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🧵 Freeze desalination (seawater)

Anonymous No. 16298389

Disclaimer: I'm no engineer. I only have very basic knowledge of HS physics and dropped out of college very early...
I read about freeze desalination a while ago and I don't get why this isn't done at scale by transporting seawater to reservoirs in the mountains, storing it until winter and then freezing it at ambient temperature. Plus they could use excess solar energy during summer to transport it and then recover it during winter as hydroelectric power. And sell the salt, magnesium, lithium, ... byproducts.
Is this idea too retarded? How complex would something like this be?

Anonymous No. 16298414

at a guess the cost of transporting sea water to the mountains would be prohibitive to begin with. may as well spend the fuel cost on heating the water directly.

Anonymous No. 16298416

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16298432

Well, that's why I said excess solar energy. Could work in certains regions where you have both mountains neat coasts like california in the US and the west coast in south america, where you find all you need: seawater, sunny places during summer and freezing cold temperatures in the mountains during winter.

>may as well spend the fuel cost on heating the water directly.
Reverse osmosis is cheaper and less energy intensirve than freeze desalination, and that uses a lot less energy than evaporation in terms of energy/electricity, but I guess boiling the water could still work...

?? WDYM?

Anonymous No. 16298467

>that's why I said excess solar energy
there is basically no such thing. and you're sure as fuck not using it to transport tons of water.

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Anonymous No. 16298494

>Well, that's why I said excess solar energy.
yes, you could use the excess energy produced during off-peak hours to pump water to colder regions.
It'd be energy better spent than mining bitcoin, no doubt.

There's also the idea of using bulk cargo ships to load up with snow, or ice blocks, in the higher latitudes, and carry it southwards, delivering it as fresh water.
That might be even more efficient since, ya know, we do that with lots of bulk cargo already.

Anonymous No. 16298526

Ok faggots, I calculated it for you.
A 100MW solar PV plant can produce 200GWh of electrical energy per year and requires 500 acres.

Let's assume we need to get 1 million m3 of water to a mountain of height = 4km.
h = 4000 [m]
v = 1000000 [m3] = 1000000*1000.0 [litres of water = [kg-f]
1 kg-f = 9.8N
E = v * h * 9.8/1 = 39.2*10^12

So, we'd need approximately 40 TWh of energy.

40TWh/200GWh = 200
Two hundred 100MW PV plants = 500*200 = 100k acres = 156 square miles.

I didn't consider energy lost due to drag in pipelines and whatever else, but this seems doable to me? Google says "California generated 68,816 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of electricity from solar power in 2023"
Considering that you could get like 80% of that energy back as hydroelectric power during winter... Could be useful.

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Cult of Passion No. 16298544

>transporting seawater to reservoirs

Truly, there is nothing new under the Sun.

Anonymous No. 16298558

Why not just pull a vacuum and boil it at room temp? Prob doesn't even need to be that good of a vacuum.

Anonymous No. 16298565

Too expensive which anyone who isn't blindingly retarded should immediately notice.

Here's a calculation for you, tap water costs about 2 buck per cubic meter, so you would have to get all of that power for less than 2 million dollars + that's just the consumer price, your production price would have to be more like 0.2 freedom marsk per cubic meter to be competitive with municipal water sources before delivery and processing and that has to include the maintenance for all the massive infrastructure you would need.

I don't understand how sci fi retards survive to even breathe when they are this delusional.

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solar pv energy p....png

Anonymous No. 16298585

Are you retarded m8? You think fresh water supply is assured? Do you understand the point of water desalination, you retard? Do you know why would it be convenient to store eergy during summer and use it during winter?
Also, energy from PV farms costs like $30/MWh on average. That's $30 million per TWh, not too far from 2 million dollars, not really far from the price you gave, and that's not considering the fact that more than half of that energy can be recovered and sold during winter, when energy becomes more expensive (because of higher demand). AND you would also have fresh water during summer...

Anonymous No. 16298588

You'd be better off using that excess solar energy to desalinate water

Anonymous No. 16298590

>not far off
>making water cost at least 100x if not 1000x is good

Anonymous No. 16298591

You might be interested in these

Anonymous No. 16298594

>use the excess energy to move saltwater to freeze it later
>when thero is so much electrical energy from solar farms that spot energy prices might even become negative
Think about it. You don't need to fill the while reservoit or use all the energy, you use the energy when convenient, and use the (stored or desalinated) water when you really need it...

Anonymous No. 16298595

Please stop shitposting

Anonymous No. 16298673

Desalination is literally only used by Israel because the Jews cannot sustain themselves naturally

We are devoting resources to this so that the pedophiles in Tel Aviv aren't momentarily uncomfortable with less drinking water

Anonymous No. 16298712

It's used in Australia too.

Anonymous No. 16298805

>Just pump endless amounts of heavy ass water from sea level to the top of a mountain....that'll be an easy and low energy project.
We got a literal retard here folks. RETARD ALERT!

FWIW, a passive solar greenhouse at sea level next to the ocean is the most effective low energy way to desalinate sea water. You pump or allow salt water to flow into a large clear dome of some sort. The water is allowed to pool and as sun hits it and heats the greenhouse dome water evaporates and recondenses as pure H20 on the walls of the greenhouse where it drips down and is collected as pure man made rain. Please note you can use deep underground pipes to pump air through a heat exchanger aka "geo-thermal cooling". With minimal fans warm air can be pumped into pipes underground to capture the Earth's natural temperature of 55-60F. With this low cost cooling device we can speed up the process of condensation inside the dome.

Please note this is all super basic tech and forms of it have been practiced for thousands of years by humans. I claim credit for the current modern idea but must admit I didn't invent any of the science. Far from it actually. It's an atmospheric water generator powered by unlimited in flows of water from the ocean.

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Anonymous No. 16298812


Anonymous No. 16298861

>a passive solar greenhouse at sea level next to the ocean is the most effective low energy way to desalinate sea water. You pump or allow salt water to flow into a large clear dome of some sort. The water is allowed to pool and as sun hits it and heats the greenhouse dome water evaporates and recondenses as pure H20 on the walls of the greenhouse where it drips down and is collected as pure man made rain
To produce what, a few liters of water?
Do you even know how much heat is needed to evaporate water compared to freezing it or passing it through a reverse osmosis device?

Elaborate or shut the fuck up, faggot

>/sci/ - """Science & Math"""

Anonymous No. 16298878

Brother its easier to just ferry icebergs to the UAE

Anonymous No. 16298940

Or you could use the excess energy to run a desalinization plant

Anonymous No. 16299015

>Do you even know how much heat is needed to evaporate water compared to freezing it or passing it through a reverse osmosis device?
What he suggests is far cheaper because the sun heating up a greenhouse at sea level is basically free while pumping water up the side of a mountain is massively expensive.

Anonymous No. 16299039

Here's one key potential advantage of freeze desalination vs reverse osmosis: by freezing seawater to certain temps, you get to keep the salt and other stuff. Most if not all reverse osmosis plants dump it to the sea.

Sure, I understand that, but these are completely different scales.

Anonymous No. 16299059

>by freezing seawater to certain temps, you get to keep the salt and other stuff.
This is called "eutectic freeze crystallization", btw.

>Most if not all reverse osmosis plants dump it to the sea.
I also forgot to mention that reverse osmosis plants only generate like 40% of fresh water for every m3 they take.

Anonymous No. 16299066

OP take your meds asap

Anonymous No. 16299079

Why do this when icebergs form naturally
Why pump water into some mythical superfrozen reservoir to freeze when icebergs are already floating around antarctica and the artic?

Anonymous No. 16299084

It'll be easier to straight evap it with heat pumps... Hot water in, cold desalinated out.

Anonymous No. 16299111

Icebergs don't take a few months to form like this would lmao

See >>16298861
>Do you even know how much heat is needed to evaporate water compared to freezing it or passing it through a reverse osmosis device?

Anonymous No. 16299121

In case anyone is interested in this topic, he's a very comprehensive paper:
>A review of advances in freeze desalination and future prospects

Anonymous No. 16299227

>Icebergs don't take a few months to form like this would lmao
What does time have to do with anything? When you open the tap you get refreshing iceberg water, you dont care that it took a few months for it to get towed.

Anonymous No. 16299299

>What does time have to do with anything?
are you retarded or just pretending?

Anonymous No. 16299333

>are you retarded or just pretending?
No, why dont you just make a point rather than insult me. Is it because you dont have one?
"time" isnt an argument

Anonymous No. 16299353

Why would you bother with all the infrastructure and the huge amount of power it would require to pump water into the mountains instead of just harvesting sea ice from the poles?

Anonymous No. 16299358

Anon, there is no need to let nature create icebergs when you literally can create them yourself. In fact, THAT'S THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF THIS THREAD.
There is also no need to destroy natural icebergs.
Icebergs and glaciers take decades to form. You could fucking GOOGLE this.

I'm not sure if you faggot(s) are trying to bait me into climate change discussion, but your shit is just retarded.

Anonymous No. 16299361

>hay guys!!!
>muh narcissistic power fantasy!!!
>…from some fake made up problem that doesn't even exist, I just made it up to justify my power fantasy
>people will finally give me the respect I know I truly deserve after I save them in my power fantasy
Two characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder are:[28]
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior)
A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, wealth, beauty, or ideal love.

Anonymous No. 16299365

It's a bot. Ignore it.

Anonymous No. 16299437

>m not sure if you faggot(s) are trying to bait me into climate change discussion, but your shit is just retarded.
What the hell are you talking about?
I didn't say it was a good idea but it makes a hell of a lot more sense than your retarded scheme.

Anonymous No. 16299440

Dunning-kruger thread.

Anonymous No. 16299443

>Anon, there is no need to let nature create icebergs when you literally can create them yourself. In fact, THAT'S THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF THIS THREAD.
Why would you spend money and effort to do what nature has made for you for free? I know thats the point of the thread, My point is your point is fucking stupid.
>Icebergs and glaciers take decades to form. You could fucking GOOGLE this.
What the fuck does anyone care about that? I took hundreds of millions of years for oil and coal to form, yet you can just go and take them. Do you understand what a natural resource is?

Anonymous No. 16299468

>just destroy icebergs bro, no one cares lmao
Ok, so this is bait. Thanks for letting me know. I'll ignore you from now on.

Anonymous No. 16300101

But I'm literally using heat that is in the water using heatpump to do that.

Anonymous No. 16300537

Its not bait. You are raging because your dont have any argument, all you have left is rage.
Your are an imbecile, kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16300538

lasers can cool things to near absolute zero and they can also boil things

lasers are the way for desalination

Anonymous No. 16300665

>You are raging because your dont have any argument
No, my point is, the argument is so obvious that there is no way you don't realize how retarded your shit is
Icebergs take a lot of time to form. Their presence or absense affect geophysics. Wanting to melt them means having to deal with consequences of that. The comparison with oil or coal is completely retarded.
On the other hand, the whole society is alarmed that there might be serious droughts in certain areas of the world, yet some of those areas also use a lot of water to produce shit like avocados...
Meanwhile, energy companies are desperate to find ways to store electrical energy.
There is no point in doing in using icebergs or glaciers when you could literally produce ice and generate fresh water by moving seawater to the mountains. The problem then becomes the energy and the infrastructure and the money.

Anonymous No. 16300719

>Icebergs take a lot of time to form.
So fucking what?
You have absolutely no argument. You talk about consequences or time and think dropping these words is an argument.