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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297729

Anyone else a girl here? What sciences are you studying? I'm starting Biochem this fall and I was hoping some of the other girls here would tell me what their experiences have been??? I kno this is kinda career adv but the other girl scisnce communities are full of legit dumbasses

Anonymous No. 16297747

tits with timestamp nigga

Anonymous No. 16297752

are you pre-op or have you already chopped it off

Anonymous No. 16297755

vegana with bobs & timestamp blaady bitch

Anonymous No. 16297756

>grill studying to be cyantits on 4chan

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Anonymous No. 16297772


Anonymous No. 16297781

on which progesterone dosis are you on? you're being hondosed

Anonymous No. 16297816

this is a blue board, ma'am. save the porn for /s/

Anonymous No. 16297821


Anonymous No. 16297829

>no timestamp