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🧵 15 year old Egyptian swimming champien dies

Anonymous No. 16297200

she died suddenly at age 15 on the year 2024

do not open the link because the language is in old-Egyptian

Shaza Negm, 15, died Saturday from health complications

>after suffering cardiac arrest while training at

when she fell into a coma during exercise.

Negm was active in the swimming team at Tanta Sports Club.

She had won many international and local sports championships representing Tanta Club and won more than eight medals between gold, silver and bronze over the past five years. (yes she won a medal at age 10)

The young swimmer was transferred to the ambulance unit located at the Olympic pool in one of the private clubs in the city of Tanta.
Negm was given first aid and received treatment in Gharbia Governorate, before being transferred to the Nasser Institute in Cairo where she passed away.

Her heart stopped during exercise and she lost consciousness in June. She was also found to have ulcers, bled severely, and lost hemoglobin during her stay in the hospital.

She underwent five surgeries in an attempt to save her life, but eventually succumbed to her coma when her brain gave out. The Ministry of Youth and Sports mourned Negm’s death on Saturday.

Edited translation by Al-Masry Al-Youm

sage No. 16297242

>is in old-Egyptian
Damn, they still write shit in heiroglyphics?
Anyways, young athletes getting heart attacks is nothing new. OP is a faggot.

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Anonymous No. 16297296


Anonymous No. 16297314

Did she take the safe and effective trump approved vaccination?

Anonymous No. 16297424

God I would plap that so hard

Anonymous No. 16297440

Vaccines were great before Obama and Biden turned them to shit. Nowadays only morons gets vaxxed. Simple as.

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Anonymous No. 16297449

Get boosted right now to make sure you will vote democrat no matter what.

Anonymous No. 16297460

This appears to be some sort of reaction I'm causing in this simulaton. It says 'awoooga', with an image that seemingly tells me now what I need to do. Such as, it's in your stomach, under your 'tiehirt', then aligned with awoooga, that seemingly means a message to myself in the future. Perhaps I sent this message for you. Is it distiguishable, a enemy, a friend, else if?

Anonymous No. 16297486


Anonymous No. 16297524

rostie dies, coomers cry

Anonymous No. 16297902

shoulda been vaccinated.

Anonymous No. 16298320

Fucking ulcer

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Anonymous No. 16298339

Orange man approved drinking bleach. Pfizer is your enemy.

Anonymous No. 16298527

I think he is alluding to lolicon.

Anonymous No. 16298529

While drinking it will poison you, diluting it for use as a mouthwash is pretty great. Better if mix with a little hydrogen peroxide.

Anonymous No. 16298532

I didn't know I could read Old Egyptian.

Anonymous No. 16298582

mix it with a little ammonia and it gets your teeth dazzling bright

Anonymous No. 16298583

that just makes chloramine

>protip: an effective biocide but not an effective teeth-whitening agent, also too toxic