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Anonymous No. 16294656

>astronaut training takes 2 years
Is a space really that tough? No military training course this long

Anonymous No. 16294698

Most of it is acting classes

Anonymous No. 16294879

space is hard job

Anonymous No. 16294938

not sure how tough it really is but when it cost millions of dollar to launch a human to space and all the life support systems which are needed, you want to make it very sure that it wont fail because of human errors.

Anonymous No. 16295068

Then why are they sending niggers and women to the moon this decade? It's a recipe for disaster and will set spaceflight back decades.

Anonymous No. 16295075

this, acting, faking moon landings, and cock sucking

Anonymous No. 16295443

>Then why are they sending niggers and women to the moon this decade?
Because there are rules that state that all must be treated equally, no matter if they're actually equal or not.
And when things explode, burn down or simply stop existing, the people in charge can just blame it on other people, who blame it on other people, who blame it on those in charge.
In the end, no one will be fired and everything will continue as it was.
Isn't bureaucracy great?

Anonymous No. 16295513

>physician training requires medical schooo plus a residency plus a fellowship
Lmao at thinking 2 years is long

Anonymous No. 16295613

Military flight school takes more than one year (3 months ground, half a year doing primary flight in the T-6b, and many more months for platform specific training). Add the wait time between training.

Heck, a university aviation degree will take four years.

This seems par for the course.

Anonymous No. 16295637

>No military training course this long
Space agencies are more invested in keeping their people alive. In the military if you die it's not super unexpected.