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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16309564

Raptors edition

Anonymous No. 16309571

cool pic can anybody explain the main progresses each version?

Anonymous No. 16309582

>Raptor 1 (sea level variant)
>Thrust: 185tf
>Specific impulse: 350s
>Engine mass: 2080kg
>Engine + vehicle-side commodities and hardware mass: 3630kg

>Raptor 2 (sea level variant)
>Thrust: 230tf
>Specific impulse: 347s
>Engine mass: 1630kg
>Engine + vehicle-side commodities and hardware mass: 2875kg

>Raptor 3 (sea level variant)
>Thrust: 280tf
>Specific impulse: 350s
>Engine mass: 1525kg
>Engine + vehicle-side commodities and hardware mass : 1720kg

So basically less mass, more thrust. They didn't gave the costs, but probably easier to manufacture. Also, less components means better reliability.

Anonymous No. 16309583

Raptor 1: First Edition. Proof of concept of FFSC on a methalox engine.
Raptor 2: Simplify, reduce weight, increase thrust.
Raptor 3: Simplify, increase robustness for operational environment, reduce weight, increase thrust.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16309587

Polite report for thread-splitting

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16309589

>gets banned for declaring he's reporting

Anonymous No. 16309591

You need yo link to the previous thread

Anonymous No. 16309592

whats with the powder coating

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Anonymous No. 16309633

>Controllers (?): check
>Fluid management: check
>TVC systems: check
You were saying, Tory?

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Anonymous No. 16309639

It's happening :)

Anonymous No. 16309646

Uhhh, so how many BE4 have ever been produced? Raptor in the 500s...

Anonymous No. 16309652


Anonymous No. 16309655

It would probably need a bit of refueling near the Moon though. Especially if you're not aerobraking for the return

Anonymous No. 16309711

New Glenn is supposed to launch in september 2024, but the tests are still going on.
I guess we'll have to move it again, august 2026 of everything goes fine and fastly.

Anonymous No. 16309732

I want to see falcon 9+raptor(starship?) in an energia or SLS stack configuration :(

Anonymous No. 16309778

Still in awe on how clean Raptor 3 looks

Anonymous No. 16309850


Anonymous No. 16309881

Are the pipes missing in raptor 3 or did they manage to make it a lot simpler than 1/2?

Anonymous No. 16309909

Some were not needed and others are 3D printed in the wall of the engine itself

Anonymous No. 16310266

Back in good old days it was called casting and moulding. Now even houses are being 3d printed, crazy world we live in rn

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be-4 vs raptor.jpg

Anonymous No. 16310503


Anonymous No. 16310507

amazing how when some technology advances it gets simplified and all the unnecessary elements are removed, but meanwhile my web browser delivers the same content it did 20 years ago, but now it needs 100x more computing power to do the same thing

Anonymous No. 16310511

why are the R3 stats blatantly wrong?

Anonymous No. 16310514

The artist admitted on xeeter they were using V2 stats. They haven't updated the image yet.

Anonymous No. 16310518


Anonymous No. 16310561

why has this fake spam /sfg/ not been deleted yet?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16310573

t. aerojew shekeldyne

Anonymous No. 16310831

i'm still baffled how they got all of that inside the walls.
it's never gonna happen of course but i'd love to get an X-ray view of where all the remaining wires and pipes are hidden inside the main body of the engine.

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Anonymous No. 16310872


Anonymous No. 16310874

Because your browser was updated by retards.

Anonymous No. 16310934

Your web browser actually does a hell of a lot more than it did 20 years ago. Try an old OS with an old browser in a VM to see.

Anonymous No. 16310944

>contract to complete a study

Anonymous No. 16310956

Yeah, sure, they're going to launch a Dragon for $267k...
It could be related, though honestly, studies for "hey, what if we kept a capability to launch a rescue spacecraft at a 1-2 day notice in case of something happening" should have already been made

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Anonymous No. 16310962

If they're streching Starship, they might as well make a proper ferry Starship that will move between LET and NRHO.
And here's a needed correction.

Anonymous No. 16311044

>j-just wait till BE4 gets completely overhauled guys
both BE4 and Raptor began development in 2011. do these contrarians hear how stupid they sound?

Anonymous No. 16312080

Why does it say vac when those are clearly the sea level isp's?

Anonymous No. 16312081

It's sea level raptor's vacuum isp.

Anonymous No. 16312083

Thats stupid

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elon's trann....png

Anonymous No. 16312090

Musk btfo by based Vivian

Anonymous No. 16312125

>... Spaceflight?

Anonymous No. 16312159

Why doesnt elon's son kill himself? that would solve the problem

Anonymous No. 16312161

VP Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate

Anonymous No. 16312165

DEI candodate

Anonymous No. 16312289

Is the left still acting as if the western birthrate isn't terrible? What is even the point of denying it at this stage?

Anonymous No. 16312293

Worrying about it is racist, because there are plenty of Africans and Indians that can replace the missing white people, but the Great Replacement is a conspiracy theory, but cratering western birth rates and sky-high immigration are good things.

Anonymous No. 16312294

It's just not an issue when you can import slave labor

Anonymous No. 16312683

Not a single one of those accusations are backed up by anything, it's just aimless schwitzing.
How sad that even being the son of Elon can't save one from the induced brain death of transvestitism.

Anonymous No. 16312823

Is 3 going to be used on the next flight?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16312901

meanwhile this is apparently one of his brothers - same age:

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16312922

His other brothers of the same age seem to be ok so maybe vi[v]llainous isn't very trustworthy
and of the soundest mind but idk..
Also, kind of reminds me - anyone remember that German suspected trans that was Elon's assistant or something? I think their name was also Vivian. At least s/he was a fan of SpaceX/tesla. Wonder what happened to her/him.

Anonymous No. 16312932

Quite a few flights are still going to be raptor 2s, they have produced 569+ examples of raptor 1+2.
Raptor 3 is going to be part of some of the big revisions to booster and ship in the future.

The next flights should be fine in terms of engine reliability. Some of the biggest issues on engines come from ship and booster. Last flight had a real shaky landing burn because of low pressure in the landing tank, they have added additional pressure vessels almost directly on the tank to help fix that.

Anonymous No. 16312965

Kid seems based. Worrying that he's on discord with rings and painted nails though.

Anonymous No. 16312966

>musk's daughter that hasn't had a personal relationship with him for years, says the same shit as everyone else that's everywhere on the internet, the same place I got my belief system from

Speaking of crazy things that are obvious

Anonymous No. 16313323

>bastion of equality and progress
when has elon musk ever touted that sort of leftist nonsense?

Anonymous No. 16313324

Bet if the dems successfully rig it a second time they'll ban elon musk or do an antitrust thing and destroy spaceX, killing humanity's chance to set up some sort of colony elsewhere before this civilization collapses.

Anonymous No. 16313330

>when has he shilled ee and progress