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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297561

Incoming Freshman notice. Do not do this. Showers are for showering only. Masturbate in your room; do not clog the drains with your semen. Thank you.

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Anonymous No. 16297567

>off-topic thread
Post maids!

Anonymous No. 16297577

What is the viscosity of semen fluid required to cause a major blockage in a typical drain sized cylinder?

This is now a science thread.

Anonymous No. 16297578

About 1.05 megapascals per .17 Hz

Anonymous No. 16297582

>megapascals per Hz
I will murder you

Anonymous No. 16297593

That is the correct unit though
csg fags seething