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🗑️ 🧵 Science says, without evidence, that there is no link between dna and intelligence

Anonymous No. 16294578

Science really is the shittiest new religion. At least scientology has cool things like space lords from billions of years ago.

Anonymous No. 16294592

It says there's no link between race and intelligence.
Though the entire field of race and intelligence is straight up taboo so any results supporting correlations of race and intelligence aren't allowed to be published.

Anonymous No. 16294653

> It is estimated that genes contribute about 20–40% of the variance in intelligence in childhood and about 80% in adulthood (Wikipedia:
So IQ is mostly genetic. Genes are about 4 times more important than the environment.
> Average IQ in various African countries. Nigeria: 67.76, Cameroon: 67.76, Ethiopia: 68.42, South Africa: 68.87, Rwanda: 69.95, Burkina Faso : 73.8, Zimbabwe: 74.01 (worldpopulationreview:
> Average IQ in European countries: Germany: 100.74, United Kingdom: 99.12,France: 96.69,Canada: 99.52
And keep in mind that the UK, France and Canada are being invaded right now by low IQ immigrants. Common sense says that James Watson is correct. White=intelligent, Black=retarded

Anonymous No. 16294661

The correlations between race and IQ are acknowledged. Postmodernism plays multiple, self-inconsistent games to escape the truth. First they claim it's socioeconomic factors exclusively (when in truth it's both genetic and environmental). Secondly they'll claim race doesn't even exist. Yet also claiming it does exist as a sociopolitical category. They're fucking mentally ill

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Anonymous No. 16294687

>biological variance stops once it reaches the brain
What the fuck do people actually believe this shit

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Anonymous No. 16294694

Let’s take the politics out of it and go back to the basics of biology.

Take two populations of the same species. Not humans- let’s say rabbits.

Isolate them genetically for a significant period (usually such isolation is caused by geography but it doesn’t matter why so long as interbreeding is minimal and is over enough generations for natural selection and genetic drift to occur).

Will there be a divergence of traits between the two populations?

The answer is yes, of course. Some traits will diverge becasue of natural selection, some because of sexual selection and some just becasue of genetic drift.

After all that is how evolution works - it simply must be the case.

Evolution isn’t just about when two populations diverge so greatly that a new species or sub-species forms - it’ happening daily for all sorts of traits and characteristics of an animal.

And the traits that most directly impact on fitness will tend to be subject to strong selection.

So wind it back to humans.

Have certain populations of humans being genetically isolated from each other for many generations?

Yes. We tend to call them ethnicities.

Will their traits vary as between population groups?

Yes. Hair type, blood group, eye colour, facial features, ability to digest certain foods, average height, body shape etc. All these traits demonstrably differ between ethnic groups.

Is intelligence a trait of humans that will likewise vary?

You can logically only choose one answer:

A) Yes - and as intelligence is one of a human’s key traits it is likely to be selected for quite strongly in different environments and communities,

B) No - intelligence is a special trait - alone amongst all traits it’s not possible for it to vary between groups at all - all groups of human beings have the same average intelligence.

If you pick B fine, but don’t expect to pass a biology class any time soon.

It’s that fucking simple.

Anonymous No. 16294699

You’re literally speaking heresy/sacrilege right now. You are no different from a witch.

Anonymous No. 16294705

I dare you to say these things on plebbit. You’ll have to use the most “edgy” subreddits to have a change of not being banned

Anonymous No. 16294709

Burn this alien at the stake

Anonymous No. 16294727


Anonymous No. 16294746

The Science is fucking clear on the subject. You are anti-Scientific troglodytes unlike I, who is a moral and decent person.

Anonymous No. 16294762

Racism outside of /b/ is not permitted.

Anonymous No. 16294780

“The Science” is not science

Anonymous No. 16294782

>pol chud telling someone who has watched Mythbusters and purchased Science Is Fucking Amazeballz shirts since 2005 what science is

Anonymous No. 16294792

You’re certainly a creature

Anonymous No. 16294819

Do you postulate that science is not Fucking Amazeballz? Show your proof

Anonymous No. 16294980

His own son disowned him. Goddamn. I hate genetics. You’d think your own would support you. But no. No one is safe from political peer pressure.

Anonymous No. 16295017

I don't read a ton on this subject, but it definitely does subject me that there is a link even in areas where everyone is extremely educated. There is a quickness that Asian people have that is only sometimes seen in whites and I have only seen once in a black person.

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Anonymous No. 16295038

Be careful what you wish for. People being born with differing capabilities instead of everyone being a complete blank slate written on by circumstance is justification for continuing the move from equality of opportunity to equity in outcomes.
Instead of justifying showering resources on the dregs of society because society is responsible for them being that way, they will use the fact that these people were born with lesser capabilities as justification for why they must be showered with resources. It's not their fault how they were born will be the new it's not their fault how they were nurtured.
Video unrelated.

Anonymous No. 16295117

>If you pick B fine, but don’t expect to pass a biology class any time soon.
That's where you're wrong. I can't imagine such a question on a biology test in real life, and if it were B would be the 'correct' answer

Anonymous No. 16295139

go to >>>/pol/ if you want to discuss politics

Anonymous No. 16295146

Apply for a janny position if you want to be one, that post is on topic for the thread.

Anonymous No. 16295484

While intelligence is real, IQ is a social construct.

Anonymous No. 16295514

is there a link between height and DNA?

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Anonymous No. 16295517

I remember saving this, if it means anything, if it's real.

Anonymous No. 16295596

>he STILL believes
>even after taking away his titles
man, this guy is a hardcore reprobate.

Anonymous No. 16295738

No because DNA codes the genotype, not the phenotype. Phenotype determines quantitative properties like height, eye color, and skin color whereas genotype determines qualitative properties like personality and sports skills.

Anonymous No. 16295747

>Science says, without evidence, that there is no link between dna and intelligence
That's not what your image is saying, anon.

Anonymous No. 16295894

Yes, it is. Otherwise science is claiming a magical ether is performing a kind of food processing of DNA across all ethnicities so they all have exactly the same genetic predisposition for being on the right side of the IQ bell curve, which is even more bizarre.

Anonymous No. 16295935

Leftists are so high on hubris they legitimately do want to believe humans are like unicorns.

But they will also tell you magic doesn't exist.

Anonymous No. 16296081

I'd also add that option B is easily disproven by demonstrating that an animal's intelligence can't be raised to that of a human by raising the animal as a human. There has to be some intrinsic element of the animal which prevents it's intelligence getting any higher.

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Anonymous No. 16296152

That doesn’t phase them. They will just respond with “humans aren’t like dogs”, then ignore you.

Anonymous No. 16296185

How many DNAs did he father?

Vard No. 16296187

I'm wet. Dry me.

Anonymous No. 16296196

The real question is who cares and why? If an 8 sigma cat can speak English, build a skyscraper, and appreciate delicately seared otoro over a can of bumblebee tuna, then why pretend that the predilections of an average cat are somehow relevant?

Anonymous No. 16296929

you care, you wouldn't be driven to go out of your way to invent fallacious argument to justify your feigned lack of caring otherwise.
why does it upset you so badly that some races might have an intellectual advantage over other races?
does it also upset you that some races are taller than other races? does it upset you that some have curlier hair than others? if not, why should it bother you so much that some races have better brains than others?

Anonymous No. 16296934

This guy practices science.
Leftist pedocrat joe biden voters believe in The Science.

How's the fauci ouchie working out, acolytes of Marx?

Anonymous No. 16296981

>A) Yes - and as intelligence is one of a human’s key traits it is likely to be selected for quite strongly in different environments and communities,

If the intelligence of your mother's family differed from the intelligence of your father's family would you say that was selected for?

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Anonymous No. 16297057


Data is racist.

Anonymous No. 16297220


Anonymous No. 16298355

This just can’t be. Is math racist?

Anonymous No. 16298915

>is math racist

Anonymous No. 16299140

He's not saying any difference in IQ indicates selection, but that geographic isolation combined with differing environment indicates selection. If these families had no recent common ancestors and had been living in different environments since their last common ancestor, then the disparity in IQ is almost certainly accounted for by genes to some degree.

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Anonymous No. 16299198

>I have done decades of research and discovery
Awesome, what did you find?
>Not all races are created equal and some are smarter then others
Obviously you did the science wrong, you must be lying!

Kill all humans.

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Anonymous No. 16299384

Anonymous No. 16299995

The genes that quantify intelligence are probably not deeply interlinked with the ones that determine how much melanin is in the skin
If anything they should listen to him and look for any patterns
Lets start developing mentats

Anonymous No. 16300018

Twum is no mimic, incel.

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bodhi No. 16300030

>They're fucking mentally ill
No they arent, the droolers on the ground maybe, but the people up top know exactly what they are doingtt2w

Anonymous No. 16300179

>DEI hire
>unkempt and not tied
>doesn't hold one job for more than a single year

Anonymous No. 16300492

Thinking with feelings has taken over thinking with logic

Anonymous No. 16300512

Even if he's wrong, it's bizarre that people think this backlash is acceptable in the academia.

Anonymous No. 16300539

>feelings first

Anonymous No. 16301751

Poor old man :(

Anonymous No. 16301810

It’s actually fucking disgusting how they treated him. No professionalism at all.

Anonymous No. 16302043

It’s literally elderly abuse lmao

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Anonymous No. 16302399

overriding reflexive, hormonally driven emotional responses in favor of rationality is impossible below a certain IQ threshold.
the ability to have that level of self control is the difference between animal behavior and human behavior

Anonymous No. 16302463

I just don't want anything to do with non-whites
I don't care how smart they are or nice they are
just stay away from me I don't want to interact with them or see them

Anonymous No. 16303144

>did you know that science says that black people have genes that give them trauma over slavery that happened 200 years ago?
>wow really? what about genes that determine intel-
>no, none, they don't exist, case closed

Anonymous No. 16303209

I like this post a lot.

Anonymous No. 16303212


Anonymous No. 16303229

Magic is just unacknowledged science so yeah

Anonymous No. 16303266

It really makes you think

Anonymous No. 16303314

>blacks whose ancestors were never enslaved "feel trauma" through genetics or something so you need to pay reparations and not lock away blacks who commit crimes
>meanwhile, white slavery still exists in muslim countries

Anonymous No. 16303511

Don't you niggers dare to confuse science and (((academia))) for the latter was established by the catholic church for the reasons you sure can guess.

Anonymous No. 16303549

Kill all niggers and kikes and everything fixes itself.

Anonymous No. 16303640

do the same thing except take two or more different species from across the globe and have them become homo-sapiens

Anonymous No. 16303643

Good take but you left out Italians

Anonymous No. 16303657

Or that service dogs are specifically bred for their intelligence. And even then only a handful of them can pass the rigorous certification tests.

Anonymous No. 16303659

Right I'm letting you know it's ok. I've been performing in a different way with sleep and other. This line is secure.

Anonymous No. 16303669

he didnt lose it because of his race theory, he lost it because he said "people who have employed black people, know that it is true that they are less intelligent"

all he had to do was not give an opinion example

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Anonymous No. 16303682


Anonymous No. 16303684

ill pay anyone who can get this photo on reddit with more than 1000 upvotes $10,000.
plot twist, you cant.

Anonymous No. 16304189

This shit won't get those upvotes, mostly because it's badly made, next time make the text a color that won't blend into the background or put it in that White space below the image.

Anonymous No. 16304590

i cant read dis

Anonymous No. 16304651

>>16294578 Hear the PhD:

Anonymous No. 16304656

Even if we take the dumb look of race and lump in everyone who's kinda black (all of africa, australians, south east asia/oceania) they all end up dumber than white people.

Anonymous No. 16304658

IQ's plenty good enough to compare intelligence between large groups.

Anonymous No. 16305119

>four lights!

Anonymous No. 16305127

Isn't his son a non-functional autistic?

Anonymous No. 16305776

Even worse.

Anonymous No. 16305803

The high priests - err i mean experts - are NOT going to like this post. Anon you've committed heresy.

Anonymous No. 16305820

Racists BTFO

Anonymous No. 16306899


Anonymous No. 16306994

So the Chinese and Jews are the master race?

Anonymous No. 16307117

Jews actually have souls to the point of self hatred. It doesn’t matter how corrupt you consider them to be, since it’s a self inflicted wound.

The Chinese on the other hand have no souls. Like insects. Bugs. But, there’re a bunch of good bugs too, like the Japs.

I don’t think a “soul” is truly “necessary”…

Anonymous No. 16308087

The soul is just the consciousness, but also your conscience.

Anonymous No. 16308711

They what codes the phenotype (genuine question, I don't remember)? And can it code intelligence?

Anonymous No. 16308723

I found something uplifting while looking into this situation.

Anonymous No. 16309015

It's particularly funny because on practically every other topic, even sensitive ones, the progressive politically correct answer is "it's genetic". Why are people fat, gay, trans? Oh, it's genetic, purely physical causes.
But intelligence? No, that cannot be.

Anonymous No. 16309717

Humans are conveniently blind to irony and their own hypocrisies, and this is why aliens will never land. I respect the hypocrite who -knows- he’s a hypocrite, infinitely more, over the hypocrite who doubles down and acts (even convinces himself) that he’s not a hypocrite.

Religious behaviours.

Anonymous No. 16309890

Weak bait, try harder.

Anonymous No. 16310223

Retype your nappy nigger text in legible font

Anonymous No. 16310306

I suppose you know all the variables that affect brain and behavioral development and concluded that someone beaten and mistreated can be the next Einstein as long as they are white.

Anonymous No. 16310367

I remember him, he has a black grandparent! Does this make him intelligent or dumb?

Anonymous No. 16310516

>I remember him, he has a black grandparent!
>Does this make him intelligent or dumb?
Would depend in the IQ of that grandparent but considering how White Watson is, I would assume his Black grandfather must be a quadroon or less.

Anonymous No. 16310842


Anonymous No. 16311376

It seems the more someone promotes themselves as some intellectual, the easier they are to be subject to the woke mind virus.
Being "smart" is never as important to these hack frauds as being "right".

Anonymous No. 16312145

Poor old man :(

Anonymous No. 16312207

It is hilarious that no one sees the obvious problem with this

"Intelligence" is a subjective concept. If you are white you naturally will not acknowledge the intelligence of other races because it's nonsense to you.

Anonymous No. 16312288


Anonymous No. 16312291

You are more inclined to perceive meaning in what is familiar to you, so African displays of intelligence will hold less weight for you. It is proven that even IQ tests underscore non-white races.

If it is so difficult to define intelligence, you can't really say that any given race is more intelligent than another.

Anonymous No. 16312364

You have a laughably poor understanding of the hereditarian position.

Anonymous No. 16312367

If intelligence can't be measured/defined, how do you know races posses it equally? If we're really in the dark about intelligence, why would we structure society around the assumption that all groups are equal and underperformance is due to oppression?

Anonymous No. 16312368

Apparently, you're a fag

It'll not be long now if what you seem is correct, now lick my balls and bite into my that bit

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Anonymous No. 16312380

>muh subjective intelligence
I guess a crocodile is pretty smart when you REALLY think about it. And a toaster is actually clever in very specific circumstances. My crocodile and toaster salesman told me!

Anonymous No. 16312431

The idea that everyone is equally intelligent is a strawman. No one really says that. The elegant objection is that if you can't even begin to define or measure intelligence, you have no place in pointing which race holds more genetic advantage when it comes to intelligence traits.

I mean, this is like if you published a thesis stating that Deadpool 2 is objectively the most fun movie ever. I object stating that you didn't define "fun" in an objective way, and you accuse me of presenting the thesis that Deadpool 2 is NOT the most fun movie ever. No nigga I am not making a statement about Deadpool 2, I am questioning your methodology and pointing that no one can make a statement about that.

Anonymous No. 16312433

A crocodile and a toaster can definitely be smarter than you

Anonymous No. 16312612

You do understand you're not doing the final steps of your "logic" right? Please continue it to it's logical conclusion.
If you do not understand (or pretend not to understand) what those are then please go back to ribbit.

Anonymous No. 16312614

>African displays of intelligence
please elaborate

Anonymous No. 16312804

>you can't really say that any given race is more intelligent than another

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Anonymous No. 16312807

>you have no place in pointing which race holds more genetic advantage when it comes to intelligence traits

Anonymous No. 16312873


Anonymous No. 16313076

They hated Anon because he told them the truth.

East Asians say hi.

Anonymous No. 16313112

can someone link sources for this?

Anonymous No. 16313125

You're comparing compulsory school countries with countries without schools and intelligence tests that cater to Western metrics.

Anonymous No. 16313127

Can someone put this red dit post into a readable format?

Anonymous No. 16313238

A temporary phenomenon that the color of skin indicates ancestors from certain lands. Won’t always be the case. I don’t know the science words but a little black stays noticeable through mixing with two generations of aisians.

Anonymous No. 16313244

Fascist piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 16313332

>if you can't even begin to define or measure intelligence,
You don't need a ruler or unit of length to rank people in order of height.

Anonymous No. 16313340

Peer ranking of height is consistent.
Peer ranking of intelligence is not.

Anonymous No. 16314142

This made exactly no sense whatsoever.

Anonymous No. 16315012

Because everyone thinks they're smarter than the other looool

Anonymous No. 16315948


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Anonymous No. 16316542

>The elegant objection is that if you can't even begin to define or measure intelligence, you have no place in pointing which race holds more genetic advantage when it comes to intelligence traits.
Yes i do. The most adequate method of measurement is war.

War, is the ultimate crucible of intelligence- a crucible where the dross of the unprepared is burned away, leaving only the brilliance of the truly capable. Consider, if you will, the many elements required to prevail in such a grand endeavor. Is it merely a contest of arms? Hardly. It is a symphony of innovation, where medical science plays the role of the vigilant healer, ensuring that the injured may return to the field, stronger and more resilient than before. Agriculture, the lifeblood of any nation, must not only sustain the population but do so in abundance, lest famine weaken the resolve of the masses.

Industrious production -yes, the very engines of progress- must hum with relentless efficiency, churning out the tools of war faster than they can be expended. Automation, a marvel of modern ingenuity, frees the hands of men for more strategic tasks, leaving the menial to machines. Each element, from the forge to the farm, from the laboratory to the battlefield, must be orchestrated with the precision of a maestro conducting a symphony. And what is this symphony, if not a testament to the intellect of its composer?

Rhetorical question though it may be, who but the most intelligent could align all these disparate elements into a cohesive strategy? Who but the most farsighted could see beyond the immediate carnage to the long-term gains that victory would ensure? War, you see, is not merely a clash of armies but a test- a test of a civilization's capacity to innovate, to adapt, and to endure. It is, quite simply, the measure of human potential, distilled into its purest form.

Anonymous No. 16316543

Refer to >>16316542

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Anonymous No. 16316581

>The elegant objection is that if you can't even begin to define or measure intelligence

Proof is in the pudding:
Not ONE African university is ranked in the top 100 universities in the world.
Not ONE of the top 500 largest companies in the world is African

Anonymous No. 16317458

Someone replaced your copium with kosher powdered foreskin - aka Talmudic laughing gas.

Anonymous No. 16317486

What does that even mean

Anonymous No. 16317716

Human genetics is the ultimate taboo because globalists need the populations they are replacing to not be aware of it.

Anonymous No. 16317785

Yet you fail to grasp the actual reality of this:
This “Science-ism” you described is really just judaism for the gentiles.

Please, just think about it.

Anonymous No. 16317849

The only tenable argument they could make is "the difference between human races isn't that big, the effect of nutrition and education is larger than genetic variance" but most are just hypocritical ideologues.

>The genes that quantify intelligence are probably not deeply interlinked with the ones that determine how much melanin is in the skin
Now this is a good observation, which is likely true in principle, but in real world the genes that quantify intelligence and melanin are part of large gene complexes that coevolved in distinct population groups. You can have the rare albino africans but they're still africans in everything but color.

Anonymous No. 16318907


Anonymous No. 16318911

DNA creates the proteins that construct your neurons thus DNA is the root of all intelligence in ALL organisms. If DNA wasnt the root, we could remove your neurons and you would somehow still be able to think, oh wait thats impossible.

Anonymous No. 16318913

How is mathematical deduction subjective?

Anonymous No. 16320078

Fucking amazing how scary dumb this world has become

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Anonymous No. 16320919

its not just happening by accident

Anonymous No. 16320998

Its comparing pisspoor cointries with mining poisons, mountains of trash and malnourished children, violence and shitty education.

These factors are entirly ignored.
It's not genetic.
It's nutrients during childhood and a preservation of innocence and a clean environment that impacts IQ.
This is obvious and evident when you take the "high IQ countries" and look into their "ghettos" and socially and economically deprived parts.
Economic and ecologics have a huge impact on propper florishing of children.

Anonymous No. 16321052

bruh you had decades of programs like headstart and adoption studies that disprove this, you're living in a cotton candy fantasy realm

Anonymous No. 16321107

Adopted kids get more often raped and hit.
"Headstart" get utensils but still live in a place of violence and bad economic stress factors and on poisoned soil, food not included. Families still live in ghettos.
What do you expect is the outcome?

Give child who daily consumes dish soap washed chicken and cheetos to evolve properly, just because you "gave it some extra education" in a programm?

Did you even look into the "headstart" requirements and "programm"?
It involves:
>only children from 0-5 years of age
>routinly medical screenings
>focusing on "behavioural" difficulties, which involves the early administration of adderal or ritalin
>requirement of literally quarterly vaccinations and even flu shots to be elegible
>no food or nutrition supplied
>literally a brainwash dysgenics program
>as soon as child turns 5 all support is dropped
>child now loses all "outdoor acitvities and social groups"
>child now has to return back to ghetto life
>literally any benefit fades away within a year

Read the fucking dumb strategy of "head start".
Children with depression, because they lived in depressive circumstences, were literally given hope and meaning and then ripping it out of their hand when they turned 5.

Anonymous No. 16321110

Well if you're so smart, why can't you toast bread like a toaster can?

Anonymous No. 16321310

Take your Jew prescribed meds now.

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Anonymous No. 16322856

>It's nutrients during childhood and a preservation of innocence and a clean environment that impacts IQ.
so you think vegan and vegetarian parents should be arrested for child abuse?

Anonymous No. 16322877

>The elegant objection is that if you can't even begin to define or measure intelligence
Intelligence is just analysis of information, the smarter you are the more efficient and complex this analysis becomes to the point you can imagine concepts from scratch like most historical mathematicans

Anonymous No. 16322908

>so you think vegan and vegetarian parents should be arrested for child abuse?
Not arrested. But publicly whipped.
I think that public whipping and shame should have a come back.
Jail and financial punishments will affect the children even more negatively.

But for such things, whipping publicly is perfect.

Lying should also become a whippable offense.

And if you are interested, interestingly they had a hard time to induce scurvy by regular "starvation" but had to resort to "shitty liquid söy based diet" to get scurvy results:

They gave people liquid söy based food to cause scurvy
Added "ascorbic acid to söy to see if its reversing"
It didn't.
They put them back on a regular diet and added ascorbic acid, then scurvy went into remission, allegedly showing that vit c deficiency is causal for scurvy. (which is retarded because it proves that ascorbic acid alone does nothing, and a regular helps and actually proving that söy diet is shit)

They did it multiple times:

Here again synthetic liquified söy food to cause disease. And the simple change to "regular even söy based" food eleviated the symptoms, here they changed also multiple variables at once: Adding vit c + changing the food
And not just adding vit c to the liquid söy.

Hence this study is rather about: Synthetic liquid food vs. solid food.

Anonymous No. 16323370

Why hasn’t this heathen been banned yet

Anonymous No. 16323974

And who makes these rankings?
>white people

bodhi No. 16324035

I love pop tarts

Anonymous No. 16324244

lalalalalala i can’t hear you lalalalalala

Anonymous No. 16324989


Anonymous No. 16325859

Common sense ain’t so common anymore…

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Anonymous No. 16325874

>Science says, without evidence, that there is no link between dna and intelligence

Politicians (who PAY the scientists' wages) says evidence (data) is NOT allowed to find a link between dna and intelligence
If any scientists DARES to disagree their career will be destroyed.

Anonymous No. 16326291

Lol them pygmies

Anonymous No. 16326887

This world is fucking annoying

Anonymous No. 16328452

>Sierra Leone
how do they manage a 91 with a country full of negroes? thats smarter than mexico

Anonymous No. 16328476

Any charts that breakdown African IQ by tribe?

Anonymous No. 16328515

We see countries with arab level IQ among subsaharans, Like Nigeria or Uganda. That's put all those talks about negroes being genetically dumb into question.

Anonymous No. 16328521

Thanks ChatGPT

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Anonymous No. 16328686


Anonymous No. 16328952

Why are their brains like this
Are they cooked by the sun

Anonymous No. 16328965

I’m not convinced intelligent people are good at selecting for high intelligence in a sexual partner. I don’t think A actually happens in the long run.

If intelligence has an influence on sexual selection it caps out at like ~100 iq. Anything above that is irrelevant for sexual selection

Anonymous No. 16328967

>No because DNA codes the genotype, not the phenotype
What ?

Anonymous No. 16328973

Seriously I dont even understand how it is possible. Im in the 110s and Im a pure midwit, I cant comprehend how a guy in the 60s can live a normal life.

Anonymous No. 16329158

when science was leaving the paths of observable facts and getting corrupted by ethics and ideologies ?

must be somewhere between 1980 and 2010

Anonymous No. 16329165

>never visited /pol

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Anonymous No. 16329705

>Racism outside of /b/ is not permitted.

Noticing racial differences is not racism.
Stating facts is not racism.
Discriminating (against or FOR) someone based on their race is racism.
A belief that a race is superior or inferior to another and owes or is owed resources is racist.
One of the easily identifiable reasons for low IQ scores in Africa is illiteracy, NOTHING to do with DNA BUT a lot to do with culture.

Anonymous No. 16330037

>NOTHING to do with DNA BUT a lot to do with culture.
So it's totally irelevant ITT ?

Anonymous No. 16330550

Insane world we’re in

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Anonymous No. 16330971


IQ is not the sole determining factor, BUT anyone who thinks that racial and sexual differences in intelligence do not exist, is wrong.
BY every measure of intellectual achievements White males dominate.
You could eliminate every intellectual achievement by minority females and barely notice any difference in the world.

Anonymous No. 16331606

Damn this post is pissing off the leftists

bodhi No. 16331609

you fucking nazi, fuck you!

Anonymous No. 16331644

I could've sworn this story was much older than that. Anyway, can someone tell me what Watson did besides have access to a powerful microscope that nobody else had at the time, allowing him to see in more minuate than ever before? His opinion seems based on assumption than anything concrete.

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Anonymous No. 16331697

An IQ of 68 roughly correllates to the US population in 1920. I think it's fairly uncontroversial to say that Africa is at least 100 years behind the US in development.

Anonymous No. 16331756

>His opinion seems based on assumption than anything concrete.

Anonymous No. 16332014

Well said

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Anonymous No. 16332430

>I think it's fairly uncontroversial to say that Africa is at least 100 years behind the US in development.

You just do not get it. Africans have NEVER been seen as intellectually superior or even equal to any of the other races. A technologically advanced space faring species would NEVER happen if humanity was all African.

Anonymous No. 16332464

"Never" is a strong word. They're only a few ten-thousand years behind. In the grand scheme of things, that's not very much. What we should do is get them all out of africa and put them in a cold northern climate then isolate them for 20,000 years and see what comes of the survivors.

Anonymous No. 16332474

Yeah...the survivors, lmao.
It would be easier to just select the high IQ individuals and make them breed to create a yakub tier black race.

Anonymous No. 16332478

I think selling segregation and natural selection as "independence from whitey" would be a lot easier than eugenocide, personally.

Anonymous No. 16332484

>just select the high IQ individuals

Return to the mean, look it up.

Anonymous No. 16332514

Wdym, can you elaborate a little.
If IQ is mostly genetics then it should work no ?

Anonymous No. 16332923

>wise old man says something correct
>younger people scream and shit and piss their diapers
Many such cases

Anonymous No. 16333999

they don't want "independence from whitey"
they want to destroy whites and everything that whites have created because whites make them look bad in comparison.

its like how ugly girls and fat girls are resentful of the ones who are willing to output the effort and self control needed to be pretty

Anonymous No. 16334610

Old people “don’t know more than the youth today” and that is what the dumb shit youths ACTUALLY believe

It’s why that submarine imploded too btw

Anonymous No. 16334684

Alright, immigrant populations in the West tend to be selected for high IQ, right? They have to be since it takes a lot of effort to migrate from a shithole to civilization. Their children however have the tendency to regress to the mean of the population of their home country. Why? That is debatable but it is probably because while a low IQ population does possess high IQ genes the overall genetic environment of that population does not favor those. As a group the parental generation carries all genes of the home countries population. If they are mixed again in the filial generations those genes regress to the mean.

Intelligence is shaped by evolution but the process is a lot slower than just filtering once for high IQ. You'd have to filter over many generations.

Anonymous No. 16335336

>immigrant populations in the West tend to be selected for high IQ, right

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Anonymous No. 16335357

>You just do not get it. Germanic Tribes have NEVER been seen as intellectually superior or even equal to any of the other races. A technologically advanced space faring species would NEVER happen if humanity was all Germanic.

Anonymous No. 16335478

Supposedly, but selecting from a population of 90 just gets you a bunch of 95s.

Anonymous No. 16335637

IQ is a test that aims to quantify general intelligence which we know exists and is heritable. Of course general intelligence only affects your ability to learn. Your environment dictates if you actually are able to learn things. IQ testing for only outcomes in intelligence fails to take enironment into account environment. Which is why IQ scores also tend to rise with economic development. IQ is still useful for approximating general intelligence in similar demographics and findimg the retards that need psychiatric help. Testing IQ of different races in the same environment fails because some races are economicaly challenged compared to the average population due to their heredity of the economic plight of their ancestors (slaves and minorities).

The soultion is simple really, try your best systems to isolate Economic effects on IQ and then get the mean or smth, then bump up the IQ by the difference. It wont be accurate but nobody will even try because it is taboo.

Anonymous No. 16335935

>>>>>actually it doesnt >it says the opposite

Anonymous No. 16336075


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Anonymous No. 16336087


Anonymous No. 16336106

We are not getting smarter. We are selecting for criminal traits and low-IQ in whites. We have had disgenics for over 120 years.

What this means is that the Flynn effect is "real" as more "crystalized IQ" to boost Overall IQ. But when talking strictly of "G" IQ, it has been decreasing.

Africa has had the same disgenics, but they started at a much lower IQ to begin with.

So America would have had an IQ of 115+ compared to average today.

16% of the population would have been above 130.

So relatively, what I'm saying is that, Africa got a disgenic boost because whites helped them breed since we had the industrialization that could only have happened with whites. We have high levels of genius per capita, and had a very high average IQ. So very high levels of genius to allow for a revolution in technology.

Whether or not whites had a higher average IQ before our disgenics compared to Jews or Asians (chinese, japanese) I cannot say. Further research on my part is needed.

You're wrong to say they're behind a hundred years, they are behind - but remember, you need an environment to select for higher-iq in the first place. Which may not happen in Africa. You need the right selection pressures.

Anonymous No. 16336118

You can get the list of alleles from the nature paper's supplementary tables xlsx file:

You would then have to download the 1000 Genomes dataset which each individuals' genetic variants and ancestry metadata. You could then calculate how many people in the European superpopulation have certain alleles compared to African. I'm sure someone has calculated this, but it's probably on an obscure blog.

The caveat is that polygenic scores still do not explain all the variance for phenotypes, and tend to not be as predictive when applied to another population.

Anonymous No. 16336120

>it doesnt work
>yea but surely you can train
>it doesnt work
>so like over the span of si-
>it doesnt work
He's right ya know

Anonymous No. 16336125


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Anonymous No. 16336172

smart people build schools. If Africaans were smart this would have been done. It has not because they are not operating at that level of self awareness. It's just not there. There is a biological reason why most people avoid black people, because instinctually they know they are dangerous. Why do you think a 24/7 ad campaign must exist to keep reminding people that black people are smart and are civilization builders when ALL evidence points to the contrary

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16336193

>Why do you think a 24/7 ad campaign must exist to keep reminding people that black people are smart and are civilization builders when ALL evidence points to the contrary
I genuinely don't understand why a more educated/intelligent class of people would do this. How do they benefit?

Anonymous No. 16336280

Humans blind themselves to the obvious so hard it’s incredible.

Anonymous No. 16336614


SJWs have zero response to this. Leftists do not trust real science, they only trust their religion called Science

This is an established scientific fact

Anonymous No. 16336617

>white people

jews make those lists idiot. You're not antisemetic are you? The question stands, why aren't black companies or schools dominating the planet? If they were the superior race EVERYONE would know it becuase they would taking over the world.

Everyone knows instinctually that black people are dangerous on an antimlistic sense. This is baked into our DNA. If you need proof, literally look around. There is no 1st world black country. There is no invention that you are eagerly waiting to come out of Africa.

>b but white people stopped them

The that is proof of white superiority over your supposed amazing black race

You lose faggot. Deal with it

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Anonymous No. 16336793

>And who makes these rankings?
>>white people

OK, **YOU** name a GREAT Black African run University that has people from around the world going there for a World Class Education

OK, *YOU* Name one company in the world's 500 largest companies that is founded and run by Black Africans.
So quite is the response you can hear the sound of crickets...

Anonymous No. 16337772

It sucks that you now have to pick sides. Either you are part of their religion, or you're branded a literal witch/heretic.

Anonymous No. 16337777

That favours the countries without compulsory schooling as hardly any researcher goes out and sits bone-nosed spear chuckers in front of an IQ test. Nearly all IQ tests are done on participants easily available to academics. In thirdie countries this tends to filter for the relatively educated parts of the population. In countries with compulsory schooling a larger cross section of people is in reach to academics.

Some very poor countries do quite well on IQ tests, such as Mongolia.

Anonymous No. 16337782

Compared to their population at large.

Depends on how strict your preselection is. A country like Nigeria with its 180 or so million people contains a large number of 120+ people in absolute terms even though they are a tiny fraction in relative terms.

Anonymous No. 16337852

Except that the Germanic tribes were skilled craftsmen, succesful traders and had an intricate system of laws and tribal organisation. Most importantly while the Germanics were less capable engineers and city builders than the Romans they were equal or superior craftsmen and metal workers. Germanic armies were oftentimes capable of going toe-to-toe with Romes armies. Romes advantages lay in the size of the empire and her industries that allowed Rome to concentrate large numbers of professional soldiers against her tribal adversaries.

African tribes in the past were unable to field and equip armies that were a credible threat to western armies. Singular exceptions like the Battle of Isandlwana saw the western army outnumbered by their African opponents by a factor of 10 or more.

Africa did poorly back then, it still does poorly today. This lack of ability is almost exclusively African. While most regions of the era had little to oppose Europes armies, an armies quality being an expression of the society that fields it, the other regions quickly improved.

In comparison with China for example Africa looks even worse. The Chinese fended off the European colonizers for longer than Africa and had that much less time where Europeans forced upon them modernisation, education and infrastructure projects. Or put differently, received less foreign aid than African regions. Yet despite that China and Asia overall has climbed out of dependency on western industries, culture and research, while Africa is still doing very poorly.

Anonymous No. 16338011

Only when a country has tight immigration policies. This stuff doesn't exist anymore. The plutocratic goal of opening all western borders to criminal invaders is complete. The immigrant IQ ratio is going to drop to sub 90.

Anonymous No. 16338873

Muh Feewings has taken over science