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๐Ÿงต Why am I so dumb?

Anonymous No. 16298226

I've spent a lot of times trying to learn thing in my life, still, it's clear to me that I'm below average in intelligence and that I'm not smart. I used to think that I was a genius, I genuinely used to believe this, then I realized that I was actually dunning-kruger, I'm just shocked at how smart and educated most people are. I'm going to use a midwit example to illustrate my point, it's like in calculus when you approach the limit of a given value, and you get infinitesimally closer and closer, but you never actually reach. Why is learning so difficult, why is understanding things so hard, why am I so dumb?

Anonymous No. 16298230

For whatever reason I had a much easier time learning higher level math 30+ than I ever did university age
We all know raw horsepower of the brain declines with age, but I think in my case I had just learned how to focus by then.

Anonymous No. 16298239

Dunning Kruger implies that you talk too much. Consider the idea of talking less and listening more.

Anonymous No. 16298468

Yea, that's what I like doing, I like listening to my superiors, realizing I'm dumb made me realize this. I just wish I knew the magic behind being educated

Anonymous No. 16298474

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16298509

You need to deepthroat a BBC to understand the trials on life.


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Anonymous No. 16298635

Why do I need to deepthroat a BBC?

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Anonymous No. 16298665

Most probably all the crap you were force fed by the indoctrination system made it harder for you to acquire knowledge.

Anonymous No. 16299097

>why am I so dumb?
are your parents nobel-prize-winning scientists or something? dumb is the default; most people are dumb. of course you're dumb.

Anonymous No. 16299104

It wasn't at 30+ for me, but towards the end of university I suddenly learned how to study extremely well. Wish it had happened before, but I ultimately decided to go back to school to do a math degree and killed it. Best decision I ever made as it set me up to go to grad school and later do something I actually liked a lot.

Anonymous No. 16300042

what clownshoes response.

Anonymous No. 16300045

based. Can I get some advice and routine you used? I need to learn t least calculus, chemistry and physics to get into med school. It seems more of tedious task to learn because plenty of educated people are dullards.

Anonymous No. 16300187

Intelligence is overwhelmingly hereditary.
You're retarded because your parents are retarded.
Do the world a favour and kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 16300277

I think it would be best if you did a flip like a faggot

Anonymous No. 16300284

I agree with this gentleman. OP only had one option to solve this problem

Anonymous No. 16300460

I mostly was able to teach myself Calc 1-3 and Diffeq, so I was just constantly ahead and used class and recitations to solidify my knowledge and identify any gaps. I was also very gung-ho about tutoring people in my math classes, not tutoring generally but tutoring those around me learning the same stuff. I found this to be very helpful in that it put me on the spot and I had to admit I couldn't do something whenever I would forget something so I knew what I needed to learn. For linear algebra and beyond, I am not sure what I did, I focused very heavily on learning through videos rather than reading the text I guess but I mostly just grinded (but it wasn't a big deal because I liked it).

Physics was more of a struggle in the sense that physics books often mixed content you just need to learn into (basic) equations so they can be difficult for me to parse as a lot of what you just need to rote memorize can be a bit buried. I got away with taking only one semester of the harder introductory calculus chemistry my school offered, so I can't really offer any advice there.

Anonymous No. 16301247

>Why is learning so difficult
poor attention span and internal motivator, stop playing video games, consoming drugs (that includes alcohol), and exercise more

Anonymous No. 16301411

For me I am told to play a clown

Anonymous No. 16301442

I think I see, I was somebody who was in denial, and I wasted my entire life isolating myself and trying to study and learn all the time, simply because I was hyper-insecure about the hereditary nature of intelligence. I suppose what I thought was that somehow despite being, like below average, but not like retarded, like the midwit of retardation essentially, I was under the impression that if I spent my life studying and learning, that somehow this would fix me being stupid and that I would actually be smart.
I see why normies don't put in the effort to be intellectually engaged and curious, it's because you will put so much time and effort, but it's like a gay man who desperately tries to make himself heterosexual, you can't change your nature, whether you like it or not, you'll always be a faggot, just like how I'll always be dumb.
It's common sense, there's no such thing as work ethic beating talent, because for one thing, work ethic is genetic and biological, and 2. that premise only assumes that you're competitors talents is somehow atemporal and static, rather than dynamic and changing with time, which of course it will change in the latter case not the former case, because people with those talents, very often capitalize on them, and when they do, they will get far more benefit out of work than you will. So even time isn't equal because a talented person learns faster and more efficiency than another person who doesn't.

So, work ethic as a compensation is a cope, and it literally took me a decade and of me being extremely ambitious, in an attempt to compensate for my inadequacy instead of accepting it, and then getting wrapped up in a sunk cost, that I naturally responded to by doubling and tripling down, rather than accepting that I completely wasted and ruined my life during my formative years that will have left me permanently damaged and destroyed until I die.

Anonymous No. 16301450

Now, the best that I can certainly can do as a consequence of me wasting time trying to learn things that I simply just do not have the wiring for, is that when I interact with the normie population, I can be a pseudointellectual, who uses fancy terminology of esoteric areas, or maybe people who are like academically specialized would be intimately familiar with, and because of that, I can impress people with a false sense of intelligence and knowledgability, that I in fact do not possess. However, anybody who was GENUINELY intelligent and educated, or had expertise in what I was talking about me, would be able to call my bluff, show that I'm a pseud, that I don't know what I'm talking about, or I'm misusing and misinterpreting jargon, or that my knowledge is highly surface level that doesn't go very deep, etc, etc. So what I can be, is a conman who can very easily be exposed for my con, so basically I have nothing and at the end of the day, my IQ is low and below average

Anonymous No. 16301668

So in practice, what does that mean? That you wish you learned a trade or joined the military instead of going to college?