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Anonymous No. 16296170

Science has proven that all except ultimate alphas, in all animals, not just humans, are deranged disturbed perverted sinspawn creatures, that shouldnt exist.

How long do you think it will take until all non ultimate alphas, who are not loyal to the obvious winner of World War 3, will be extremely painfully enslaved and attached to the power plug?

Anonymous No. 16296215

>Science has proven that all except ultimate alphas, in all animals, not just humans, are deranged disturbed perverted sinspawn creatures
nonsense, not every species is a Tournament Species.
Even in those, nature is full of sneaking males that successfully breed with willing females, right under the alphas' noses. Some of those males mimic females to get past the alphas to breed with the females and have offspring.
>that shouldn't exist
subjectivity doesn't count

Anonymous No. 16296229

You are correct, not every species has had the evolutionary mistake of creating lesser alphas, betas or omegas, that come through usually inbredness, but also for example intoxication during pregnancy, or very rarely with extreme stress during pregnancy, extremely rare, extreme stress, like being at Battle of Stalingrad kinds of conditions the whole pregnancy, and still unlikely.
Those species with no lesser alphas, betas or omegas are simply those who have not created that evolutionary misstep of inbredness or other things, that cause the fetus to grow sickly mutated brains. Being a lesser alpha, beta or omega means having sickly mutated brains. In reality they dont belong in any species.

Anonymous No. 16296238

If this sickly mutation happens, it causes always the fetus to become, even before birth, a sadistic, perverted, deranged, disturbed creature. Like for example in cats, those deranged disturbed cats that scratch everybody, bully other cats, piss everywhere etc, are in fact lesser alpha or beta or omega cats due to inbredness usually. In cats the hierarchy of alpha beta omega is not known, because it is so rare among household cats.

In other cat species the deranged disturbed perverted sadistic creature "cats" are usually driven away from the pack and they die on their own, or the other option, more common I was told, is that they get butchered violently by the natural feral cats.

Ultimate alphas, nothing else is natural. Lesser alphas, betas and omegas, of all sorts, are just mutations that try to adapt into the natural order of only ultimate alphas existing.

Anonymous No. 16296265

THere's no alpha. A society is always matriarchal and never patriarchal. This is because in any society, 99% of men are disposable cucks happy to compete for women. In any society women control men.

Anonymous No. 16296295

And to think that 62.9% of non ultimate alpha females get pumped from these kinds of statements and REALLY believe that THAT IS SCIENTIFICALLY CORRECT, yes theyre that delusional, anything that promises them power, no matter how obviously it is false and invalid, they just believe it, they might with a good argument for a while, seconds usually, realize that it's invalid and not true, but their need for disgusting hanus HOORNY makes them get enraged shouting YOU ARE WRONG MY STATEMENT IS TRUE, they just cannot accept any truths, only what claims that they would be somehow the most powerful or justified for power. Deranged, delusional, disturbed, hanus, disgusting, perverted, mistakes, flaws, mutations.

Anonymous No. 16296317


Anonymous No. 16296996

again, take your subjective nonsense someplace else. Evolution doesn't work like that. If genes get passed on, that's success, alpha or not.

Anonymous No. 16297083

Evolution can go in harmful directions, that are destructive or harmful for species or the familae, daa, like for example getting dumber and dumber generation by generation, leading eventually to extinction. Your arguments really are made of iron, not a miracle, since my point of debate is so obvious. Sickly mutations are sickly mutations that make the species disturbed, hanus, perverted, sadistic, destroying itself. That's the same as saying that it's beneficial, or as you put it, "success", for the species to pass on any genes, so why not just breed a shit ton of MS-disease, retardation and Alzheimers, and consider it a "success"?

Yes I'm told that all retards are sickly mutated also, I'm careful about believing in that, I was always taught as a child to never laugh or be mean to retards, but if it is a scientific fact and not a target made lie, then it is a scientific fact and the resolution is obvious and in no means inhumane or cruel.