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Anonymous No. 16295522
Outdated teachers that could already be replaced with Youtube videos insist on DEI over merit no matter how much they know they are creating an incompetent workforce and I know exactly why. It is because fraud is everything these people are. They are fake humans and don’t even care a little bit about what is correct or incorrect. It’s only about conforming to the newest fad ideology, which is usually just verbal vomit. At what point do we stop trying to help them think critically and just force them to conform to the truth by manipulating and verbally abusing the shit of out them just as they do to us when they refuse to answer even a single fucking question honestly. We just let these faggots walk all over us, and they make it right to the top of all our schools and universities through intimidation. We are giant pussies when it comes to saying anything about race.
Realistically, can we develop a system using probability and statistics to predict their personalities? Where can I find statistical methods to apply to public figures based on the words they speak? Will we be able to use an AI on our phone to predict frauds and keep them out of STEM?

Anonymous No. 16295523

Meant to link to

Anonymous No. 16295526

I greatly like the idea of forcing those diversity students who graduate, go to training, and become teachers to be mandated to teach diversity classes. This seems like a great idea.

Anonymous No. 16295530

>56% students of color

Anonymous No. 16295543

They should be mandated to live in a hole together.

Anonymous No. 16295608

>Will we be able to use an AI on our phone to predict frauds?
An LLM that could constantly debunk bullshit artists and help you understand your surroundings better would be awesome

Anonymous No. 16296857

lets hope global warming sinks NYC sooner rather than later

Anonymous No. 16296993

What the fuck did that girl get lobotomized?

Anonymous No. 16297630

That guy looks like a cult leader and is smiling at his lobotomized puppet. This is fucked up.

Anonymous No. 16298718

That is amazing

Anonymous No. 16298804

>This seems like a great idea.
Well, it IS a great idea for corporate lords and other billionaires who keep the population at bay by means of "divide and conquer". Ever figured why they aggressively pushed that anti-racism rhetorics while doing absolutely nothing about the sorry state of inner-city black neighborhoods?

Anonymous No. 16298914

What is amazing?

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Anonymous No. 16299948

global warming scientists promised us New York would be under water by now

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Anonymous No. 16301022


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Anonymous No. 16301127

I think rich white kids go to academies and middle class ones go to catholic schools
but yeah the state of public education is grim, honestly imagine dealing with pic related related here in CA

Anonymous No. 16302274

>but yeah the state of public education is grim,
Many of the highest ranked high schools in the nation are public high schools in Fairfax County, VA, where all the politicians live. So that pretty much proves that its not impossible for public schooling to be good and that public schools in other regions are trash by design rather than because of some inherent flaw in the idea of public schooling

Anonymous No. 16303961

if diversity is so valuable then why are the school in the all diversity neighborhoods so bad? why aren't those school producing tons of geniuses?

Anonymous No. 16304245

In California, a school's funding is determined by attendance. People complaining about schools not receiving enough funding are ignoring the fact that many kids don't give a fuck about education. You won't solve that problem by diversifying the teachers.

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Anonymous No. 16304285

>if diversity is so valuable then why are the school in the all diversity neighborhoods so bad?

The joke is they aren't actually ""bad"" relative to global comparison. Even the lowest testing demographics (Blacks and Hispanics) in the US does better than Greece and Iceland.

In 2022, 81 out 195 countries participate in PISA international exams. The lowest US demographics did better than 39 countries who tested. They also theoretically do better than the 114 countries who didn't feel confident enough in their students own abilities to test them globally.

So outside Russia, North Korea and maybe Iran for political exclusionary purposes. Doing better than roughly 3/4th the entire planet is not bad at all.

Other than enforcing longer school hours or secondary afterschool cram programs like China or South Korea, the US really doesn't need to do much else in terms of schooling.

Anonymous No. 16305505

Negroes in America are the wealthiest, best educated and longest lived people of African origin anywhere on the planet, yet all they do is constantly complain about how its all not good enough for them.

Anonymous No. 16306769

nobody is happy being a negro no matter how well off they are

Anonymous No. 16306781

>public high schools in Fairfax County, VA, where all the politicians live
Got some demographics there? Cause I've noticed a trend in my country where the politicians most in favor of open borders live far away from any bad neighborhoods and their kids go to the whitest schools in the country.

Anonymous No. 16306792

if you make it a bucket they'll all keep each other inside of it, much like crabs

Anonymous No. 16308133

mainly white, but with a substantial sprinkling of diversity in the form of children of foreign diplomats as well as plentiful koreans

Anonymous No. 16308598

Might as well just not bother with school at all if the teachers are niggers.

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Anonymous No. 16308628

>insist on DEI over merit

Some schools in majority Black communities would rather hire a lesser qualified Black teacher than a more qualified White teacher.

Anonymous No. 16309398

there are no intelligent white teachers who would want to work in a negro school

Anonymous No. 16310544

>Fairfax County, VA
The wealthiest county in America just happens to be the one where all the politicians live, what an amazing coincidence

Anonymous No. 16310810

They get student loan forgiveness if they agree to work in a "disadvantaged" school for a certain number of years.

Anonymous No. 16312506

plz stop noticing,
t. cia glowfaggot

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Anonymous No. 16312526

>despite being only 44% of the student body, white people are 81% of the teachers
Teaching doesn't pay enough for the work you do, so only altruistic people (i.e. whites) do it.

Anonymous No. 16313791

If whites are so smart, how come they can't figure out how to get negroes to learn to read and write and do math?

Anonymous No. 16313900

>If whites are so smart, how come they can't figure out how to get negroes to learn to read and write and do math?
I said whites are altruistic, not that they're smart

Anonymous No. 16315550

same reason they can't teach chimpanzees to do all those things

Anonymous No. 16315568

If my teacher looked more like me, I would be more engaged with the material. This is backed by science, ironically Nazi ideology here actually promotes ethnic diversity.

Anonymous No. 16316374

>This is backed by science
no it isn't

Anonymous No. 16317944

>I can't learn from people who don't look like me because I'm a filthy disgusting racist
Why do you presume you and your ilk should be catered to? Education should be reserved for decent people, you and your ilk should be kept out, hopefully that will contribute to your rapid extinction

Anonymous No. 16317959

I have learned from all sorts of people and that is precisely why I am not a racist. These people that I learned from have published endless studies on communication that support my thesis. Any french child would feel out of place on the playground during recess in pakistan, and any pakistani child would be intimidated by french schools and european customs that were never taught at home.

Anonymous No. 16318080

as much as the groypers want to talk about race and uni graduation rates, the reality is that it is so fucking expensive to get certified in any state that any college graduate will either opt out for getting a masters or going into a more well paid field, regardless of race.

Anonymous No. 16319393

in NYC, despite being 44% of students, white people make up 81% of teachers. I think it's because of white people's mindless altruism

Anonymous No. 16320099

bro tier

Anonymous No. 16320601


Anonymous No. 16320632


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Anonymous No. 16321868


Anonymous No. 16323979

I thought noticing racial differences was racist

Anonymous No. 16324164

my white gf from an inner city school cheated on me when i left for uni and from my upper school we stayed together forever - :)

my doppelganger tried to all in here hahaha

Anonymous No. 16325682

Its conditional, when the noticing favors whites then its bad, when it favors shitskins then its good

Anonymous No. 16325793

Gonna cry?

Anonymous No. 16325806

They still blame it on white racism even though whites have zero political power or representation as a group. The narrative has already been established and can't be falsified. The US will be 15% white and they will still be talking about systemic white supremacy. They can't look at a situation rationally because they are ideologues. It's about pushing a narrative.

Anonymous No. 16327549

>The US will be 15% white and they will still be talking about systemic white supremacy.
and whites will still be superior

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Anonymous No. 16329314

Anonymous No. 16329328

The chart includes Asians in students of color, of which about 5-10% of NYS is. Asians don't want to work as underpaid teachers. Weird considering Asians are often called "white adjacent".

Anyhow about 20% of NYS is foreign born, which is nearly all colored people. These foreign born people are completely unqualified to teach, mostly since they don't speak English.

Factoring these in, that 56% student of color statistic likely drops to about 40%, and people want to employ more spics and niggers to offset this. Ridiculous

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Anonymous No. 16329987


Anonymous No. 16331235

Additional information: Since most Chicago public school teachers are either gay or alcoholic cat ladies, only one third of them have children

Anonymous No. 16331304

Why is the water splashing on the speech bubbles?

Anonymous No. 16331442

So what you can argue Hispanic group in america is the most wealthiest spic demographic out of all of them.

Anonymous No. 16331443

I mean it's step up from pajeets and SEAs

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Anonymous No. 16333283

not rly