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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297992

I'm excited for the future.

Anonymous No. 16297998


Anonymous No. 16297999

Space is /sci/

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Anonymous No. 16298005

NASA needs more money for DEI astronauts!

Anonymous No. 16298025

Check the catalog for existing threads on the topic before posting a new thread, you brain dead moron.

Anonymous No. 16298418

they're trying to get elon musk onboard because they think it will bring the young white male vote.

Anonymous No. 16298487

Has nothing to do with a possible VP selection, right Mr. Kelly

Anonymous No. 16298589

>the young white male vote
God their motivations are always so cringe. I can imagine their NASA t-shirts now.

Anonymous No. 16298620

I don't think young white males have a reason to vote democratic desu

Anonymous No. 16298638

>spend four years snubbing him on EVs and having the FAA and EPA fuck with his Starship tests
>wait until he donates millions to your opponent, then try to win him back with "mo money fo dem private space programs"

Anonymous No. 16298667

Most of the funding allocated goes to Israel and Kamala literally sucks Jewish dick

Meanwhile the incest company Boeing abandons astronauts at the space station and can't be bothered because they're making bombs to help with genocide

Retards like you are placated by space propaganda

Anonymous No. 16298679

it's all Jewish dick wherever you look
Trump/Vance want to redirect military aid from Ukraine (one of the last few 99+% white countries) to Israel

Anonymous No. 16298781

You're right, this is in contrast to the non-Jewish dick-suckers like Trump, whose kids are all married to Jews, whose political party are war-hawks against the Iranians and all other Israeli rival powers.
Maybe if we just voted harder for [POLITICAL PARTY], we could solve this.

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Anonymous No. 16298830

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

Anonymous No. 16300400


Anonymous No. 16301209

Yeah, maybe. But it's certain that he's a gun-grabber, and that blows up on the pad.

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Anonymous No. 16301213


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Anonymous No. 16301332


HOW DARE you show the videos, you racist bastard!