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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16362911

Pythagoras' theorem has been solved.

Anonymous No. 16362915

Bix^2 + nood^2 = sheeeit^2

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rolando blackmun.jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16362944

>Ne'Kiya Jackson and Calcea Johnson

Anonymous No. 16363011

Don't bixnoods every get tired of being put on a pedestal like circus animals for nothing?

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Anonymous No. 16363028

everything they do needs to be publicized

Anonymous No. 16363033

It's like clapping for a toddler when it takes a dump

Anonymous No. 16363198

its very similar, except that the toddler eventually develops out of the stage where they don't question the veracity and validity of the praise they're receiving

Anonymous No. 16363221

>Pythagoras' theorem has been solved.

Anonymous No. 16363324

cant wait for the movie

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Anonymous No. 16363371

Unironically, 90% of /sci/ are probably incapable of doing this at a fully competent level as grown ass men, yet love to post this image.

Unironically most of /sci/ struggle with basic math and are no where near being able to understand Ne'Kiya and Calcea's Proof.

This place is an insane joke.

Anonymous No. 16363372

I should however add though, that the computer building is not very impressive, but is at age 11.

The math proof is impressive at any age. The reason this thread was posted is because OP is retarded and didn't even understand the article was about them publishing an alternative proof. Let alone being able to understand anything about the proof itself.

Most of /sci/ is retarded and incapable of any of this at any age, some people here could probably build the computer though.

Anonymous No. 16363406


Anonymous No. 16363424

The proof is really clever. But, I think nobody cared about finding a trig. only derivation of the theorem. Anybody at a undergrad level could've found it or something similar.

Anonymous No. 16363485

I always enjoy it seeing /pol/tards have to watch black people having success, then get mad and try to play it down.

Anonymous No. 16363500

90% of /sci/ isn't capable of bench pressing 100 kg but being able to do so still isn't news worthy. Not sure why you think one's ability to do or not do something is the arbiter of if society at large should be impressed by something and have attention focused on it, especially if the "ability" itself is being exaggerated.

Anonymous No. 16363503

I mean, do white kids even do stuff like this? When's the last time we saw a white American kid solve something?

Anonymous No. 16363513

It's a fun proof and I agree a UG could come up with this, but this thread does show the people shitting on them have not wrote proofs for papers before.
Shame the news article title makes it sound like some pointless bullshit, when they could've worded it like: "Two high school find interesting method for Pythag"

Anonymous No. 16363949

this bait-spam becomes ever more idiotic with repetition.

Anonymous No. 16363954

What makes you think they don't? The fact that the media hasn't made a big deal about one of them?

Anonymous No. 16363957

I'm a mathlet but how does one even prove Pythagorean theorem? Doesn't the fact that it applies to every possible right triangle already prove it?

Anonymous No. 16363971

At that age, I was burning pirates Age of Empires and StarCraft disks and trading them with my classmates for extra RAM for my shitty Frankenstein PC that I got from a trash pile behind the local bank in fucking Eastern Europe.
NOBODY ever wrote any news stories about me or all the kids doing that shit while living in crippling poverty.

Anonymous No. 16364005


There's unironically NOTHING hard about building a computer if you have seen some tutorials.

It's not like you're making the parts yourself anon, you're just combining them together, lol.

Anonymous No. 16364008


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Anonymous No. 16364033

AND 90% of /sci/ would STILL fail or do it improperly as fully grown men, by either buying incompatible parts or installing components incorrectly.

The article also says he won a competition for computer programmers. This would also be completely and totally unrealistic for over 95% of /sci/ at any age.

I stand by my comment. This place is an insane joke.

If there was even a chance that what I was saying was bullshit people would post actual science and math on here, instead of laughing at people who have made actual contributions to math or actually understand computer science just because they're black.