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Anonymous No. 16297105

A new worldwide study finds there were no excess deaths due to covid and there were 16.9 million vaccine-associated deaths up to the end of 2022.

At 521 pages it is a comprehensive report containing hundreds of figures and a detailed examination of excess all-cause mortality during the years 2020 to 2023.

“Our calculated excess mortality rate [ ] corresponds to 30.9 ± 0.2 million excess deaths projected to have occurred globally for the 3-year period 2020-2022, from all causes of excess mortality during this period,” the authors wrote.

More than half of those global excess deaths, about 57%, the authors attributed to covid vaccines.

Using the data from 78 countries the researchers calculated the population-wide risk of death per injection. From this, they estimated the global all-ages excess mortality associated with covid vaccines up to 30 December 2022. They calculated that the deaths, globally, associated with covid vaccines up to 30 December 2022 was 16.9 million people.

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Anonymous No. 16297831

dishonest people on "trust the science" when it tickles their egotistical confirmation bias. you can have an infinite mountain of scientific evidence that they made a mistake and they'll never believe it.
thats why its easier to trick some people than it is to convince them they were tricked

Anonymous No. 16297872

Told y'all that there would be a large increase in "the vaccines were bad" news heading into November now that the person responsible for the mandates is retiring.

Anonymous No. 16297885

>now that the person responsible for the mandates is retiring.
What's the later day version of Correct the Record? Operation Warp Speed is what delivered the vaccine. Also I don't listen to this bullshit. President Trump gave us the vaccine, I trust Donald Trump. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16297946

trump's plan to trick the low IQ soiyentism zealouts into volunteering the holocaust themselves was a work of absolute genius

Anonymous No. 16298135

>trump's plan to trick the low IQ soiyentism zealouts into volunteering the holocaust themselves was a work of absolute genius
This! He didn't even mandate it. They did it to themselves.

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Anonymous No. 16298217

Anonymous No. 16299370

>More than half of those global excess deaths, about 57%, the authors attributed to covid vaccines.
uh oh vaxxisters

Anonymous No. 16299410

That's not what the official story says so all the official story has to do is to point to flaws in any methodology that results in doubts of the official story. After all: the official story is endorsed by the most scientists especially the most famous ones and truth is a democracy: if most people agree that A is the truth then you are a schizo for believing B. Let me guess: you believe in people having sex don't you? Yet you've never seen your neighbors doing anything of the sort yet they have a child out of nowhere and all you can do is come up with wild speculations about how that happened based on what you see online.

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Anonymous No. 16300895

Anonymous No. 16301976

30 million dead vaxxxies isn't all that much compared to the total population of NPCs out there. I was promised TVD

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Czech records of ....png

Anonymous No. 16301999

Ok, can someone explain that shit to me, then:
>This graph was done based on the full release of the records of deaths by vaccine status and vaccine brand for the Czech Republic, over the entire period
>It shows a widely higher level of excess deaths for non-vaccinated
>Somehow, this is still presented by Covid grandpa as a proof of the dangers of vaccines
>His guest handwaves it as "oh well, a large percentage of unvaccinated were very old people (90+ years old) who didn't bother with taking the vaccine" which feels like complete bullshit, as lots of countries administrated the vaccine to old people in priority.
If you squint, you may see a sliiiight excess death for (some) vaccines, but nothing like OP describes.

Anonymous No. 16303370

>That's not what the official story says
>the official story
Who cares what pathological and professional liars say?

Next you'll be saying boys can become women if you give them eugenics drugs to sterilize them.

Anonymous No. 16303439

Did this account for a change in mortality from e.g. car accidents not occurring due to lockdowns?

Anonymous No. 16304982

be patient, its a slow kill drug. the myocarditis that was induced by the shots has an average kill time of about 5-10 years, so vaxxxies will continue to die suddenly for the next couple decades

Anonymous No. 16305003

Fake and gay graph, you stupid idiot.

Anonymous No. 16305004

LMAO, another moron piece of shit bites the dust.

Anonymous No. 16305765

wow nice argument you got there.
It was made by an anti-vax, who did it based on official disclosed data from the Czech Republic.
Watch the video.

Anonymous No. 16305822

Notice how from 2022 onwards all data shows that mortality is above unvacinated pre-2020, including all vaxxed? Why?

Anonymous No. 16305835


Takes 5 minutes of reading that report to see what an absolute hack job it is. The Chud antivax fucking losers love to share data from trash sources and blatantly ignore everything else that doesn’t confirm their bias. This board has fell off a cliff.

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Anonymous No. 16305852


Anonymous No. 16305919

So... the logical deduction from this is that vaccines actually work, but only for a short time and after that roughly go back to non-vaccinated level of protection.
No? Am I missing something here?

Anonymous No. 16305950

>Breaking News! New study shows vaccine bad!
how do you fall for it every fucking week for the last 3+ years. Do you think it will be true this time?

Anonymous No. 16305997



Meanwhile, actual science published in quality journals paints a different picture:
Cohort study of cardiovascular safety of different COVID-19 vaccination doses among 46 million adults in England
>The first dose of COVID-19 vaccines led to an overall reduction in cardiovascular events, and in rare cases, cardiovascular complications. There is less information about the effect of second and booster doses on cardiovascular diseases. Using longitudinal health records from 45.7 million adults in England between December 2020 and January 2022, our study compared the incidence of thrombotic and cardiovascular complications up to 26 weeks after first, second and booster doses of brands and combinations of COVID-19 vaccines used during the UK vaccination program with the incidence before or without the corresponding vaccination. The incidence of common arterial thrombotic events (mainly acute myocardial infarction and ischaemic stroke) was generally lower after each vaccine dose, brand and combination. Similarly, the incidence of common venous thrombotic events, (mainly pulmonary embolism and lower limb deep venous thrombosis) was lower after vaccination. There was a higher incidence of previously reported rare harms after vaccination: vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia after first ChAdOx1 vaccination, and myocarditis and pericarditis after first, second and transiently after booster mRNA vaccination (BNT-162b2 and mRNA-1273). These findings support the wide uptake of future COVID-19 vaccination programs.

Anonymous No. 16306252

Oh look, an ex post facto non-randomized uncontrolled data analysis purporting a safety signal for experimental gene therapy. Why weren't proper safety trials done before deploying experimental gene therapy en masse?

Anonymous No. 16306318

devils advocate; could be latent virus increasing their mortality, but then the vaccine reduces it, which appears as someone with a vaccine having increased mortality

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Anonymous No. 16307971

thats a political propaganda outlet posing as a scientific journal, not a legitimate source of information.

Anonymous No. 16309319

Trump invented the covid vaccine.

Anonymous No. 16310522

based trump holocausting the npcs

Anonymous No. 16311875

People that are unable to admit mistakes and correct their behaviors are extremely easy to manipulate. Just tell them "Smart people do X and dumb people do Y" and they will always to X and never consider Y an option.

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Anonymous No. 16312987
>Fact Check: Study does not say COVID vaccines may have fuelled excess deaths
>By Reuters Fact Check

Anonymous No. 16313275

I don't believe this one bit. If they really wanted to know, you know who they should ask? Life Insurance and health insurance underwriters. They would know. Insurance doesn't give a shit about politics, only numbers. I can almost guarantee you there is some sort of secret underwriting guidelines for jabbers. I would be curious to know if this is on a life insurance questionnaire. What the insurance carriers do with the information is almost proprietary to each carrier, but maybe not. You would be surprised at how lazy insurance carriers are when it comes to due diligence inside the company. Most of this on the P & C side is offloaded to Verisk Analytics and CoreLogic. I can't imagine life/health policy services and underwriting would be much different.

Anonymous No. 16313288

Lmao, if you actually read it you'd see how genuinely retarded it is.

Anonymous No. 16313349

NTA, I appreciate to hear devils advocates positions, but I don't think that process is occurring on a level this broad and deep. maybe it could happen, but respiratory viruses don't usually cross epithelium into other body spaces. they can but it's considered a severe conplication. I'm not sure if coronaviruses can be latent (dormant) and that someone can be colonized with it for a while.

to your point, though, you should read into antibody-dependent enhancement. occasionally, for various reasons, the presence of host antibodies against a particular pathogen actually bypasses immune defenses. this was observed with covid vaccine antibodies

Anonymous No. 16314596

>Czech records of deaths.png
>those digits
this cannot have been a mere coincidence

Anonymous No. 16315624

I had a look.
After repeating the headline as per propaganda standards, they fired off this one:
>Health data experts interviewed by Reuters also said that while the paper, published, opens new tab by BMJ Public Health, discusses excess mortality during the 2020-2022 pandemic, it does not say COVID vaccines were driving the deaths.
So we get nameless experts, or a raw appeal to authority. And they repeat that to be really, really safe:
>Public health data scientists also told Reuters the paper did not establish a link to vaccines and said it actually showed excess deaths had begun falling in 2022.
Still nameless, though.

I'd say Elon is right on the money.

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Anonymous No. 16316144

German health insurance companies complained about being forced to cover idiot jabbies who had a .5% rate of serious side effects.

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Anonymous No. 16316148

Oops I was wrong, it's actually "4-5% of vaxxers required medical attention for vaccine side effects"

Anonymous No. 16317242

the vax is safe and effective so go and take another booster we all need to be protected

Anonymous No. 16317248

>Since the beginning of last year, mpox (previously known as monkeypox) cases have been surging in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with children making up the majority of the 14,000 reported cases and 511 deaths so far in 2024.
Strange things are afoot again.

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Anonymous No. 16317250


Anonymous No. 16318202

He wouldn't inspire so much EDS if what he was saying wasn't true

Anonymous No. 16318620

This is telling, but they 100% have definitive data about excess deaths. They just won't tell anyone because either it's proprietary underwriting guidelines, they don't want to get sued for discrimination against medical conditions, or the government is forcing them to keep quiet. Maybe all three, but the first two for sure. As I said in my previous post, insurance companies give zero shits about politics, only the bottom line. These faggots for sure have the data one way or another. Not only do the companies have the data, but some aggregator or policy services company like Lexis Nexis, CoreLogic, or Verisk Analytics also have this same data because insurance carriers are lazy and offload most of the work besides collecting premiums and administering policies to companies like the three above.

TLDR; if the government or researchers REALLY wanted to know, these are the niggas to ask. Why has no one done it?

Anonymous No. 16318630

It appears Verisk does indeed provide policy and underwriting services to carriers. Keep in mind, they provide literally ALL the tools 95% of insurance carriers in the world use. Insurance companies doesn't even write the policies except for weird specialty shit, Insurance Services Office (owned by VA) does it for them. If you're feeling froggy, you can read it for yourself on your homeowners/renters/whatever the fuck policy. All of the pages will say "ISO" and whatever endorsement code at the bottom of every page.

Anonymous No. 16318642

-farts in your mouth-
-poops on you-

it ova now

Anonymous No. 16318711


In fact the real science shows how much power you can weald over people that got vaxxed. If you were vaxxed that means you lack a certain level of self awareness. This was a filter to get at more easily controlled people.

If you think this wasn't done on purpose and isn't being exploited right now, then you are literally low IQ genetic trash and you aren't considered human to the people who did this. I also don't consider you human lol

Anonymous No. 16318746

Consider this as the chief reason why they want them broadcasting bluetooth signals. This permits rapid identification for easier marketing.

Anonymous No. 16318768

>These findings support the wide uptake of future COVID-19 vaccination programs.
And this is how you know it was religion and not science at the wheel. Amen alleluia amen.
Both from the style of rhetoric making it obvious on its face, but also because of the fortune telling. Did they study future COVID-19 vaccination programs? Do they have some special magic knowledge of what the future would look like, either for COVID, or for new vaccine products, or for general conditions?
They had to put that line in there because of daring to write
>There was a higher incidence of previously reported rare harms after vaccination
or else the article would be at risk.

Also what the fuck is going on in Table 2? Moderna is carrying the entire burden in reducing incidence rates.

Anonymous No. 16318789

>Just tell them "Smart people do X and dumb people do Y" and they will always to X and never consider Y an option.
That's why so many believe in the science-denying creation myths of the dumb big bang theory, abiogenesis, and evolutionism of kinds or macroevolution. Each one of them is literally scientifically impossible, but they just screech and yell "yOuR dUm 4 nOt BeLieVinG iT"

Anonymous No. 16320062

Incidence rate for no vaccination vs Dose 1
>ChAdOx1 369.05 766.83
>BNT-162b2 369.05 704.38
>mRNA-1273 369.05 49.89
After Dose 1 vs Dose 2
>ChAdOx1 956.17 755.01
>BNT-162b2 802.22 767.8
>mRNA-1273 73.66 49.24
Can someone explain? Was this the real danger of covid? Does only Moderna work? Is the variant of the spike provided by the other 2 shots excessively dangerous itself? The booster numbers are even more striking.

Anonymous No. 16320151

nice graph, now show the underlying numbers and calculations or provide a source

Anonymous No. 16320166

No need

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Anonymous No. 16320918


Anonymous No. 16322532

>Each one of them is literally scientifically impossible, but they just screech and yell "yOuR dUm 4 nOt BeLieVinG iT"
part of their power to do that revolves around being too ignorant to understand the disproofs

Anonymous No. 16324087

>up to the end of 2022
how come there is no data past two years ago. sure would be nice to know a more recent tally of vaxxie deaths.
are the deaths accelerating or slowing down?

Anonymous No. 16324126

i know it's from the uk but same pattern in everywhere, so look at the instructions for patients showing up with pneumonia respiratory symptoms(like elderly people getting a bad cold)
they say to give them bezoid and opoid combo... despite your best knowlegde, in the middle of an epidemic of both drugs, which when combined sends junkies either to the er or the grave by preventing the to breath...

Anonymous No. 16324136

immune system weakened by unknown disease
Secondary infections develop, cause pneumonia
Doctors dont give you antibiotics, puts you in a respirator, infection spreads faster
pneumonia worsens, death within days

sad, many such cases

Anonymous No. 16325425

hopefully accelerating

Anonymous No. 16326342

Having a rigid worldview makes learning impossible

Anonymous No. 16328060

sure but that only suggests that the vax was targeted on people who won't be missed once they're dead

Anonymous No. 16329723

Atheism is powered by ignorance, which is in turn powered by low IQ

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Anonymous No. 16331214

>then you are literally low IQ genetic trash
dumb people do dumb things because they're dumb. they're too dumb to learn from their mistakes for this same reason