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๐Ÿงต /wap/ - war on plastics

Anonymous No. 16296637

I want to research how the big plastic mainly effect our bodies and from what we absorb it, then make a concise guide how to limit it.
Personally I probaby get plasticed mostly from touching the keyboard, mouse and the phone, likely largely from dishwashing sponge as well. What are some other major sources? Water bottles are an obvious one.

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Anonymous No. 16296647

Don't fret about big plastic. Fret about small plastic

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Anonymous No. 16296755

i told people it was a crisis.

its in air, you are breathing it. its in clouds, its in rain water, its in food.

ie: its Also in plants, and animals.

combined w/ climate issues,

overpopulation issues

people are like naaaaaah its a joke, its all a joke, it musssst be.

and then population of shell fish dies off 90%,

its only tip of a meltin iceberg

Anonymous No. 16296757

We'll eventually have genetic code to deal with it. Let the weak die and superior pass off their genes.

Anonymous No. 16296758

We are becoming plastic cyborgs, we won't be a DNA organism anymore, synthesis means extinction of humanity - it's worse than even race-mixing. Also there are no signs of "the weak" dying of, more and more people are becoming weak and dygenic.