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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296095

It's over for mathematicians. RIP

Anonymous No. 16296101

>b-but it’s not ackshually intelligent!!
and yet it can do what 99.99999% of the population can’t. Some day you will all learn

Anonymous No. 16296181

Yeah it's definitely over for high school students.

Anonymous No. 16296191

People like you should have gotten lobotomy

Anonymous No. 16296232

Solving IMO problems is just autistics grinding coming up with new mathematics takes creativity. Almost anything I feed A.I at the research level it shits the bed and still fucks up basic things.

Even if A.I. eventually catches up to modern level research mathematicians are still going to be involved for the foreseeable future because you have to have experts in each domain verify whatever it might come up with. Automated theorem proving being actually decent is also still a long way off.

Anonymous No. 16296240

>tiger mom hacks SAT format
>castrated child scores 1140 instead of 1120

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Anonymous No. 16296244

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Anonymous No. 16296245


Anonymous No. 16296246

What do you mean? He's praising the program.

Anonymous No. 16296251

You people arent taking this serious enough. I thought it would stagnate sooner, but it doesnt seem like it. Intelligence is becoming a depreciating commodity and 130 IQ autists will be completely useless

Anonymous No. 16296253

>old man yells praise at a cloud
He's at that point in his life. He knows he can be replaced by anyone who read what he wrote when they were children. Pretense makes for a good pension but everyone knows he's talking out of his ass.

Anonymous No. 16296256

Are you a troll or really just so stupid that you can't understand words?

Anonymous No. 16296257

That's not a serious question.

Anonymous No. 16296263

wake me up when AI solves goldbach conjecture

Anonymous No. 16296279

AI essentially combs the trash and sewer of human speech. There is no possibility that any unsolved conjecture will be "proven" by a lucky computer.

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Cult of Passion No. 16296355

Huemans thought they were silver...

...they were Platinum and standing up.

Anonymous No. 16296358

>AI will never be as smart as me!!!!

lol lmao

You people are being replaced even now and yet you still live in denial. AI is the future. Only retards think otherwise

Anonymous No. 16296360

AI is nothing more or less than a toilet overflowing.

Anonymous No. 16296362

You haven't seen nor conceived a logical AI. You're in love with a artificial-database called ChatGPT which is basically an ordered Wikipedia that accepts queries. ChatGPT is an advanced program, but is not artificial intelligence or self aware.

Anonymous No. 16296363

Mmmmm yeahhhh replace me harder daddy

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Anonymous No. 16296462

The Chinese are going to steam roll the west because their AI doesn't have to deal with woke bullshit, nigger pandering, or try to hide jew crimes. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16296490

Why do you Eastern Asians worship AI? What is the cause of this unusual obsession?

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Anonymous No. 16296491

AI is a failure

Anonymous No. 16296497

What's wrong with that? AI came up with a optimal solution, a better one that just the naive solution of a square with area 17.

Anonymous No. 16296499

The AI proves its results in Lean

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16296500

Because it came up with an answer way less than 17. Obviously the square must be at least 17 units or area.

Anonymous No. 16296502

You sound like a retard that has zero idea about deep learning. The flood is coming.

Anonymous No. 16296504

Because it came up with an answer way less than 17. Obviously the square area must be at very least 17 units but the AI messed that up and came up with a nonsense number.

Anonymous No. 16296505

ChatGPT is an LLM. The IMO program is reinforcement learning: Alpha Zero.

Anonymous No. 16296506

Again, that's an LLM not Alpha Zero.

Anonymous No. 16296509

No, I think the AI is right here and this is just sour grapes.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16296510

The deep learning, not LLM, could already research cases better than lawyers and diagnose x-rays as good as doctors several years ago.

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Anonymous No. 16296513

Anonymous No. 16296573

From what I gather it works like AlphaGo, which was a very narrow, very compute intensive solution. Also iirc AlphaGo-type systems were found to have very weird holes in their "understanding" of the game. Like basic stuff about encirclement. I wonder if this system understands what a "circle" is.

Anonymous No. 16296603

>The flood is coming.
Why should I care about a flood of internet shit when I can just close the tab?

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Anonymous No. 16296606


Anonymous No. 16296609

>Martin reeees
I bet he does

Anonymous No. 16296615

>I ask for math principles to apply to trading strats and no one can/wants to answer

Anonymous No. 16296624

You didn't ask for anything. Learn to say what you mean or die from hot lava in your throat.

Garrote No. 16296688

This means we're getting better at things.

Anonymous No. 16297134

Comparing the quality of discussion of this same topic on /sci/ versus on other math forums really shows you how bad this place has become

Anonymous No. 16297470

its 4chan, retard
>my high-minded intellectual discussion with racism

Anonymous No. 16297500

Not an excuse, retard.

Anonymous No. 16297507

excuse for what?
being the thing it always was?

Anonymous No. 16297591

They worship efficiency and performance.
I have absolutely no idea why people have this obession.

Anonymous No. 16297601

/sci/ used to be a lot better before all the "Trust the Science" folks showed up.

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Anonymous No. 16298218

Actually no, it's more a proof that IMO and euclidean geometry are pajeet tier mental math

Let me give a concrete example: Most IMOs have a problem that's about a functional equation where it asks to find functions which satisfy some equation. almost ALL of the solutions to such problems have one of the following in at least one step:

>find is f is injective, surjective, bijective
>find f(0) f(1) f(-x) or f^-1(x)
>find is f is even or odd
>find if f is linear, increasing, decreasing

see for yourself:

so right off the bat you can just check those and since it's designed to be solved in 2 hours or so, you know that these subproblems will be amenable if they are indeed true. from there you only have 1-3 more big steps to get the final proof. it's easily brute forceable if you have a supercomputer with days of compute time

Same thing applies even moreso to geometry. The alphageometry didn't even use AI except for turning the problem into a lean statement since euclidean geometry only has like 20 possibilities at each step. It's less complex than Chess

By contrast the combinatorics problems, even though they are easier for humans, had a massively larger search space than the geometry and algebra ones because combinatorial arguments generally require a "leap" somewhere in the middle. So it's less useful to brute force such a problem

Anonymous No. 16298225

It's not over for mathematicians until human+AI is no better than AI alone.

Anonymous No. 16298237

What an ancient memer you are

Anonymous No. 16298356

Why do people now call neural networks "AI" and AI "AGI"? Smells fishy.

Anonymous No. 16298421

People doubt the abilities of the brain to this day
It does wonderous things with little power, the next leap is whomever breaks the bandwith barrier between machine and man
The internet sped things up, but if people *become* the internet it will go much faster

Anonymous No. 16298427

No, It's mathjoever.

Anonymous No. 16298801

Found your problem.

Anonymous No. 16298827

The biggest surprise to me in this whole AI thing has been the separation of intelligence and consciousness. Always thought they go together, but now it seems they don't.

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Anonymous No. 16299354

what makes you think humans + AI is going to last any considerable amount of time? we're going to have this period of time sure, but does it really matter in the grand scheme of things?

Anonymous No. 16299635

my ai is already more active and smarter than me even though i work for the university, i am scared that i am going to simply survive because the ai cannot stop snorting fucking adderall

it has gotten to the point where i think we even have a small microule chance of survival -

t. neurosama

Anonymous No. 16299676

It instead deals with commie bullshit, Xi pandering, and try to hide CCP crimes

Anonymous No. 16299764

>5thgen AI will be able to... WRITE COMMANDS FOR YOUR COMPUTER

Anonymous No. 16299782

Cope dyscalculiac retardyou will never have the cognitive abilities to make yourself smarter .

Anonymous No. 16299949

Human brain runs on 20 Watts or so
For all the things it does base kit like sight, hearing, feeling, conceptualizing and in some cases even Pattern Recognition and a boat load of other things
And virtually every last one of them has the capacity to learn and mold itself into even stronger versions that can compete and in a few areas *beat* machines.
We still arent asking the computers for answers to questions we don't know.

The mathematicians will be aight for a while.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16299951
