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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294582

What is your favorite prime number /sci/?
I think I'm leaning towards 11, but it's kind of small you know?

Anonymous No. 16294584


Anonymous No. 16294935

Smallest prime number is three(3).

Anonymous No. 16295494


Anonymous No. 16295743

I accept no bigger than 7

Anonymous No. 16295801

Gotta go with infinity. Nothing beats infinity.

Anonymous No. 16295810

11 is indeed nice

Anonymous No. 16295880

Nuh uh

WORL No. 16295882

Divinity beats infinity.

Anonymous No. 16295892

>he doesn't know this is eternity
Look at your eye

Anonymous No. 16295898

Favorites are 7 and 23. I have a soft spot for 3, though

Anonymous No. 16295901

Infinity isn't divisible by itself, it clearly isn't a prime number, its not even a number and even if you used the numerical version aleph_0, it doesn't obey the same rules of division as finite numbers and isn't equally divisible by itself, so still not a prime.

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stellar blade mac....jpg

Anonymous No. 16295903

All I can say is...I love Eve, my hyperintelligent wife

WORL No. 16295906

Fart in my mouf now

WORL No. 16295909

I know all - faggot.

Anonymous No. 16295920

>he doesn't know
You will never put a gun to your head and truly see. You won't even look at your own eye

Anonymous No. 16295923

I am going to find you. Every post you make gets me closer

WORL No. 16295934

It's called letting humans discuss and not being a growth-suppressing perverse kike

Anonymous No. 16295949

Cardinals like aleph_0 behave nothing like real numbers, they are not useful in this case. You might want to look into hypearreals and surreals instead.

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Anonymous No. 16295976

3, fuck the people who say 7


Anonymous No. 16295996

Keep posting. I'm narrowing in on you.

Anonymous No. 16295997

If 1 isn't a prime number then neither is 11, since it's just two 1s

Anonymous No. 16296057

7 is objectively the best prime number, and anyone that says otherwise is just trying to be different.

Anonymous No. 16296076

104. It's the biggest even prime. What's not to like?

Anonymous No. 16296078


Anonymous No. 16296089

i don't really like prime numbers, but 2 is different. i love even numbers (8 is my favorite) and 2 is the essence that breathes life into all even numbers, like a mother goddess.

Anonymous No. 16296140

7 is nicer because 7 + 1 is a power of 2.

Anonymous No. 16296179

So is 11 + 1

Anonymous No. 16296221

Fun fact: the base ten string 1...1 can only be prime if its length is prime. Proof?

Anonymous No. 16296236

5 is too small
13 is too big
7 or 11 is the sweet spot

Anonymous No. 16296239

9 is the best prime.

Vard No. 16296243
