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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296092

What a fucking retard

Anonymous No. 16296097

you missed

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trump flu.png

Anonymous No. 16296231

>What a fucking retard
it checks

Anonymous No. 16296417

I don't know if anyone is interested in my nice little story, because no one ever, apparently, tries to connect dots.

Trump's anti-vax position doesn't come from nowhere. It's tied to his financial investments. Back in 2005, he worked for the NBC . His show "The Apprentice" ran on that network. That show was in fact very important to Trump because, by the '00s, Trump had suffered from a massive decline in the marketability of his name which simply wasn't as widely known as it was back in the '80s.

Bob Wright, chief executive of NBC, was interested big in autism bucks so he founded "autism speaks", an autism advocacy group that staffed its board full with representatives of banks and pharma companies. To finance his new non-profit advocacy group, Bob Wright relied on financial investors. He specifically asked Trump (according to an article published by Vanity Fair). Now, what's forgotten is that people investing into autism services largely do so by investing into real estate where autism services are hosted. Because such autism services are carried out by interns who earn little to none, much of the money is actually lost on the rent. Hence, this was of interest for Trump, who owns a lot of real estate. Because Bob Wright's daughter was fiercely anti-vax, Bob Wright remained "ambivalent" on the vaccine issue. It's not clear to me whether or not that story is true. There is also a different story that allegedly involves a small network of Californian lawyers, including RFK Jr. (mostly near Santa Monica), that flooded, among others, the VAERS and FDA with vaccine-autism complaints back in 2003. There were 6 such reports made in 2001. In 2003, this would grow to over a thousand.

Anonymous No. 16296425

The yada yada of the story is largely trivial. Oprah and Jenny McCarthy started pushing the link to suburban women in 2007. Jenny essentially promoted diets and essential oils to mothers all around the nation.

Anonymous No. 16296444

keep seething you biden monkey

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Anonymous No. 16296451


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Anonymous No. 16296467

>fat old Orange boomer swindles Walmart scooter people into electing him President and storming Capitol
>stages his own assassination attempt with a second shooter wielding a pellet gun
>swindles the Walmart scooter people AGAIN

Anonymous No. 16296731

Leftists are mentally ill

Anonymous No. 16296923

I'd die for Trump, I'd spill blood for Trump. He is my king, my emperor, my AR-15 with illegal armor piercing ammunition serves only Trump.

Once Trump gets back in we can finally begin the Great Work. The cleansing. I will kill for thee, mighty King.

All non whites into the concentration camps.