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Anonymous No. 16295626

Im about to graduate with my PhD in Electrical/Computer engineering. Idk what to do with my life, Iโ€™m so tired of being poor but I love working in science. Do I give up the passionate work for pay? I hear ECE PhDs can easily get a job paying like 200k-300k in the states

Anonymous No. 16295687

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16295708

working overtime jannie?

make money dumbass

Anonymous No. 16296577

>Idk what to do with my life
get a dog

Anonymous No. 16297139

If you're smart, the answer is clear for 200-300k. Save up, move somewhere cheap, buy bitcoin, learn to invest, enjoy your thirties.

Anonymous No. 16297153

find an edge for day trading

Anonymous No. 16297360

>I hear ECE PhDs can easily get a job paying like 200k-300k in the states

I think easily is a stretch for anyone, but if you are not a US citizen then it will probably be very difficult, even with a PhD.

Anonymous No. 16297363

I probably cannn get to you now. To best of your knowledge, as you think may be, is not to the best of mine.

1. I can't see properly
2. What you need to produce for me is some kind of mirror/mirage influencing me to do the best I truly know

I'll try explain the security leak. In a collapses lucidity but a room of such captured rising lucid.

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Please Put This On.jpg

Anonymous No. 16297368

Instead of becoming a wagie, become a maid and wear a cute maid outfit and use your education to produce advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research and release it to Public Domain on the /Sci/ence Foundation, so other maids can study and use it too.

Anonymous No. 16297375

You were more yes and it's not that hard for me

There's a way for you to create a good image in your next say

Anonymous No. 16297835

This thread was moved to >>>/adv/31695002