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🧵 Is psychiatry real medicine?

Anonymous No. 16359196

>28 years old
>22 of those years spent receiving psychiatric treatment from some of the country's best """doctors"""
>grow up to be a tranny who mows down a bunch of 9 year olds and commits 41%-by-cop because ywnbam

If an oncologist gave someone a controversial new cancer treatment and they wound up with 5 more types of cancer people would ask some questions.

Anonymous No. 16359202

Shut up and meds.

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Anonymous No. 16359335

>Is psychiatry real medicine?
It hasn't been in at least 25 years.
>If an oncologist gave someone a controversial new cancer treatment and they wound up with 5 more types of cancer people would ask some questions.
You bring up an excellent point. The vast majority of modern psychiatry actively harms and worsens the conditions of its patients. It is no longer a rigorous school of medicine requiring a scientific and shrewd mindet in order to function. It is now a rote regurgitation of operationalized critetia sets literally VOTED BY HANDRAISING into existence. And the supposed treatments are untested and not understood research chemicals applied recklessly in order to secure material rewards from pharmaceutical company reps for meeting quotas. It's really become a sickening business, literally.
You're part of the problem.

The real only way forward is the path of neuropsychiatry and identifying the real biological diseases of the brain which exist (and are exceedingly few in number) and discovering the real tools we have to diagnose and treat them. This involves the use of complementary MRI, 24hr dexamethasone testing, genetic mapping, and refusal to label problems of living as pathology. Returning to the more rigorous models outlined in the DSM2 and ICD9, and restarting from there, is the safest course of action at this point from a liability viewpoint as well as a patient welfare viewpoint.

Unfortunately kikes get far too rich with the current way of doing things so this will never realistically occur until we make holocoasters happen.

Anonymous No. 16359358

An additional point I forgot to address.
Wasn't Hale a diagnosed autist? So in childhood she would have received ABA "therapy"?
My previous job was an ABA "technician". I quit within 2 months of starting because I was legitimately disturbed by what my superiors were forcing me to do. That is not "treatment" for autism. It is systematized emotional abuse of a young child and teaches them nothing of any benefit. It does not enable them to act normally. It simply tortures them for no obtainable goal. And serves to milk money from desperate parents. Because we were able to concoct "reports" at the end of the week "showing improvent" on trivial measures, the parents could feel relief that their kid was one step closer to beating their autism. A joke. A very cruel joke.
As an example one such "measure of improvement" was forcing the child to finish a single animal puzzle over and over, and the less time they spent screaming while we held their hands down and forced them to do it, the more "improved" they were in our reports. This was the case for every activity. And in order to redirect them from their special interests we were instructed to rip their favorite thing away from them and hide it. This would of course skyrocket their anxiety and result in hours of screaming and frantic searching for their stolen comfort object. Which we were told to ignore or chastise or threaten them and continue manipulating their hands into doing more inane activities like collecting all of the red rubber bands into one pile. This of course would obviously teach them how to not be autistic. Fucking evil shit. I'm shocked this doesn't create more shooters than it does. They're in these programs until at least high school.

Anonymous No. 16360424

>Wasn't Hale a diagnosed autist? So in childhood she would have received ABA "therapy"?
Nowadays, you can get ABA therapy for diagnoses like ADHD, dementia or anxiety too.
>And serves to milk money from desperate parents.
>They're in these programs until at least high school.
The whole point of such programs is to deliberately worsen the emotional state of the child, then falsely advertise it as the natural outcome of autism so the kid can be either be re-enrolled in such programs or be put on numerous drugs, most commonly anti-depressants, anti-convulsives or anti-psychotics. Of course, such drugs will completely obliterate the child's brain so the ensuing katatonia and akathisia that will likely arise must be somehow accounted for.

Anonymous No. 16360435

If you define medicine as drugs that change the probability of a psychiatric outcome, then yes, psychiatry involves real medicine. If you include the condition that a medicine should change things for the better, then no, I'd argue that every medicine prescribed in the name of psychiatry had changed things for the worse.

Anonymous No. 16360438

>If an oncologist gave someone a controversial new cancer treatment and they wound up with 5 more types of cancer people would ask some questions.
Uhm, who's gonna tell him?

Anonymous No. 16360441


Anonymous No. 16361012

attention problems can be treated effectively
psychosis and mania can be treated effectively as well
everything else is a shitshow and people generally have no fucking clue about anything

Anonymous No. 16361067

Buy an add you corporate shill.

Anonymous No. 16361240

No it's the art of promoting jewpills and getting paid for it behind the closed doors.

Anonymous No. 16361244

>psychosis and mania
Yeah giving patients a chemical lobotomy certainly does reduce positive symptoms

Anonymous No. 16361276

How do they decide on which AD to prescribe? I feel like they are secretly being paid by a drug company to prescribe patients with that company's AD s as long as the patient is not assertive.

Anonymous No. 16361288

Back in the good dope days medicine was just fucking trial and error. Simple times when people kicked the bucket and we didn't have a million fags threatening lawsuits. Nowadays, of course, the other areas of medicine seem taken out of science fiction (especially cardio, those guys are incredible) and psych has apparently lagged behind. Truth is, you just happened to stumble on the part of history when shit is still trial and error in psychiatry. And ironically, things are getting even more muddled since what was considered to be "crazy" appears to now be carefully wrapped around the endless layers of bullshit made by to twitter's next top social warrior (thus the tranny you saw, even though it's more likely than not a GLOWNIGGER posing as one to make the mouthbreathers at /pol/ think we are still living in the same dimension as we did a decade ago).
Anyways, we have the data to support certain psychiatric medications, and for those that are actually ill and not upper class tumblerinas, the side effects are a fucking walk in the park compared to their illness.
This nigga is really spitting the same biomedical model bullshit the schlomos have tried to pass as medicine for the last couple of decades, kek. You're no better than the docs who gave stims to kids

Raphael No. 16361303

What’s your thoughts on gen 2 antipsychotics? They require blood work every week how do schizophrenia fags afford them they’re usually poor since schizophrenics have lower iq -.3 and iq correlates with income

Anonymous No. 16361482

In my experience it's just random. They'll give you a prescription for one based on literally nothing. If they start to prescribe you antidepressant X but you say you want antidepressant Y because you saw a TV commercial for it that morning they're happy to give you that one instead. Then if two weeks later the placebo effect hasn't kicked in yet they'll give you a different one. Repeat until something changes or the patient drops out of treatment.

Anonymous No. 16361494

>starting at 6
I’d bet truly any amount of money that around 6 they started exhibiting signs of cross-sex identification and the parents made sure to find a way to pathologize it and put them through various obedience training abuse programs like ABA. This obviously doesn’t treat the actual issue and adds new ones. You can tell from their writings that it emotionally stunted them. This whole thing would have been prevented by just not having christschizo parents and childhood transition.
I think it’s safe to say that most cases of prepubertal psych intervention in the United States without intellectual impairment are just covert abuse of lgbt kids by religious schizophrenics. Professionals that give psych meds to children without intellectual impairment should be hung in televised public executions.

Anonymous No. 16361512

Judeo-Christianity is a form of child abuse, but I don't think there's enough evidence of efficacy to warrant using childhood transition as a treatment.

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(Not) God No. 16361515


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16361520

>teaching children the morals that have underpinned the most successful civilizations of the past 2000 years is child abuse
>castrating children because they like barbie dolls needs further study to determine efficacy
ok satan

Anonymous No. 16361550


Remove the judeo part and you might be right.

Anonymous No. 16361564

>If an oncologist gave someone a controversial new cancer treatment and they wound up with 5 more types of cancer people would ask some questions.
kek this is a really good point

Anonymous No. 16361668

Imagine another medical field being this dysfunctional. The only people they can cure are healthy people.

Anonymous No. 16362084

Psychiatry works as excuse for people who commit crimes.
Then also innocent people get sedated by their pills and have whole metabolism fucked up.

So it damages society minimum two times.

Anonymous No. 16362103

>Most successful
Can you then please explain why during the heyday of Christianity 500-1500 Europe was a shithole that got pushed around by the Caliphates, Ottomans, Timurids, Mongols, etc., but that the moment Hebrew nonsense was rejected during the Renaissance Europe took over the entire globe and invented the modern world? Judeo-Christianity has been nothing more than a gangrene that held Europe back a thousand years, and Europe was successful despite Judeo-Christianity, not because of it.
Childhood is thinking that Judaism and Christianity are the same thing, adolescence is thinking that there is a difference, adulthood is realising that they're just the opposite poles of the same slave morality system.

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Anonymous No. 16362215

Anonymous No. 16362280

It's all gud.

Anonymous No. 16362338

>I’d bet truly any amount of money that around 6 they started exhibiting signs of cross-sex identification and the parents made sure to find a way to pathologize it...
You're overthinking this. What you're looking at is an unfortunate feedback loop that already starts before the kid is born. The hospital fucks up, kid is born with cerebral palsy. Because brain damage caused by medical error would render the hospital's insurance company liable, doctors are incentivized to find an alternative explanation for a kid's developmental disability. Autism immediately enters the game because autism, unlike a notion of intellectual disability, can function as a stand-alone explanation. You can deduce similar incentivizes for pharmaceutical companies in regards to SSRIs, prescription drugs, even vaccines (although I personally doubt that considering how much mass media broadcasted the theory)
When the kid hits 2. If he doesn't talk or doesn't want to play with other kids, it immediately results in worrisome parents who want to work 100 % but probably can't because for-profit daycare centers don't allow for troublesome kids. In order to still find a place, their kid needs to have a diagnosis so it can get "legal protection". The kid is then dumped in some special needs facility.
By the time, the kid hits 5 and is either troublesome or somehow slower than desired in some way (please remember that doctors and psychologists are utterly incapable in differentiating between autism and simple developmental delays), he will enter the public school system which is yet another environment that is more or less completely bought out by a federal bureaucracy where pharmaceutical industries and other private market companies have a large buy-in. Now there, a certain percentage of kids must be diagnosed with ADHD or autism or depression because a markedly lower percentage would 1. result in diminished additional funding for the school, 2. also in accusations of "medical neglect".

Anonymous No. 16362355

From there, it more or less goes on uninterrupted. By the time kids are 15, nearly half of all boys will have been enrolled in some Special needs classes or have been altogether put in Sped. At least in the USA, schools get triple funding for special needs students. At any given moment, legally, roughly 20 % of an entire school's student body consists of special needs kids. This doesn't include schools where the entire student body is special needs.
In regards to autism, school psychologists are also incentivized to diagnose it because it allows school administrators to get off the hook once someone somewhere points out problems in regards to students either getting bullied or being socially isolated. Ever wondered why it's common for psychologists to claim that "autistic" kids get bullied because of their "autism"? Wouldn't that strike you as an incredibly insensitive and maybe questionable statement? Well, it is and it probably should raise questions but it won't because it's much more convenient for anyone to pretend that the opposite applies.

Anonymous No. 16362374

Having talked about the legal incentivizes, we can also talk about the core formulation of autism which is distinctively pseudo-medical. There are, after all, no medical, biological, metabolical tests for it (although some autistic behavior can be robustly associated with, for example, heavy metal poisoning)
Yet, we are supposed to believe that its medical and biological basis have been robustly proven (as assumed genetic malformations of neuro-architecture). These acclaimed structural defects, never proven, are acclaimedly responsible for the autism spectrum where an assumed but (again unproven) condition manifests itself in widely different ways. In some, it isn't perceptible at all because they "mask" it (where masking amounts to a purely subjective notion that allows anyone to declare him- or herself as autistic), in others, it is accompanied by severe intellectual defects and epileptic seizures. To me, this looks like a very obvious attempt by industrial corporations to cover up medical malpractice by normalizing an (potential) increase in the number of metabolically induced brain damage cases.

Anonymous No. 16362385

it ruins lifehoods, especially if person is put on them in their teenhood, its criminal

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Anonymous No. 16362699


Anonymous No. 16362874

There's no edition of the DSM you can roll back to and expect good results, the field is just astrology in a white coat, with a disturbing amount of extralegal power. I hope to see the day psychiatrists hang from street lamps and trees.

Anonymous No. 16363065

>What’s your thoughts on gen 2 antipsychotics?
Their utility and safety are pretty much 1:1 to SSRIs, as in none at all
At least SSRIs have the excuse of accidentally effectively treating a single illness (OCD). 2nd and 3rd gen neuroleptics have absolutely no positive use at all. Nonaffective psychotic disorders respond best to 1st gens, while the latter two gens have less effectiveness than the former while retaining the same if not more threat of irreparable extrapyramidal damages.
And the latter two gens have of course been falsely marketed as "safe and effective" for affective disorders and even anxiety disorders contradictory to evidence. They are most abused in bipolar patients, who should never receive neuroleptics in the first place.
They are extremely dangerous and extremely widespread.
>They require blood work every week
Not in practice. I've been on them for almost a year without even a blood draw the beginning week. Nobody gives a fuck. I've tested my blood sugar periodically and now it's remained in the prediabetic range, horrifyingly enough.
>how do schizophrenia fags afford them they’re usually poor since schizophrenics have lower iq -.3 and iq correlates with income
Medicare/medicaid pay for all meds and noncompliant schizos usually receive depot injections once a month.
Incorrect. The first two did stay mostly true to reality in terms of describing actual neuropsychiatric illness entities. Although the language was of course garbled by psychoanalytic gibberish.

Anonymous No. 16363720

What's your opinion on GTS-21?

Raphael No. 16364740

Thanks anon

So do gen 2 AP lower iq? It causes kinetic hindrance so brain shrinkage?

Anonymous No. 16365001

Never heard of it before now so no opinion on it.
>kinetic hindrance
I'm not familiar with that phrase
Unless you mean literal hindrance of movement as with induced parkinsonism?
I haven't seen any evidence it results in brain shrinkage per se but in the case of acquired extrapyramidal syndromes, specifically tardive dyskinesia, there is a component of presumably permanent cognitive impairment which in practice one could probably find does lower IQ (as with dementias).

Anonymous No. 16365052

That's only clozapine. And if you are on clozapine, you most likely are on Medicare/Medicaid and SSDI

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Anonymous No. 16365379

Psychiatry is filled with psychopaths. They all know this stuff is crazy powerful and fucks people up but they like to see that their patients are struggling with the doses and combinations they prescribe. Like when Jordan Peterson almost died from his xanaxed nervous system shutting down.

Anonymous No. 16365881

I suggest you to read about GTS-21, especially if you're patient.

Anonymous No. 16366049


Anonymous No. 16366057

Gerd Postel was a German psychiatrist who triggered one of the most significant medical scandals in German history. Between the 1990s and 2000s, Postel posed as a psychiatrist and gained a reputation as an expert witness in criminal cases, despite falsifying his credentials to gain entry to a as a doctor in a psychiatric facility. He did not engage in abuse or commit any harm to patients.
Postel's actions exposed the flaws in the psychiatric system, demonstrating that it can be based on superficial knowledge and empty jargon. He even referred to himself as a "charlatan amongst charlatans" because he was able to rise to a leading position despite his lack of qualifications.

Postel's deception went undetected for a long time, but he was eventually caught when a former colleague recognized him and reported it, leading to a background investigation.

Notably, state attorneys still praising his analytical skills, despite despising him for faking his credentials.

Anonymous No. 16368399


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Anonymous No. 16368407

Anonymous No. 16368424

as real as any other field of medicine
drug works? ship it

Anonymous No. 16368449

They lost the plot of sanity

Is not about dwelling on the insanity