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Anonymous No. 16298438

I made a synthesis of DL-Phe from 1-napthol.

I have no reason to believe this is useful in any way. I also am unsure if it would actually work. It's based on a combination of simulator outputs and journal articles, all of which work generically, but I don't have the formal education to know if there are side reactions or if some of the groups are deactivating in this instance, or if the usual workups are inapplicable.

It is entirely the product of a deranged mind with too much time available.

Anonymous No. 16298443

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16298453

It's still less deranged than 90% of this board these days.

Anonymous No. 16298954

5. the mCPBA will oxidize the amine
8. check if DMP is compatible with acids
9. the mCPBA will oxidize the amine
10-11. unnecessary, just hydrolyze the aldehyde
12. NaOH is the wrong type of base to use
13. AcO is not the best protecting group to use

B+, good effort though

Anonymous No. 16300224

What would a better protecting group be? Something bulkier?

Anonymous No. 16300304

In these cases I always recommend that the OP does a flip and so that is my recommendation for you as well

Anonymous No. 16300421

Do you set up that can do this reaction?

Anonymous No. 16300580

Frankly, I don't think you need a protecting group at all for the acid. The phenol should react preferentially. But if you're concerned about it (like you should be in step 8), you generally esterify with methanol.
For step 13, I'd be more concerned about that free amine, which will definitely react with the triflyl group first.

Anonymous No. 16300609

I drew a nice scheme for a shorter pathway, but this site is cooked, so I put it here instead

Anonymous No. 16301251

what is? like is this biochemistry? I have no idea but I want to understand to play with simulators and read journal articles as well
>t. CS Econ

Anonymous No. 16301274

NTA but this is chemical synthesis, the reagents used are fairly common laboratory reagents.

Phenylalanine is an amino acid but it is also an amphetamine precursor and a building block for several drugs.

Anonymous No. 16301276

Triflate is pretty strong though, so being preferential may not help much. I know there's also a classical phenol reduction with zinc powder, but I don't know if that'd be compatible with the rest of the molecule.
Any way to make that chiral?

Anonymous No. 16301286

Protecting group compatibilities

Anonymous No. 16301502

>Any way to make that chiral?
Not directly I think, but you can go via an Erlenmeyer-Plöchl azlactone synthesis

Anonymous No. 16301571

The third reaction could also be done directly from the acid chloride stage by the Rosenmund reaction, or even directly from the carboxylic acid using a more exotic reaction described in 2019 by an AZn team.

Anonymous No. 16301667

True, I forgot about that one.
> more exotic reaction described in 2019 by an AZn team
I found Org. Lett. 21(19), 7713-7716 (2019), a single step with Re2(CO)10. That one or do you mean a different publication?

Anonymous No. 16301675

Now do world a favor and make some synthesis of P2P from things that are in the hardware store.

Anonymous No. 16302013


Anonymous No. 16302032

P2P in my country was available in "education accessories" but they banned it when one stupid show came up.

Fuck TV Shows, literally.

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Anonymous No. 16302091

>P2P in my country was available in "education accessories"
Wew, tell me more.

Anonymous No. 16302199

I was actually looking at

Anonymous No. 16302233

They've actually banned toluene in a number of states, and other chains have stopped selling it, switching to xylene. Which majorly complicates any synthesis, since they don't sell benzene either.

Anonymous No. 16302294

I don't know about the hardware store, but if you can get some phenol you can combine it with a halogen acid to get it halide, then combine with magnesium to get a Grignard reagent, which combined with propylene oxide gets you 1-phenyl-2-propanol, which is easily oxidized to P2P.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16302311

how to make lsd at home?

Anonymous No. 16302393

We really are being treated like cattle here.

Anonymous No. 16302534

Home chemistry is increasingly being made functionally illegal, if it isn't already. Texas even regulates lab glassware.

Anonymous No. 16302547

wouldn't it be simpler to just ban all druggies? and by ban, I mean kill?

Anonymous No. 16302680

> not one enzyme in the reaction scheme
> "is this biochemistry?"
you are not ready anon

Anonymous No. 16302813

Lol, good luck keeping your grignard dry and free of oxygen, your yield will be shit.

Anonymous No. 16302938

Interesting, thanks.

>phenol you can combine it with a halogen acid to get it halide
Aromatics don't do simple SN1 or SN2. Phenol does not behave like a normal alcohol. This doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 16302974

Here they sell it denaturalized at hardware store, but only to registred companies.

Anonymous No. 16302976

What about pyrolysing benzyl-ethyl with acetone in salty solution?

Anonymous No. 16302978

Innert atmosphere + anti-humidity substance which creates perciprate with water.

Anonymous No. 16303280

Can a more aggressive agent like PCl5 do it?

Anonymous No. 16303341

lol @ yur naivety

Anonymous No. 16303381

It would be easier to use EAS to get bromobenzene.

Anonymous No. 16303392

We have steps from benzal chloride, not bromo benzene, it's the same?

Anonymous No. 16303731

thielbot post

Anonymous No. 16303802

Just use AlCl3 instead of FeBr3, what is the motivation for using chlorobenzene? Bromoalkanes or other bromine compounds tend to be more selective in some reactions.

Anonymous No. 16303806

Sorry, I misread. This was originally in response to >>16302294

Benzal chloride is a different molecule but wasn't mentioned in that proposed synthesis.

Anonymous No. 16304210


Trully, but somehow I remember that benzal chloride to cyanide, and them something with HgAl to get the product.

Anonymous No. 16304657

Wtf is that? Will it make me high?

Anonymous No. 16304734

It's an amino acid

Anonymous No. 16305577
