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🧵 Peer review is failing

Anonymous No. 16296610

>Things are so bad that a new world record was set in 2023: more than 10,000 research papers were retracted from academic journals.

>The numbers don’t lie: Scientific publishing has a problem, and it’s getting worse

>peer review is a broken system that needs its own honest review.

>The scale is impossible. Let’s do the math: 3 million peer-reviewed papers published every year, multiply those by two-to-three reviewers, times four-to-eight hours per reviewer… that math doesn’t work. Yet we persist in this dreamlike fantasy that somehow peer review is going to ensure quality.

>The fragility of the peer review system were spotlighted in the 2013 “Who’s Afraid of Peer Review” affair, in which science journalist John Bohannon created “a scientific version of Mad Libs” — a nonsense paper that was accepted by 157 of 255 pay-to-publish open-access journals (an acceptance rate of 60 percent).

Anonymous No. 16296612

Did you know most of those retractions came from China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Russia. If we excluded those counties from western journals it would be a net positive.

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Anonymous No. 16296626

Fuck off you stupid jew.

Anonymous No. 16296629

Don't be racist. Everyone's equally likely to to have retractable papers.

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Anonymous No. 16296631

>shill my website dot com
I recommend seppuku

Anonymous No. 16296991

>Scientific publishing has a problem
obviously, as long as scientists have to work for money, there will be fraud, as there is in anything else that humans do.

Anonymous No. 16297823

People who are under greater pressure to publish, especially if their results are shit, are more likely to write bad papers which will are likely to be retracted. Race doesn't matter but culture is important.

Anonymous No. 16297837

Well on the good news side, they'll probably start running them through an LLM soon that checks if its ridiculous or bad on the surface level.

So there will be SOME kind of review rather than none.

Anonymous No. 16297876

... surely nothing can go wrong

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Anonymous No. 16297993

>Race doesn't matter
yes it does.
the replication crisis coincides with a dramatic increase in the number of nonwhites publishing

Anonymous No. 16299335

peer review is for people who presume that useless academic schoolteachers are their equals

Anonymous No. 16300789

>My paper and my opinions are valid because some retard who earns less than a truck drive said so
This is what scientists actually believe

Anonymous No. 16301455

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the pig race.

Anonymous No. 16302707

they seem to be doing fine, they still have the motivation and ability to adapt to their environment and pass their genetics on to subsequent generations, which is more than you can say for the soience nerds

Anonymous No. 16302797

The only reason peer review is failing is because we stupidly allowed non-whites into STEM.

Culture is downstream of race, you nigger loving faggot.

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Anonymous No. 16304295

peer review happened subsequently to letting in the shitskins. first they lets the jews (jews are shitskins) in the door, then the jews conspired to get the rules changed

Anonymous No. 16305510

>peer review is for people who presume that useless academic schoolteachers are their equals

Imaging willingly equating yourself to the frauds who created the replication crisis

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Anonymous No. 16306778

scientists fuck dogs

Anonymous No. 16308150

Thats not whats behind the problem. Scientists have always had to work for their wages, but the replication crisis only got kicked into full swing in the 1990s. Why didn't the same problems plaguing peer review currently hampered and stymied science in earlier eras, how come science made massive progress in the 1700s & 1800s and came to a halt in the later part of the 1900s?

Anonymous No. 16308527

The original updoot powermodding system

Anonymous No. 16309407

I enjoyed triggering just about everyone at university by referring to the """esteemed professors""" as "teachers"

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Anonymous No. 16309532


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Anonymous No. 16310519

sure would be nice if AI software really worked like that and wasn't just another soiyence psyop

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Anonymous No. 16310523

That's what happens when narrative and agenda are promoted in order to maintain funding over truth and science.
I'm not sure what the hell people were expecting?

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Anonymous No. 16311743

Interesting, mine gives a better and closer to accurate answer, except for saying Trump was unharmed

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Anonymous No. 16311750

>the 2013 “Who’s Afraid of Peer Review” affair
Anyone know where to find a copy of one of the actual fake papers he submitted, under the name Ocorrafoo Cobange?
There's a lot of articles out there about what John Bohannon did, but the paper itself remains elusive

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Anonymous No. 16312705

Scientists were white male and Christian in the in 1700s & 1800s

Anonymous No. 16312749

Scientists were also condemned by the Christian church in that time.

Anonymous No. 16314261

No they weren't. The great scientist of the 1700s & 1800s were all devout Christians. Their adherence to Christianity was the key to their success.

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Anonymous No. 16315512


Anonymous No. 16315517

>Nothing to see here. It's just a couple of undergrads, in a few departments, at a handful of schools. Just ignore it and it will go away.

Anonymous No. 16315988

You left out india.

Anonymous No. 16315992

>Everyone's equally likely to to have retractable papers.
Proof? Is this another "everybody's equally likely to pass an IQ test"-tier of magical thinking?

Anonymous No. 16315996

>anti-christian shilling
>race doesn't matter
>jeet shilling

Anonymous No. 16316003

>and therefore condemning scientists is right!

Anonymous No. 16316197

>>nigger can't search number of retracted papers by countries

of countries with the number of retreated papers is shown in Fig. 3a. Authors from China have higher retractions (25.7%), followed by the USA (16.1%), India (5.3%), Japan (5.2%), Iran (4.4%), Germany (3.2%), England (2.8%), South Korea (2.6%), Italy (2.4%) and so on

Anonymous No. 16316253

Just got my third paper accepted - total review and revision time was five months, but the feedback from the reviewers was through, professional, and all of the points that they brought up were completely reasonable.

I think the success or failure of peer review comes down entirely to
a) whether the author wants to publish good research or just any research
b) whether the reviewers want to provide good feedback or just any feedback

Anonymous No. 16316260

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

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Anonymous No. 16316264


Anonymous No. 16316427

>USA (16.1%)
IIRC, two largest international student population in our institutions are Chinese and Indians by a large margin, and very close in numbers also.

Anonymous No. 16318144

Does the USA stat have a breakdown by race and religious affiliation?

Anonymous No. 16319561


Anonymous No. 16320215

i noticed this as an educated person ... is that university doesn't give the highly educated an opportunity to mate.

they also created horrible things like guns and condoms so that we have no opportunities.

im nearly 30 and ive reached top surgeon and literally at my peak yet there are no cute virgin women left. i am a virgin myself -

shame that the intelligent die out to the highly populosu