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🧵 The ABSOLUTE state

Anonymous No. 16296741

>Virtual electron-positron pairs, however, can also exist for minute durations (less than a Planck time), as dictated by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
Why are physicists so dishonest? Garbage like this would never fly in other disciplines.

Anonymous No. 16296744

keep seething newton-fag

Anonymous No. 16296749

>literally constantly big-banging
this is a problem because..?

Anonymous No. 16296928

It wouldn’t, because it’s not the only way we’ve determined their existence. Vacuum fluctuations have been studied using QFT, which provides a far more detailed description of the virtual particles and their possible physical effects (black hole entropy, casimir effect, antimatter production, relation to special relativity mass-energy equivalence) than can be done using the uncertainty principle. The time-energy uncertainty principle is too broad and too vague to say anything definitive about virtual particles, but QFT gives the proper theory and experimental effects that any scientific theory needs