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Anonymous No. 16294598

I'm weeks away from thesis submission, I've spent months and months writing over 100 pages, and now that I ask my supervisors to look at it, one of them just started editing it and rewriting sections without telling me
This has really annoyed me
It's supposed to be my work

Anonymous No. 16294620

Can you figure out what his reasoning is? The thing is no one is going to read 100 pages anyways. So you might as well not be mad? Reconfiguring often does make a paper better. At the same time it feels horrible to have the page alignment of the figures and paragraphs butchered. You have my sympathy.

Anonymous No. 16294631

the problem is, he's writing things that aren't my words, in a document I've spent months perfecting, purely for his own motivation of making the thesis look good in the eyes of our specific scientific community
but I'd rather it be a representation of what I did, what I learned, and what ultimately I alone will have to defend at my viva
he's basically making a lot more work for me because I'm going to have to go through my thesis again, find exactly what he's changed, and if I don't like it, I will have to change it back, or at least try to, because there's no record of what it once was if he's editing it without tracking changes
really frustrating...

Anonymous No. 16294642

Use overleaf or git to track their changelog. There is no other option my academic fren.

Actually, you can ask them to write changes in different colour or style.

Anonymous No. 16294646

Are you using overleaf? It does have a history feature. Next time just make a copy when you're sharing. I'm sure he half expects you to overwrite his contributions anyways. Good luck!

Anonymous No. 16294668

I don't get what the problem is. You asked for feedback and you got some? Are you mad that someone didn't think your thesis was already perfect as is?

Anonymous No. 16294671

I actually just noticed the history feature...
I was previously relying on the comment tab, which every other supervisor had been using up to this point, so it really threw me when I discovered he'd edited it directly. Phew! This is a relief. I still have a bit of work to do though, not happy with some of his changes.

It's convention for the student to write their own thesis, and then supervisors advise you with suggested corrections/amendments. To directly change the text without consulting the student, purely because of their interest in the project's marketability... that's quite the overstep in my opinion. Again, I'm the one who has to defend this, it must be my words and things I understand.

Anonymous No. 16294679

>directly change the text
Huh? Are you saying you didn't submit a printed draft for review but instead a file which you then deleted from your own computer? Why? What on earth would possess someone to do that?

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feels like aids.jpg

Anonymous No. 16294680

>I've spent months and months writing over 100 pages
I've spent months stressing about writing, and so far I've only managed to copy-paste ~10 pages worth of paragraphs from my articles. I hate writing so much. I wonder if my professor would feel hurt if I just quit.

Anonymous No. 16294923

It's a live document that can be shared with multiple people
If "track changes" is enabled, nothing can be changed without first being approved by the owner. My bad for having it turned off, but the history feature is what saved me today.

Don't give up over writing, friend
Just motivate yourself better, find a rhythm, devote some time to it

Anonymous No. 16294926

He probably feels guilty for not having helped you earlier and realizes you’re going to completely fail if he doesn’t step in and help

Anonymous No. 16294932

Let me help you out
>ChatGPT, I have a research finding that I need to write an article to publicize it. Can you coach me through writing one?

Then have the conversation it will Help you out. When you feel stuck at certain points say
> Yeah let’s just hold on to this for now and go to the next step, when the base structure is all decided then we can rehash this out

Anonymous No. 16294940

>live document that can be shared with multiple people
Crazy. Is that standard practice now for school kids? I wouldn't even be comfortable keeping the current draft of a paper in the cloud, let alone as a shared document. What's the benefit?

Anonymous No. 16294946

The benefit is that multiple people can give feedback on a document, which can be edited in livetime, and all which gets tracked and recorded in a single space
and no it's not for school kids, school kids typically don't need multiple supervisors/critique

Anonymous No. 16294949

You're writing a thesis. You're a school kid. It's not an insult: presumably you're in school and in your 20s.

Anonymous No. 16295170

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16295174

You call 28 year olds kids? What are you, the UN migration department?

Anonymous No. 16295175

I was going to drop my card and my favourite sketch (not my best, my fav). But it seems I will be taking my order seriously if I am in fact doing this time.

Anonymous No. 16295178

Anybody that isn't qualified to work a minimum wage job is a kid. This includes women and children in school.

Anonymous No. 16295180

It's something about readying up in this hard state in a way it can be sustained, and then another blending move. This is the state of the imagery.

Anonymous No. 16295183

I think you're just arguing for the sake of it, but your statements are getting increasingly bizarre

Anonymous No. 16295236

None of the nonsense infra is me. I'm only here to marvel at the idea that a thesis or dissertation might be crowd-sourced as a open file with ones advisors. Good God.


Anonymous No. 16295259

My mistake
Yeah it's just easier to have a shared online file rather than managing multiple copies of multiple iterations

Anonymous No. 16295422

Most professors just don't give a shit and don't give feedback. Apathy is worse than being hated, in my opinion. Are you really complaining?

And while it's already a moot point, since you've recovered the document, the point that you had before, you have tons of tools to be able to find what the differences are and revert them if you so desire. Next time if you're going to be an artist about what gets edited and in what manner it does send out a dead copy instead of a living one or making another arrangement like described to your reviewers. Exactly how you want to feedback. Don't get so butthurt about it. It's actually a good thing

Anonymous No. 16295651

>not just giving your advisor a pdf

Anonymous No. 16295886

Throw a brick through her window.

Anonymous No. 16296103

Does ChatGPT or other generative AI help with stitching together a bunch of copypasta sections from different research papers? I'm behind the schedule for my write up and need to cook up 70 pages in a week or so without trigger my uni's reference checking system.

Anonymous No. 16296120

Just misspell every word, and rearrange them randomly.

Anonymous No. 16296165

There are no good commonwealth universities so it doesn't really matter.

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Vard No. 16296169

Academia was good until something extra terrestrial happened and now they're suffering under an attack and spewing nonsense. They are forgiven and you should try 'tap in' to their logic and secret word.

Anonymous No. 16296178

You will never be a carbon based lifeform.