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Anonymous No. 16297011

If no Watson and Crick would we still be "fucking around and finding out" with DNA manipulation today?

Anonymous No. 16297032

You can't even see the electrons or the sheets.

Anonymous No. 16297271

I was taught in school growing up as a Gen Z that the dna helix was discovered by a woman. I shit you not.

Anonymous No. 16297284

The reason she didn't get the Nobel for it is because she was dead.

Anonymous No. 16297294

>Guess what little goys, dna was totally discovered by a woman!
>But nobody credits her for the discovery, because she died! oy veeeey

Anonymous No. 16297300

Nobel prizes are never awarded posthumously.

Anonymous No. 16297303

>We can't award Goybel prizes posthumously oy vey Women invented everything gevault

Anonymous No. 16297305

Why so mad? It would have been a joint prize, not her alone.

Anonymous No. 16297308

>Why so mad, goy? It's perfectly fine teaching you little goys about non Nobel winners who never existed in (((school))).

Anonymous No. 16297310

Keep up the shitposting, your mom must be proud.

Anonymous No. 16297311

Yeah. All of their work was done by their assistants. All that needed to happen was for someone to say "I'm going to fund this project to shoot x-rays at bits of cells"

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Anonymous No. 16297313

Keep seething.

Anonymous No. 16297329

Do you also believe female scientists are superior to male scientists?

Anonymous No. 16297485

LMAO, let me guess: it was a black lesbian woman with a penis.

Anonymous No. 16297544

Is it really the only reason ? As in, if she was alive, would she have gotten it ? It seems to me like Nobels are generally given to theoricians rather than experimentalist, see Einstein's Nobel for photoelectric effect which he got alone.

Anonymous No. 16297584

Nobel Physics 2015 was given to two physicists working at neutrino detection systems in Japan and Canada for finding neutrinos have mass, so nah. That’s heavy experimental stuff, large pure water tanks with specialized photodiode detectors buried deep underground

Anonymous No. 16297598

>I was taught in school growing up as a Gen Z that the dna helix was discovered by a woman.
Not technically wrong, she just wasn't the first.

Anonymous No. 16297607

Almost certainly it would have been Watson, Crick, and Franklin getting the credit. Without her work and advice they wouldn't have been the first to get the correct structure. Her being an experimentalist wouldn't have mattered, this was biology, not physics.

Anonymous No. 16297611

I see thanks for the answer.

Anonymous No. 16297742

It was discovered due to fact, that Crick did a lot of acid, woman didn't needed to be involved and was quite replacable, but he hallucinated it before woman put it together. Source of fact it was him tripping balls discovering it: Nature interview.

Anonymous No. 16297757

My garage has wooden doors and glass windows, but I bet leaving my car running in there would still kill me

Anonymous No. 16297773

Probably not and certainly not in a timely manner. CO is denser than air and will sink. There is a reason they get drunk and put a hose in the tail pipe. Such a vapid argument has no appreciation for what an industrialized process would look like.

Anonymous No. 16297777

So you don't disagree with my point?
As it turns out, more poisonous stuff will kill you even faster.