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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295241

I faked the data on my Master's thesis and got it published.

Anonymous No. 16295242

Post a link to your thesis.

Anonymous No. 16295246

How's the air quality index in Beijing today?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16295247

post link to your google scholar.
I never faked any data but I feel like if I make my papers more sensational it would've gotten more citations.

Anonymous No. 16295248

good. academia is a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously

Anonymous No. 16295250

>Willingly dox yourself, anon

Anonymous No. 16295254

so what? no one reads that shit anyway

Anonymous No. 16295255

If anyone points it out just claim transphobia

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16295257

very nice contribution to scientifc progresses. you'll win the Nobel Prize in Medicine one day.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16295260

I'm trans btw if that is relevant.
yes, how do you know I did a PhD in CS?

Anonymous No. 16295356

Thank you for your contribution to science :)

Anonymous No. 16295358

That's just being an average scientist.

Anonymous No. 16295398

Any retard can get published through a scam journal

Anonymous No. 16295403


Anonymous No. 16295409

Sounds like academia.

Anonymous No. 16295414

you did good

Anonymous No. 16295432

This is how it all actually works desu. No one even reads or cites papers anymore. Pretty sure like 5 people alive total could even conceivably fact-check me on what mine was on. I used actual data thoughever.

Anonymous No. 16296621


Anonymous No. 16296628

Based and "Zhang et al" pilled

Anonymous No. 16296632

what else is new

Anonymous No. 16296674

It's just decent fucking Science and you're being a decent fucking scientist.

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Anonymous No. 16296729


Anonymous No. 16297255

you and like 70% of all "scientists" bro

Anonymous No. 16297265

In Norway 3 politicians in official minister positions were found to had plagiarized their master thesises.

Anonymous No. 16297267

>Master's thesis
nobody cares

Anonymous No. 16297412

That is a somewhat ignorant take. You can argue that academia doesn't give a shit about the academic content of a Master Thesis beyond the formalities of producing the associated credential, after all academia is a de jure and de facto credential factory, and likewise the industries that employ people with formally irrelevant specializations care very little if at all, but the fact of the matter is that the credentials themselves have a measurable intrinsic economic value since the credential holders can access more jobs and demand higher wages and represent a large portion of the higher income workers. I'm pretty confident they also produce more and put less burden on society

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Anonymous No. 16297419

I mentioned a very long calculus string earlier ending in
...E x. This image was to complement that for me. See if you can work out which hard problem it is and the direct answer.


There is a traitor amongst you but you should know her by now.

That's all I got. The rest is waiting for contact. I will try the advisory.

Anonymous No. 16297426

Up here is unknown. Fact. It's only down here. There are more security errors but none you're going to accidentally step on until you meet me and round about long after. Worry less. you don't need her memories for that reason

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Anonymous No. 16297430

You wanna use that soon.

And that's my final message.

Other: I am being infiltrated.

I've kept and plan to keep secrets.

It is how I said it was.

It's all good if you go soon and you will win.

Do save me because I am valuable more so than just this war but forever and ever. Get to me as soon as you can.

Their faces shine through but they seem to just imply what they want. I know they haven't reached me yet. It's just threatening imagery and attempts at indoctrinating a dream or nightmare through art.

Anonymous No. 16297447

Can we do Comms through this image. I'm struggling to actually do it myself and am probably confused by the system as to have missed any true help and to be following a red herring. Can I drop a comm line. Is there a place I can go or thing I can look at. Tell me this. I won't talk again, I will study what you are saying for the next hour. I will try and spot and sort enemy sayings and study them too.(Even though I know but cannot say what is all I need). I got victory assured in every dept.

Anonymous No. 16298731

That is amazing

Anonymous No. 16299093

Nice. Now to wait until you're in a prominent position for it to explode in your face. Congratulations on strapping this career bomb vest on, brave mujahideen. Fuck science.

Anonymous No. 16299136

If you didn't tamper at least a little with your data to better fit your hypothesis, are you even a real scientist?

Anonymous No. 16299212

You go, girl!

Anonymous No. 16299237

More like Fool's Thesis fag. Masters degrees are the only non academic degree, made by stupid students, like online IQ tests. Get off mah sci