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Anonymous No. 16297022

Since we've only discovered a fraction of all prehistoric life on earth, what sort of fauna comprises the other 99% that we haven't found?

Anonymous No. 16297050

various soft bodied worms.

Anonymous No. 16297087

Were they larger than they are today?

Anonymous No. 16297769

We missed out on a vast cross-oceanic squid civilization of the mid-Jurassic along with their Jello-based technology stack.

They only went extinct because they invented the equivalent of digital crack (World of Squidcraft)

Anonymous No. 16297929

the creature on the right will start to fly when it develops some patches of skin in the arm pits, this is known by science.

Anonymous No. 16297938

>what sort of fauna comprises the other 99% that we haven't found?
Mostly fauna that lived in areas of erosion, like mountainous regions, for example. Fauna needs to be buried to fossilize.