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Anonymous No. 16297697

Why patriarchal chimpanzees are way more successful as a species in contrast with matriarchal bonobos? There are at least 4 times more chimpanzees than bonobos, and bonobos are more likely to extinct than chimpanzees because of their lifestyle. Maybe bonobos are more inferio genetically than normal chimps

Anonymous No. 16298601

Cope incel

Anonymous No. 16298616

Human intervention.

Anonymous No. 16299812

They are, chimps are superior.
Before whites colonized Africa niggers used to be enslaved, raped, and eaten by chimps. The triangular trade allowed niggers to get guns to make for their inferiority against chimps.

Anonymous No. 16299825

When I see a bonobo I punch it in the face. When I see a chimp I smoke a fat doobie with it. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16299860

You have relations with large apes, and that is perfectly ok

Anonymous No. 16300812

Bonobos live in areas with very little scarcity so just having sex can fix any altercation. However, this matriarchal anti incel system falls apart when things get dicey and that's what global warming and increased human settlement is doing.