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๐Ÿงต Earth's core will stop spinning

Anonymous No. 16363678
Why isn't this in the mainstream news?

Anonymous No. 16363709

that article doesnt say that. try reading your own clickbait you chump

Anonymous No. 16363946

because it's nothing remarkable. also, it won't stop spinning, it will temporarily synchronize its rotation with the rest of the planet. it happens regularly.

Anonymous No. 16363984

>Still believing mainstream geological theory garbage

kek. it is amazing how far behind the mainstream is when it comes to real science

Anonymous No. 16363995

Where does one go for cutting edge Dark Flat Geology these days? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous No. 16364176

better version of this image

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Anonymous No. 16364178

fuck i'm dumb

Anonymous No. 16364221

The study makes no mention of what you're asserting. It only proposes the core has variance.
Although, to be fair, it is a pretty poorly written article that seems like its intentionally vague, like the author doesn't even know what the hell they want to write.
It's a lot of words that pretty much say absolutely nothing of value, other than "scientists believe...." or "scientists are hoping..." and more-or-less repeats itself numerous times.

Almost like a garrulous rambling to fill in space to make it appear like there's substance.
I feel like I wasted time reading it, honestly. It had nothing of actual value in it.

Anonymous No. 16364226


Anonymous No. 16364878

>Two more weeks before we're all irradiated
It's over...

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Anonymous No. 16364931


But the smartest one was missing... Nikola Tesla

Sort of like Time magazine having an entire issue on latest AI and they have all the big names of AI... missing Elon Musk !

Anonymous No. 16365345

Do you have it with the brainless woman cropped out? (Curie)

Anonymous No. 16365636

>Why isn't this in the mainstream news?
that shit was all over the mainstream news when it came out.