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Anonymous No. 16296801

Ivy League education is worthless now

Anonymous No. 16296802

t. got rejected

Anonymous No. 16296808

Ivy League eduction is a network and will never be useless. But non-Ivy education is certainly circling the drain, I'll give you that.

Anonymous No. 16296891

let’s be clear here. Ivy League schools offer a few versions of “education”. They offer
1) Undergraduate education
2) Masters’ degrees
3) PhDs

let’s break it down
1) are for mostly spoiled rich kids and legacies, with a small window for the best 18 year old white and asian kids, plus some diversity tokens to round it out
2) are rich fucks who need to buy a degree to make it
3) is a lot better than 1 or 2. PhD programs at Ivies are generally OK.but they still have a major contamination from DEIs. but it’s not nearly as nepotistic as 1. (being a PhD is not a good career path so money grubbing miser children opt into real jobs instead)

Anonymous No. 16296898

>Ivy League education is worthless now

Anonymous No. 16296907

always has been

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Anonymous No. 16297035


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gay ivy.jpg

Anonymous No. 16298444

Anonymous No. 16298630

Industry makes more progress for engineering and experimental sciences than Academia ever will, because you basically cant bullshit your way through, either your product works or it doesnt, either way your customer will eventually find out, whereas academics usually just read papers and never ever try to reproduce results.
Academia is only worth its salt when it comes to purely theoretical research, where it's impossible to lie through a paper since you are basically forced to prove your result mathematically.

This is why you see thousands of jeets on F1 visas thriving in machine learning pulling out papers out of their asses making stupid fucking claims like "LLMs can learn maths!" whereas noone ever hears about algorithmic research anymore.

Anonymous No. 16298664

kys kike

divest in Israel

Anonymous No. 16299902

>either way your customer will eventually find out
not if the customer is a government agency

Anonymous No. 16300203

>t. guy who has never set foot on a university campus