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🧵 Would never existing feel the same as being dead?

Anonymous No. 16295719

Can't wrap my head around this crap.
In this universe, I could have not existed, like the offspring of, say, Nero and Marilyn Monroe (because they lived in different time periods, and so, could not have possibly mated, etcetc).
Well, I exist now, and am going to die one day. That day, I stop existing, right? So, when I stop existing, do I enter the same pure lack of consciousness like the person who never was, or do I get "frozen" in the last moment my consciousness had something left of it?
Like some sort of instant of deep dreamless sleep, after all my thoughts, feelings, memories are gone and I'm just a husk and there's next to nothing in my mind in that last instant?
Pic not related.

Anonymous No. 16295729

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16295732

This is the only thread I've made about this topic.

Anonymous No. 16295763

You can go through life believing there's some form of "you" after death, and it's probably beneficial to an individual to have this mindset; hence there's a lot of resistance towards the contrary. Self preservation and ego have helped us evolutionarily, so you'll see a million different copes of an afterlife out there. Consciousness is a dated term people shove their own mystical woo on, but it's born from the illusion our nervous system constructs for us to interpret and navigate the world so we can survive and reproduce. The simplest answer is once that goes, your experience is over.

Anonymous No. 16295777

that bot has been spamming that for years

Anonymous No. 16295786

Tried to talk philologically, and miserably failed to do so

Anonymous No. 16295908

What are you, 7 y.o.?

Anonymous No. 16296051

If the “you” doesn’t exist, then it can’t cease to exist upon death. It’s all just atoms, so what exactly is dying at birth? Atoms change every second, you die every second. There is no (you). You will be born again as some other form of conscious life forever and ever. We are all the same.

Anonymous No. 16296341

You just die man, you don't exist anymore. I guess you're just scared like everyone else. You simply just don't exist like you were never around caveman times, it's not that hard to comprehend once you get older lol.

Anonymous No. 16296852

No. Both would be undescribeable because 1) dead bodies cannot feel 2) never existing cannot feel. So neither can feel and we cant know if that the same feeling because they cant feel

Anonymous No. 16297132

So can we actually experience death? I know we die, but I honestly don't think we "experience" anything but only existing and dreams. Have you ever experienced anything different than that?

Anonymous No. 16297158

The reality is "you"(the awareness that you are alive, not your memories or physical atoms) are just a subsection of the consciousness of the universe. "You" are everyone and everyone is "you". So technically "you" are gay, actually the ultimate gay, because "you" are all gay people. Also technically "I"(who is also your dad) have fucked your mom.