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๐Ÿงต Why is medical science not advancing?

Anonymous No. 16294454

How come humans haven't figured out how to cure diseases and disorders yet?

Has huminaty already peaked? Will there never ever be cures for things like:

>chronic pain
>hearing loss
>autoimunne diseases
>reumatic disorders

What do you think?

Anonymous No. 16294477

>What do you think?
I think you're ill-informed. Medicine isn't magic; you can't just wave a wand in the air and cure whatever you wish to cure. You have to discover cures. Some thing we know, some things we are yet to discover, and the complexity of the matter that you're approaching makes it an almost never-ending task. That's it.
Take cancer, for example. It's not just one disease, it's a collection of many different types of diseases under the same umbrella name. Some are easy to deal with, some have proven near impossible. To complain that science is failing because "cancer" doesn't have a cure yet (which isn't true, many types of cancer are already curable) is either ignorant or disingenuous.

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vax scandal.webm

Anonymous No. 16294510

medical science is held back by massive frauds, speed of science and monetary ulterior motives (if cure is too cheap, we will label it as horse dewormer and so on).

Doctors will rather give you pills for the rest of your life for blood pressure and diabeetus rather than telling you to stop obesity. Or in my country you cannot get even basic stuff like Isoprinosine without doctors approval to speed up curing flu because it is too cheap and effective, yet the omega expensive private brands (which dont even work) are avaiable over the counter.

tldr corruption and incopentence. just look at people who got nobel prices for HIV or mRna. 100% fraud. or how scientists were shamed if they suggested the current understanding of alzheimer disease is completely wrong, so we collectively spend 20 years looking for nonexistent cure because one cunt falsified the research papers.

medical industry is just big ball of corruption, slandering cheap meds and falsifying data to sell your speed of science. vacciness are infamous at this.

Anonymous No. 16294517

its advancing in direction of fleecing people from money

Anonymous No. 16294522

a lot of those conditions have more effective treatments than the current standards of care if you dive deep in the medical literature. not all of them are profitable.

Anonymous No. 16294548

They are not interested in curing diseases, they only want to make money.

Anonymous No. 16295490

Western medicine is retarded.

Anonymous No. 16295548


I hate commies and want them all lined up and shot, but the modern healthcare and pharmaceutical industry is the problem Covid really highlighted all the problems with the system

Look at the courses that modern medical students take. 50% of their courses are about the social implications of medicine and the rest is about what pills to prescribe. Your average 30-45 year old doctor right now is a complete midwit pushing pills

Anonymous No. 16295585

no money in cures.

Anonymous No. 16295587

Certain cures could be achieved potentially using a personalized multiomic approach. Obviously this level of customized service would be very expensive, so only the rich would be able to afford it at first. As AI and bioinformatic methods advance we could see more of these customized treatments.

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Anonymous No. 16296088

Because it is driven by (((money))).

Look at my blood pressure when I took an edible vs not. The orange one is from when I am sober, the other two are 7 hours later when the edible kicked in. Only is a 2.5mg edible.

But nooo, you have to take (((Metformine))) and (((Amlodipine))) and (((Ramiprile))) which will fuck with your metabolism or give you an allergy.

I am not saying weed or shrooms or cocaine or whatever illegal drug cures cancer and has no side effects. But we should be brave enough to investigate in that direction.

I personally microdose with weed edibles twice a day now and my blood pressure is much better. I also feel less stressed at work, obviously.

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Anonymous No. 16296091

Uploaded fox instead of my blood pressure. Sorry.

Anonymous No. 16296094

1. Focus on treating symptoms rather than research into attacking the root cause. Medicine is still fundamentally reactive. Has begun to change in recent years (slowly).
2. Law requires extreme caution with medical treatments which makes it very slow and expensive to go to market. This is also by design to benefit large pharmaceutical companies since it's often prohibitive for anyone to break into the field. The slow and cautious approach is also one of the worst ways to do science, since science is accelerated by "go fast and break stuff" mentality.

Anonymous No. 16296124

The problem are the parasites, the jews, they are sabotaging civilization.

Anonymous No. 16296157

so if WW2 never happened or if the germans had won, would medical science had been further ahead?

Anonymous No. 16296164

biology is not a science, let alone medicine

biology is not a science
sciences and technologies are stagnating. The big bet of the atheists is that the golden age of biology is still ahead of them, hoping it will be like the golden age of physics. It wont because biology is even more based on statistics than physics, and this will harder intellectually and in practice there will be way more side effects to whatever they invent, and since those will be applied directly to humans, there will be more upheavals.

Anonymous No. 16296372

too many types for one umbrella cure. Also, cancer is very treatable if it's in the early stages. It's only when retards choose not to get treatment till it's too late.
>chronic pain
Chronic pain is a symptom of another underlying problem. If all you care about is painkilling, we already have that and it's called fentanyl
Same issue as chronic pain. It's a symptom, not a disease itself. You can't "unkill" brain cells.
we don't know what causes it, so we can't exactly come up with a cure/treatment
same as alzheimers
symptom, not a disease
we can't do genetic engineering yet, so we can't prevent it but we do have treatment: it's called insulin. And if you have the type 2 kind, stop being a fat fuck and eat less pie
>hearing loss
symptom, not a disease
not related to your physiology, it's a made up sensation from your brain
>autoimmune diseases
we haven't figured out how to do genetic engineering in humans yet
>reumatic disorders
causes are unclear, so treatment is hard to make. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicine is the best we've got
made up pseudoscience disease so doctors could sell meth to kids
it's called "stop being a little bitch"