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Anonymous No. 16298520

Is tap water safe to drink?

The government the small amount of microplastics and hormones won't harm us.

Anonymous No. 16298531

Government been drinking microplastics and hormones for years, just look how its doin'

Anonymous No. 16298615

If you're concerned about microplastics, there's literally no water on the planet that's free of them. If you're worried about fluoride, don't be; fluoridated water is good.

Anonymous No. 16298617

what about the hormones from anti-baby pills that whores piss out every day?

Anonymous No. 16298645

Diluted into basically nothing in sewers, then diluted more in wastewater treatment plants. All pregnant animals piss hormones, we don't make or have enough of those kinds of medications for it to have a significant impact.

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Anonymous No. 16298658

> It's in the water

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Anonymous No. 16298663

>fluoridated water is good.

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Anonymous No. 16298688

fluoridated water is good for you?

Anonymous No. 16298818

I have farm cats raised on rainwater mostly. I get all my water from an RO filter that takes out the chemicals like fluoride and other contaminates. My cats and dog will drink RO water but the cats will drink day old puddle water before they drink even the RO water. They flat out refuse to drink tap water from the nearest town. They see it as poison water. I rescued my dog as a stray from the literal woods so it's likely she survived mostly on rainwater too. She won't drink tap water, smells it then runs away.

>One of the most efficient ways to remove microplastics from your source water is to use a reverse osmosis system (RO) in your kitchen. This system removes the impurities in your home directly at the point of use. Most contaminants are removed by a RO system, making the water in your home safe for drinking and cooking.

I live off grid and like I said get RO water from town for now but I have my own RO filter with a UV light attached. I'll be setting it up to filter rain water soon. Not only should the rainwater be microplastic free as it falls out of the cloud but the filter would take care of it anyway. I'm pretty sure all the microplastics in rainwater come from contamination once it hits Earth. Or are microplastics airborn now, I honestly don't know. Either way my RO filter should take them out. Cost me just over $200 on Amazon for what it's worth.

Anonymous No. 16298941

Could you post the link of the one you got from Amazon? I'm thinking about getting a Berkeley one.

Anonymous No. 16299467

>Is tap water safe to drink?

That depends where you live, anon.

Anonymous No. 16299479

you vill drink ze hormonz

Anonymous No. 16299534

>won't drink tap water, smells it then runs away.
that's clearly bullshit, no animal would sense that. post video

Anonymous No. 16299581

depends where its coming from
for example most of austria has excellent tap water directly from the mountains with nothing added, but I wouldn't drink tap water pretty much anywhere in the US.
your animals know whats up
even I can smell the chlorine in many tap waters. they have much better noses