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Anonymous No. 16294518

>particles that aren't real are pushing the plates together
ok scientists are really retarded now, why don't they just admit they don't know what causes them to attract?

B00T No. 16294519


Anonymous No. 16294543

if it cant be used to make a perpetual motion machine of the 1st or 2nd kind i dont care

Anonymous No. 16294566

It's gravitons which work differently on a micro scale.
>ok scientists are really retarded now

Anonymous No. 16294817

Virtual particles are like a math tool to see what the actual vacuum is doing. The vacuum energy outside the plates gives more pressure than the energy inside the plates. What causes them to attract is simply due to the quantum nature of the vacuum

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Anonymous No. 16294837

Ever get the vibe the foundation of the casimir effect, is the same as the capacitor?

Anonymous No. 16294931

Yes, what you are hinting at is actually true. You can calculate the force between plates in a capacitor by summing up the energy in the electric field and finding how this changes as the distance between the plates changes.

Similarly the force due to the casimir effect is found by summing up the energy in the electromagnetic field and finding how this varies as the separation between the plates changes. The only difference is that in the casimir effect the conducting plates have no net charges so naively the electromagnetic field is zero, but it is actually non-zero due to quantum fluctuations. This is basically the same thing as the more prosaic Van der Waals force, where there is a long range interaction due to quantum fluctuations in neutrally charged molecules, but the connection is rarely made in pop science.

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Anonymous No. 16294945

Interesting, i wonder than how to test a hypothesis that its all a casimir effect just at the macroscopic the randomness calncelz each out, until the applied voltage just increases the magnitude of each, or that high frequency impulses sync them all together

Anonymous No. 16295048

The Casmir Effect is proof that something CAN and DOES come from nothing, even today, it still happens.

Nothing splits into virtual particles which can be demonstrated pushing the two plates together in the experiment. Anybody with the correct apparatus can perform the same experiment and see for themselves even if there's nothing the nothing will turn into something and push the plates.

Sorry theists.

Anonymous No. 16295086

>The Casmir Effect is proof that something CAN and DOES come from nothing
Vacuum is still something

Anonymous No. 16295092

vacuum by definition is the absence of anything

Anonymous No. 16295094

Even fields?

Anonymous No. 16295582

same shit happens with 2 plates underwater.

its obviously the electromagnetic aether.

Anonymous No. 16295584

we have never observed a true vacuum then.

Anonymous No. 16295591

no, it's the same as the force pushing ships together if they do not keep their distance: both ships protect the other from waves on one side.

Anonymous No. 16295765

>why don't they just admit they don't know what causes them to attract?
but that's basically what it means:
We don't know what is really going on, but mathematically, the concept of "virtual particles" works and predicts the effects observed. We can't just reduce ourselves in size to the quantum world and take a photo for you of what's going on, you understand?
We thought up the math, it works. That's it.
What does it mean? We don't know, no one knows.

Anonymous No. 16295798

Fields are abstractions, not physical things, a vacuum describes an empty field.

Anonymous No. 16295833

>Fields are abstractions, not physical things

Anonymous No. 16295836

Ctrl+F Physical - 0 results
Ctrl+F Abstract - 12 matches

Anonymous No. 16295941

Wrong as hell, and also stupid. Go back to school.

Anonymous No. 16295948

Then why is space like a fabric? It is *something* we are *embedded* in.

Also, in a state of absolute nothing, that nothing becomes a one / a something.

Anonymous No. 16296025

If you were to look at the citations section do the DIA Threat Analysis papers from Eric Davis and Hal Puthoff, they have one interesting paper in common: "The Universe in a Droplet of Helium". Defense research agencies, particularly the Office of Naval Research, have pumped metric fucktons of money in the idea that Superfluid Vacuum Theory is real and that it indeed can be manipulated using real-world analogues. It's the crux of studies in "transformation optics".

Anonymous No. 16296029

Posts like this are so stupid
>I don't know, therefore no one has any deeper insight than me
>Don't I sound profound for saying this?

Read my post >>16294931 if you want some physical insight into the Casimir effect. It is basically the same thing as the Van der Waals force. And this is not some fringe idea. Real physicists understand this, and it is even appears on the Wiki page for the Casimir effect.

Anonymous No. 16296050

Wrong. Science cannot tell you why or explain anything, it can only describe something. Your "physical insight" is just math masturbation.

Anonymous No. 16296182

>le fields
imagine eating and shitting science jargon every day basis until you lack common sense.

a field, like electromagnetic field is photons and such. I guess this effect eventually is just another EM effect. our planet must be full of EM activity from heat and other radio sources.

Anonymous No. 16296188

parallel plate waveguide. frequencies inside the plates are cut below cutoff frequency that depends on the distance of plates 'a'.

now, what would happen if surrounding area can have all frequencies but the frequencies inside are only those with greater that cutoff frequency? One would guess there will be a force that results from the lower frequencies that still can exists OUTSIDE the parallel plates. quantum this imaginary field that. BULLSHIT. its just classical electromagnetism.

Anonymous No. 16296218

>I don't know, therefore no one has any deeper insight than me
It's just math anon.
>Don't I sound profound for saying this?
No, I don't. I said nothing profound. I sound and am baffled by it, like physicists are.