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๐Ÿงต How can someone predict the best environment for their genes?

Anonymous No. 16297700

Maps like these are very interesting but they only provide information about settlement and not what environment these people have actually adapted for. Yes, for some it could be true but definitely not all, especially the southern and eastern ones that had more migrations and wars with different types of people. How is one supposed to then find the best possible environment for their genes and what about mixed race people?

Anonymous No. 16298043

apply darwins theory of evolution.

Anonymous No. 16298065


Anonymous No. 16298278

This regional variation is not a result of environmental adaptation. It's mostly the result of patrilinear clan dynamics, sexual selection, and the mixing of neighboring populations.

Anonymous No. 16298284

I mentioned that. The point is to find out what's the best place for everyone based on their genetics.

Anonymous No. 16298448

No wonder men had to rape to procreate, there's like 3 handsome guys there. Yuck

Anonymous No. 16299033


Anonymous No. 16299047

damn I look eerily similar to west turanic guy

Anonymous No. 16299110

Weird, Im a hairier Dinaro.

Anonymous No. 16299148

Long term fertility rates are your best bet.

Anonymous No. 16299170

That makes no sense at all. These Sami and Uralic people have no genetic purpose to be where they are.

Anonymous No. 16299174

>OP is a nigger

Anonymous No. 16299175

I don't see your contention?

Anonymous No. 16299178

Google scholar? Trial and error?

I look kinda like Baltic, East Nordic and Ladogan mixed, which lines up with my ancestory. I'm pretty good at staying out in the cold.

Anonymous No. 16299182


Anonymous No. 16299196

Other than long term fertility what more fundamental test of environmental adaptation is there?

Anonymous No. 16299202

Physical ones like vitamin d absorption, for an example.

Anonymous No. 16299209

as in dietry or dermally?

Anonymous No. 16299225

In all ways, that's why different clusters of people have completely different looks.

Anonymous No. 16299234

what the fuck is that picture.. none of that is based on reality and why the flying fuck is this posted on /sci/? you fucking retards need to go and actually study something instead of larping as "science fans".

.. Mixed race?
You either failed biology or scraped through somehow without anyone realising you're a retard.

I'm a biologst. That's my job. There is no such thing as "race" in biology. That's a political term, not a scientific term.

Also you have absolutely no understanding of what people from different parts of europe look like if you think that little meme you posted has any credibility to it, lmao wtf.

You're definitely American. If you aren't, you should probably consider moving there. You'd fit right in.

Anonymous No. 16299235

It's your science that's politicized, LMAO! In any other time in history you will be seen as mentally disabled.

Anonymous No. 16299239

lol. why is the bosnian a picture of some indian guy? you know we're slavic right? most of the people i know are blonde haired and blue eyed haha.

this belongs on /pol/ not sci.

no one's going to let you adopt anyway, you're a schizo.

Anonymous No. 16299241

No. It isn't. You've been brainwashed.
Facts don't care about your feelings.
Go ahead and be the first person to prove the existance of 'race', or even try to define it you fucking moron.

It's impressive how people like you, with 0 understanding, qualifications, training, are so arrogant that you just think you inherently "know science" better than the people whose job it is to test and understand these things.

Holy shit. You are pathetic.

Anonymous No. 16299246

>No. It isn't. You've been brainwashed.
You're the one that has diversity classes, LMAO!
>Facts don't care about your feelings.
Exactly, yet you're all emotional up here attacking people personally. Even one of the inventors of the DNA admits that there's a difference but obviously you're more intelligent than him. And I'm sure that how people are supposed to be treated when they share their thoughts. So much for the credibility of "science".

Anonymous No. 16299268

Did your great great grandparents all speak the same language?

Anonymous No. 16300076


Anonymous No. 16300276

> there's no such thing as race in biology
It's called a variety. You can have a mixture of genetically distant varieties. Mixed race is a colloquialism that has a concrete interpretation in scientific terms.

Also, if you're going to react like a bitch. Please don't drop your credentials as part of that because it undermines other credentialed people.

Anonymous No. 16301270


Anonymous No. 16302029


Anonymous No. 16302299

The picture in the map are composite pictures. That means that the people in the map are quite literally average by design.

If you really are a biologist, then why don't you know that race is literally just another word for subspecies?

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Duttons dysgenic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16302461

I suspect that due to the relaxation of harsh darwinian selection pressures resulting from complex civilization, that there's nowhere that we're really adapted for. We've adapted the environment to suit our ever deteriorating genetics.

Anonymous No. 16303626

You're a LARPer. If you even do work in the sciences, you're unlikely to be anything more than a lab technician. Since time immemorial, human cultures have recognised that several families form a clan, several clans form a tribe, several tribes form a nation, several nations form an ethnic confederation, several ethnic confederations form a race, and that all the races together form humankind. Given the fact that evolution, genetic drift, sexual selection, and in-group preference are well-documented biological phenomena, we can infer that over a long enough period of time, enough genetic differentiation to justify the definition of racial categories will occur.

Cheap, low-quality bait, but you got me to reply to it so you get the last laugh, I suppose.

Anonymous No. 16303667

>That means that the people in the map are quite literally average by design.
And it's an awful set of averages, mind you.

Anonymous No. 16304817

You will never be a woman