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๐Ÿงต Did COVID kill /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16297587

This board used to be a lot more active before COVID, and the level of discussion was a bit more sophisticated. A lot less pop sci discussion and more math/logic/physics.

Did all the people whining about muh antivaxxers and the lab leak hypothesis being "Russian disinformation" end up driving away a lot of the /sci/ user base? This board was basically unusable during COVID because there were so many people completely hysterical about shit like antivaxxers and the Lab Leak Hypothesis, and it makes me think the insane over-the-top hysteria and constant name calling and accusations that other posters were working for foreign governments ended up ruining a lot of peoples user experience and drove them away from the board. Now /sci/ literally gets like half a dozen posts an hour.

Anonymous No. 16297588

Most scitards took the vaxx and then dropped dead.

Anonymous No. 16297594

>A lot less pop sci discussion and more math/logic/physics.
lol no

Anonymous No. 16297610

We used to have active discussion groups on /sci/ for discussing graduate level math, and later we even had a few discord groups. They were pretty active and would typically attract at least half a dozen or so serious participants. Mostly for popular graduate level texts like Dummitt & Foote's algebra or Munkres Topology.

Now, if you make a thread on this kind of topic you're lucky to get any replies. All we have is the math general thread, and these days that mostly undergrad level homework questions.

Anonymous No. 16297620

>wear N100 respirators around people indoors
>eat a lot of zinc
>don't get respiratory infections

Anonymous No. 16297628

What you're referring to is just part of the decline of all of 4chan and the internet as a whole

Anonymous No. 16297634

It's mainly just one butthurt turbo autist who is dedicated to destroying this board by spamming boring shit. He did this with threads about consciousness or aliens in the past. Now it's pseudopolitical shit like climate change, academic fraud, and racism. Observe that all of the spam threads are written in the same style and all engagement in those threads follows the same patterns. This guy seems to spend his entire life on /sci/.

Anonymous No. 16297635

LOL. Before the pandemic you could be assured of there always being threads like
>Why'd he do it?
>Is 1 = 0.999... really true?
There were tons of low effort cutesy garbage. While there were some ok threads, most of it was IFLS! tier. If you wanted hardcore /sci/ discussions, you either had to be lucky and come across one of the rare posts like that or go over to /pol/ and find a Space Elevator post (these always left /sci/ in the dust).

Anonymous No. 16297736

~2016 killed this site. It's been a steep downward slope every since.

Anonymous No. 16297744

>active discussion groups on /sci/ for discussing graduate level math
A huge number of the graduate level people were extremely liberal, and they couldn't ignore the politic threads and got ass hurt over /sci/ ridiculing the (((science))) and most of them just fucked off forever.

Anonymous No. 16297890

There might be a main guy but I don't buy that there's just one guy. There's territoriality being asserted. This can't become just a hobby board because of that. Even in this thread you can see they have an urgent need to prove /pol/ is superior all the time.

Anonymous No. 16298244

Damn I really hope so. I would be proud to know the /sci/zos and chuds drove out the soientists.

Anonymous No. 16298266

This site has always been mostly popular with a certain generation. And that generation graduated, got jobs, got married, and now spend much less time bullshitting with their online friends about math and physics. What remain are the trolls, schizos, retards, and shut-ins that create the majority of the discussion you see here today.

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Anonymous No. 16298268

Maybe not drive them out, but certainly shut them the fuck up and put them in their place.
/sci/ is still one of the most based blue boards