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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296511

So, how accurate is really this film. The whole blight excuse to abandon Earth seems contrived and turned me off. It was cool to see the time dilation, but I'm sure this one is exaggerated too, specially with the inner more extreme planets. Obviously the inside of the black hole is complete bs, but what else?

Anonymous No. 16296533

what is it about black holes that makes them the number one most popular popsci topic of discussion amongst the brainlet soience fangoys?
is it the comic bookish aspects of the spectacular, unrealistic and completely non disprovable conjectures which go along with the topic that make black holes so popular amongst the scientist posers and wannabes?

Anonymous No. 16296557

The book explains that while everything is within the realm of possibility, everything is taken to the extreme or is unlikely.
The blackhole's spin is essentially the maximum speed one can spin.

Miller's planet would have to be extremely deep in Gargaunta's gravity well for the amount of dilation depicted.

The accretion disk was made exceedingly dim compared to the average in order for it make sense for Gargantua to be useable as a type of sun and look good on the render.

There is one thing that is plainly wrong in that they used a neutron star as a gravity assist but the amount of assist necessary would only be possible with another black hole, but having 2 black holes would be confusing for the viewers

Anonymous No. 16296618

>but what else?
Time dilation

Anonymous No. 16296664

Most scientists agree that love is the only thing that transcends time and space

Anonymous No. 16296668

Stars, color, light and matter 'transcend' time and space. This is a valid pattern.

Anonymous No. 16296676

Space is negative. Time is negative. And they are symmetrical.

Stars, color, light and matter are different positive frequencies.

Anonymous No. 16296680

>how accurate is really this film
The only semi-accurate thing is the proposed appearance of a black hole with an accretion disk, everything else is pure scifi

Anonymous No. 16296690

The entire plot was retarded.
>There's a disease killing crops on Earth
>So we have to go through a wormhole and colonize a new planet instead of just living in domes on Earth

When they visit NASA, there is a room filled with crops that were thought to be extinct due to the Blight, further proving they could have just created domed farmland and been completely fine.

Also the retarded time paradox - humans from the future created the wormhole that allowed humans to go to another part of the galaxy. Humans, who would have all died because the Blight would have killed them due to the only solution to surviving the Blight being a wormhole that requires humans to not be killed by the Blight to evolve and create.

Anonymous No. 16297302

Mathematically, any universe is possible. So the events of any film you've watched can take place in some universe where it all makes logical sense.

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Anonymous No. 16298338

The base premise of the film - that human must reside on planetary surfaces - is faulty. Humans can create earthlike habitats in free space using asteroidal and lunar materials, and seed them with Earth life for high-quality living space with 1960's technology.

Anonymous No. 16299514

Deadly science thing where everyone can spit out their theories without fearing being disprooven by hard facts.

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Anonymous No. 16299543

it looks epic
therefore it doesn't matter

Anonymous No. 16299548

>BRO an entire planet that is raining diamonds and made of gold
>No there's no evidence of it, BUT IT'S possible

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Anonymous No. 16299553


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Anonymous No. 16299556

God forbid we have two threads about space at any one time but we get 15 black hole threads a day. Fucking hell.

Anonymous No. 16299572

this video is the best explanation possible if you can't into general relativity

Anonymous No. 16299800

They literally did that at the end of the film.
The premise is the earth has a fraction of the resources available. There is enough to assemble a craft and some crew to seed human life on a new planet just outside the wormhole.
The humans on earth would very optimistically spend the rest of their time to figure out the gravity equations that would allow them to manipulate gravity to essentially send the massive underground NASA facilities which are built as O'Neill cylinders into orbit.

Anonymous No. 16299802

It's just interesting and mysterious. No need to such a smug faggot about it.

Anonymous No. 16299986

it was bullshit from A to Z but it had a cool soundtrack. also, I remember some physicist or other claim that the external view of the black hole was a much better simulation than anything available to scientists up to then because the movie makers had way more money to spend on it. smells like advertisement but sounds good.