit?

Anonymous No. 16310355

Females are more likable because they have boobies and vaginas, compromise?

Anonymous No. 16310378

>Females are more likeable than male
I thought that females were cheaper than males?. You know, the pay gap blah, blah, blah...

Anonymous No. 16311687

why the perception difference?

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Anonymous No. 16312672