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๐Ÿงต It is actually quite easy to build your own perpetual motion machine

Anonymous No. 16294583

This is a video called "The simplest Perpetual Motion Machine you can build at home - The Hydro-Gravitational Device"

YouTube Link:

It is based on simple principles of physics that take advantage of gravity, hydrodynamics, and vacuum. If you don't believe it works, you can easily build it at home for less than $10 worth of plumbing supplies, and see it working with your own eyes.

Anonymous No. 16294591

The simplest perpetual motion machine I can imagine would be a sealed chamber containing an evaporatable liquid and something to act upon.
the liquid would pool at the bottom, evaporate, condense on the ceiling or walls then the as it flows down the sides be directed to act upon an object.

Anonymous No. 16294605

Physhits are the handmaidens of capitalism, they KNOW that free energy is possible, but their (((corporate overlords))) dictate what is (((settled science)))

Anonymous No. 16294612

Go shill your retarded shit elsewhere
Lamao, looks like noone is biting your shit

Anonymous No. 16294619

Depending on the properties of the liquid, eventually the evaporated liquid and the normal liquid will equalize pressure as there's no external heat to continually evaporate the liquid.

Anonymous No. 16294644

No i'm just relying on regular solar cycles and daily temperature changes.
I'm not under the illusion of mythical free energy just a simple solar powered cycle

Anonymous No. 16294768

The hardest part of building a perpetual motion machine is figuring out where to hide the battery

OP doesn't understand what a hydraulic head is

Anonymous No. 16294950

That's not a perpetual motion engine, it's a heat pipe.

Anonymous No. 16295046

Both the lower and upper tubes will pour water into the bottom until the water level on the upper bowl is too low for each to reach

Anonymous No. 16295206

I think you might need to add multiple thinner tubes to have a more ideal proportion in regards to input water going up, vs output flow water going down. Might help to have some tubes where the interior is fabricated in such a way to increase the flow. Maybe with certain materials so that when an external frequency is applied, the structure's resonance would cause water to flow upwards much easier, especially if the intake tubes are lined with special designs, like Tesla Valves for example.

I think you're in the right direction.

>I'm not under the illusion of mythical free energy
I actually do believe we can create energy, despite what the Laws of Thermodynamics claim.

Anonymous No. 16295214

Why not just hook up a solar panel to an electric motor? Lol

bodhi No. 16295568

nah, magnets and springs


Anonymous No. 16295572

Not perpetual motion. It will eventually run out of energy

Not perpetual motion because it has to have something using energy acting upon it to keep it going