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๐Ÿงต Age reversal when?

Anonymous No. 16294553

Anonymous No. 16294557

Unbirth when?

Anonymous No. 16294597

he's gonna shave when he starts selling his anti agent drug and will tell anyone "look how younger I look now, that means it works"

Anonymous No. 16294745

In 8-10 years

Anonymous No. 16294756

>asking for the horror of eternal life

Anonymous No. 16294757

When will AI figure out how to make us eternally young and healthy so it can torture us forever in ways we can't imagine.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16294761

please kill yourself

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Anonymous No. 16294776

>research biosculpting
>click "Begin Age Reversal Cycle"

Anonymous No. 16294856

right after you die faggot

Anonymous No. 16294863

the people who don't wanna live can still rope

Anonymous No. 16294873

Oh no death is optional the horror.

Anonymous No. 16294886

my sweet summer child

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16294896

yes, I've been seeing this exact shitty longevity garbage getting spammed on this board recently. must be summerfags because if they ever did any research into longevity they have to know it's 99% junk science. you will never be immortal retards.

Anonymous No. 16294929

Skill issue

Anonymous No. 16294937

Already there... You just need to read a lot to get trough stuff and figure out yourself.

Anonymous No. 16294981

You can still die from violence or natural disease, obviously.

Anonymous No. 16294993

the machines will know exactly how much suffering to apply without killing you until heat death of the universe. enjoy.

Anonymous No. 16295841

Make sure to stay alive until at least 2060, good things could happen in the future

Anonymous No. 16295849

Hopefully soon. Too bad this pretty makes death necessarily by causes that are violent in some way. No more peaceful death is what is ultimately bought. Regardless, I wanna see if there are aliens, so I'd take the pill if they'd let me.

Anonymous No. 16295864

I hope there's at least some major leaps coming in longevity in my lifetime

Anonymous No. 16295867

Sounds sexy. If I could have a carafe of my own liquid suffering and an Edwardian lounging coat I'd have a jolly good time. Maybe a fat cigar too.

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Anonymous No. 16295884

>Age reversal when?

The day after fusion power...
about 20 years from now

Anonymous No. 16295955

Just track back all your life steps until you return to the womb bro

Anonymous No. 16296058

Rejuvenation Chamber:
>Make sure you can see the machine working on smaller mammals and such in prototypes.
My pet rat pibbles screamed for three fucking hours after a rejuvenation, and the animals that came before him were not able to save their memories the first few tries. So it's extremely fucking painful, but if it's perfected, you should see it work right. The amniotic fluid can also be doped with pain killers. Make sure you see the rat be able to perform a memory trick or puzzle solve in its old age before rejuvenating. If it worked the rat should be able to remember the trick.

Healer Suite:
>Life Extension Lvl 100:
>(glitch, may be patched out):
"To rejuvenate and HEAL MOST ANY ILLNESS OR DAMAGE. Combine the capabilities of a Turritopsis Dohrnii Jellyfish and any Moth or Butterfly. The butterfly has the blueprint for how to transfer memory between biological states, and the jellyfish can restore your bodies youth." Alternatively just fill in the damaged tissue with stem cells, or reopen scar tissue with an abrasive material and float in an incubator.
(Ask an Ai for the exact methodology):

Incubator Level 15: [Open]

The Level 100 "Spell" can be combined with CRISPr during a rejuvenation process to effectively transform the body into any genetically spliced shape with memories intact if done correctly. Man into woman. Woman into man. Cat into dog. Etc.

>*sadly begins welding together a plexiglass tank*
>*drearily slumps over to store to purchase computer parts*
>*mopes as he buys 10,000 eggs to harvest their egg whites for amniotic fluid*
>*buys ultraviolet crystal to purify the amniotic fluid through a filter cycler*
>*unhappily buys rubber tubing*

First Impulse Rule:
"The "soul" of a person will continue to exist in body so long as the first electromagnetic impulse remains unbroken."

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16296201

>be born rich
>drink beer

have fun Aubrey.

Anonymous No. 16296214

start with yourself then

Anonymous No. 16296269

Life would be good if you lived long enough and medical tech could make you young. Eventually compound interest would make you rich. Only problem would be the social problems that afflict the elderly such as cynicism, i wonder if there will be a cure for that

Anonymous No. 16296272

I prefer to be adult. Child parts aren't fully developed and are decrepid.

Anonymous No. 16296274

Look Son, there ain't no cure for being a faggot. You ought know this before you continue posting about meds.

Anonymous No. 16296278


Stopped reading there.

>pretends to understand complex subject with -50 IQ
>You need 300 IQ to discuss 'Life'.

Anonymous No. 16296305

>If that's clinical immortality, I'd settle for a few thousand years. Even five hundred would be pretty nice.

Anonymous No. 16296316

If you google scholar it, there are already plenty of performance-enhancing supplements out there that improve your general health such as ashwagandha, astaxanthin, and boron, among many others.

I'm not sure when we're getting to true "age reversal" but I will say that I supplement a stack not quite as big as Brian Johnsons and the A.I. age detectors think my face looks 6 years younger than my chronological age.

Anonymous No. 16296373

the pro aging trance in full effect everyone