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๐Ÿงต Overfitting

Anonymous No. 16296548

how do I defeat overfitting?

Anonymous No. 16296549

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16296555

>I don't have social media
Next question

Anonymous No. 16296558

You get more data points or reduce the degree of your polynomial

Anonymous No. 16296563

more data points > different overfitting
less polynomial degree > sneaky overfitting

Anonymous No. 16296570

noise injection

Anonymous No. 16297067

>Posting to social media claims about how you don't have access to social media.
You aren't a very bright one are you?

Anonymous No. 16297164

learn to love it. add some kick-ass regularization term (L2 is preferable, it acts toward minimizing the Dirichlet energy of the solution), and go wild.

Anonymous No. 16298053

by collecting more data.

Anonymous No. 16298058

That's not a social media, Herbert

Anonymous No. 16298066

larger data sample or just underfit bro its easy

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Anonymous No. 16298068


Anonymous No. 16298071

Ask another AI for help training your AI

Anonymous No. 16298075
